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University of North Carolina Lyrics
"I'm A Tar Heel Born"

Here comes Carolina-ina.
Here comes Carolina-ina.
We hail from NCU.
We've got the spirit-irit.
We're gonna win it-init.
We wear the colors white and blue,
so it's fight, fight, fight for carolina
as Davey did in days of old
we'll gather round that well
and cheer that team like hell
for the glory of UNC.
I'm a Tar Heel born.
I'm a Tar Heel bred.
and when I die I'll be a Tar Heel dead.
So it's rah rah carolina-ina.
rah rah carolina-ina.
rah rah rah rah -- go to hell state!

(Followed by chants of: Go Tar Heels! in question and answer format with the band.)
