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                                                           ( Registration No. S/86552)                                                                                                        

                                                     (Affiliated to : International Eye Bank, Kolkata & Ganadarpan, Kolkata)                                                                          

50, Rajendra  Avenue, Uttarpara, Hooghly, Pin. Code 712 258,  West Bengal

                                                  Phone Nos. 663-4178/8003/3262








01.     It is incredible that at this juncture of the new Millennium one of every three completely sightless citizenry (persons) is Indian.

02.     In our country a staggering 1.36 Million people are completely sightless and 4.50

Million are partially sightless.

03.     Medical Science has reached such a great height and Medical researches have made such terrific advancement that eleven organs viz. CORNEA, EAR DRUM & EAR BONE, BLOOD, KIDNEY, SKIN, HEART, LUNG, LIVER, PANCREAS, BONE AND BONE-MARROW from a corpse can be transplanted offering potential benefits.

04.     Transplantation, which is efficiently, conducted by the proficient ophthalmologists give the eyesight to the sightless persons wonderfully.

05.     The more the public becomes aware of the utility of Cornea, the more likely it is that they can make pledges for donating Eyes and their full Body too, after death.

06.     With a view to promote greater understanding of the noble cause, we would acquaint you with the fact that for the purpose of transplantation the only consideration is healthy Cornea  - age, cataract, inter ocular lenses, spectacles etc. do not count.

07.     In medical science death has been described in two ways: -

(i)      Brain death or Brain Stem death      &      (ii) Clinical death

08.     Within 4 to 6 hours of death Cornea is collected by expert doctor and preserved    

         and protected scientifically under strict medical supervision for immediate supply  

to the nearest Eye Bank for proper use.

09.     Eyes of the victims of AIDS, Hepatitis ‘B’, Septicemia and Cancer         are essentially required for researches for the potential benefit of mankind.

10.              Removal of Cornea is a superb process and does not leave any trace of deformity.

11.               We are confident that people will tend to respond to the call of the humanists to ensure donation of the corpse for the Nobel cause of serving humanity.

12.              Since 18.01.1990 when the body of late Sukumar Home Chowdhury the first donation of this kind was made to the R. G. Kar Medical College & Hospital, And up to date the  number is  191  have been utilized for the purpose of Medical Researches in West Bengal and brought about revolutionary progress in the field of medical study.

13.              So far 9 full body and 52 Eyes of the immortal souls have been received from our neighborhood and used for the augmentation of humanism.

14.     We are determined with the programmed of propagating awareness and raising consciousness of the people to come forward to mitigate the global predicament.



What we are and what we have done


01.    82 Awareness camps, seminars, meetings, workshops have been organized and these are arranged regularly. And participated in two such programmers all over the country.


02.    Pledge-cards for Eye donation and Body donation are being accepted.


03.    Donor cards have been issued to the donors and the up to date list of such donors have been published.


04.    Free Eye testing camps for the school students are being organized regularly.


05.           Health-cards have been issued free of cost.


06.           4  ‘Aloke Yatras’ have been held.


07.    4 National Fortnight for Eye Donation have been observed.


08.           Lists of voluntary Blood Donors have been published for ready reference.


09.           Actively participated in various programmers on pollution control.


10.    Our volunteers make all out effort to convince the kin of the deceased souls who have no pledge, to donate Eyes / Corpse for the noble cause.



What we need


01.           Please come forward to make a pledge to donate Eyes / Body and reinvest yourself.


02.           Your much valued advice and active participation are earnestly solicited.


03.           Extend liberal financial assistance.


04.           Ensure your Co-operation for the advancement of the movement.