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Hello, this is Amanda's Site!

to my website!!!

What u hear is me singing along with TLC's *No Scrubs*, u may have to wait a couple mins for it to download though.
The link below to pics r some of me and some friends and stuff as u can read.
But anyhow, Hello and Thanx for coming to my site, enjoy your stay. Sign Guestbook PLEASE! Well here is where I will begin to tell ya a lil about me, not everything, cause not everyone needs to know everything. My name is Amanda. I lived in Fort Wayne, Indiana after I moved from Portland, Indiana. Now I live in Hawaii with my husband till 2006. My (Birthday) is 07-25-84. I was born in Bluffton, Indiana. I wear contacts (cat eyes), and suppossed to wear glasses when not wearing contacts.
I love lil babies and lil kids, and I love watchin one of my cousin's kids. I will be a great mom. I have 2 half brothers, both older then me. My dad is a drunk, druggie, smokes, and is abusive. I have talked to him on the net and phone once in awhile. ( I stay away from them kinda people, they bad news) I don't smoke, drink, or do drugs.
I found a really great guy. We got married November 3rd, 2003. I am a very lucky person. We are going to have our first baby. It's due October 22nd, 2005. I love u Brandon lots and lots. I ran away once with my first ex, haha, Juvenile Hall suxs! that is all I will say bout ex'es cause they aren't important my husband is the important one.
I never see my dad, I saw him one day and he didn't even know it was me, now ain't that just sad? I thought so to, but oh well my mom claims me. I got the perfect guy. I love u sooo much Brandon!!! That is just part of my life, there is more. grr doesn't the past suck, the future keeps getting better though. Everything is lookin up for the best now, thank u baby.
Well I have a 94 Pontiac Firebird automatic with t-tops, woohoo, also a 91 S-10 4x4 with sunroof and yes my mom is buying them for me.
I have 2 dogs at my mom's house "Skittles, and Jaws". I also got a kitten at mom's. I also have 2 dogs here in Hawaii. I love animals. Skittles was born May 6th, 2001, i got her Aug. 21, 2001. she my lil baby :) she is part fox terrier and part chiwawa. My other baby, Jaws is full blooded minature chiwawa, he was born November 25, 2002, I got him January 13, 2002. He my cute lil baby also. Not sure how old my kitten is.
I had home school for high school, but I graduated 12-16-01 woohoo, ahead of my class haha suckers, lol. got my diploma in the mail 12-24-01 what a great Christmas present that was huh? it's in picture frame on the wall. I started college in Aug of 2002. I went to Ivy Tech in Muncie, Indiana for 3 semesters. Then, I went to IPFW for one semester. Then I went to yet another college. Now, I am attending Westwood Online, and will be graduating in 2005.
I am a really nice, sweet, caring, and very very shy person. If I was lookin for a guy, which i'm not, I found the perfect guy, I would look for a nice, sweet, honest guy that don't smoke, drink, do drugs, cheat, be abusive, lie, ect.. I also don't like guys that wants the woman to work and the guy sit at home on his ass, that just ain't right at all.
I have my ears pierced, and my left eyebrow was done *need to get it redone*, also gonna get belly button done, but no tatts. My favorite color is purple. I love to talk to my husband Brandon, listen to music, collect beanie babies, watch tv/movies, drive my car, hang out, bowl, concerts, ride on 4 wheelers, play pool, and listening to cd's and radio, and showin off my car lol, also love revin it up, givin it gas, (i've peeled out a few times to) (it don't like wet or icey roads, i have found that out, ain't wrecked it yet though, thank god, but i better not brag yet, but I hope i don't wreck it, haha) and racin peeps on da highway and at stop lights haha, watch tv/movies, ect... u may think i am crazy or may not believe me but i collect "ink pens" also. i dunno y, but i do. I also got alot of key chains, and gettin the new quarters that come out. I also got lots and lots of cd's. I like basically all music except that old slow stuff with no beat to it. I like rap, alternative, rock, ect... basically everything except that old slow country shit with no dang beat. I like lots of movies, comedy, scary, whatever as long as it's cool and not dull or black and white. I went to Ozzfest 2001 in Noblesville, IN. But I had to leave after Crazy Town played because my friend I took was sick, grrr. But it was fun while I was there.
My ICQ # is 22383436. If ya got yahoo messenger a couple of my names r: ash69_2000_69 and ash02_84. Well I think that's all for now on this page, see ya and enjoy your stay and come back whenever ya want, thanx. oh ya, and again, Please Sign my Guestbook, Thanx! if u have anything u would like me to add, your website address, info., pictures, or anything just ask me, thanx. later ya'll peace i'm outta here.

this is my diploma, it's blurry sorry, and I blurred the last name out for a reason, so some physco don't come see it, haha. if u wanna see it blown up bigger just click on it.

this is a cute lil picture, u can click on it to blow it up bigger also.

a few cool sites, my pictures, and guestbook page:

First Picture Page!
Second Picture Page!
Third Picture Page!
Fourth Picture Page
Guestbook, sign me please
A friends' (Steves') really cool website
A friends' (Joes') really cool website
A friends' (Chucks') really cool website
Home school I graduated from
A Good Online Auction page
cool website to search for anything
college I am currently attending online
This is some stuff I've done
