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  Ties and devices
Post Strap:" I was pulled to the post, close to it and facing it. The heavy belt,  with the ring on it, through which the loose post strap passed, that strap looping the post and threaded through the belt ring,was put about my belly, and buckled shut, tightly, behind the small of my back. I could now move easily about the post but, given the post strap and the belt ring, I could not be further than six inches from it. 
       Kajira of Gor, page 290 

Binding Fiber:The binding Fiber is a flat peace of leather, used by tarnsmen to bind slaves

" I wore the long, scarlet garment, hooded, sleeveless. My hands were bound behind my back with binding fiber. "Remove her bonds," said Rask of Treve. In his belt i saw that he had thrust an eighteen-inch strip of binding fiber. It was not jeweled. It was about three quarters of an inch in thickness; it was of flat, supple leather, plain and brown, of the sort commonly used by tarnsmen for binding female prisoners. 
       Captive of Gor page 282 

"Your wrists were bound together before you," she said, "and a doubled rope put through them. When you were within our reach, and we could hold you, the other end of the rope was dropped, and it was then withdrawn. We removed your bonds," "Of what nature was the bond?" I asked. "Binding fiber," said Tupita. 
       Dancer of Gor, pgs. 374-375 

Binding Strap: The Bindingstrap is a strap to secure slaves or other things.

"I threw him a narrow, eighteen-inch black strap. 
       Guardsman of Gor, page 237 

Bound by the Master's Will:In bound by Master's will the slave is not really bound. It is not always a punishment but also a command to show disciplin and please her Master. The girl can stand with her hands on her back, her hands is to touch eachother and at no time leave the contact before she is told to. She can also kneel and grasp her ankles, again she is not allowed to let go before told to. There is a lot of other ways to do this, it is up to the Frees imagination 

 "Stand," he said. We both stood. "Belt," he said. I reached behind me to undo the double belt of coins, with its two loops, one high one low. The coins on the belt, as well as those on the necklace, would be counted by Mints. "You look well with your hands behind your back," he said. I looked up. "Your hands are now bound behind your back," he said. "Yes, Master," I said. I must now keep my hands or wrists in contact with one another and behind my back. I was now "bound by the master's will." I could not separate my hands or wrists from one another now without permission. There are many ways, of course; of "binding by the master's will." The behind-the-back position is one of the simplest and loveliest. This exposes the girl, frames the beauty of her breasts and makes her helpless. That the bond is a "will  bond," too, makes clear to her the power of the master over her. Another common bond of this sort is when the girl must kneel,  grasping her ankles. Another is when she is forced to sit and reach forward between her legs, passing the right arm from inside the right thigh to outside and beneath the right calf, to grasp the right ankle from the outside, and the left arm from inside the left thigh to outside and beneath the left calf, to grasp the left ankle in the same way. In this position she is helpless and cannot rise. Too, after a time, it becomes apparent to her that she also cannot close her legs. A girl may be kept in such bonds for hours. Too, of course, she may be tied in such positions. There are also, of course, different ways of decreeing such bonds. For example, with the behind-the--back-hands-tied bond in which I had been placed I could have been informed, but had not been, that my shoulders were pulled tightly back, which, of course, forces the breasts forward for the pleasure, or attentions, of the master. "I think I shall find it difficult to remove the belt," I smiled, "bound as I am." He stood close to me, and put his  arms about me. "I shall remove it," he said. Tupita came then through the beaded curtain. She glanced at me. She was not pleased to see me in the arms of Mints, who was a desirable male, and first among my master's men. She looked at me in hatred. She did not think twice about the position of my hands.  She could see. I had been "bound by the master's will." It could have been done as easily to her, at a word. 
       Dancer of Gor page 227 

Capture Tie:"Kneel," he said to her. She scrambled to her knees. Her eyes     were wild. She could not move her hands together. They were held apart, by her waist. The current position of her left hand was just above her left hip, and of her right hand, just above her right hip. A single narrow cord bound her. The tie is accomplished as follows: One wrist is tightly encircled by the cord and bound within it, about eighteen inches in from one end of the cord. The longer length of the same cord is then taken about her belly and the other wrist is then tied within it, on the other side of her body, leaving some eighteen inches of cord on the other side of the tie. The cord is then drawn back about her belly and the two free ends tied together behind her back, this being done in such a way that the bond is quite snug. The result is that her hands are held apart, on opposite sides of her body,and that neither hand can reach a knot, either at a wrist or behind the back. This tie, it might be noted, positions a girl's hands quite near areas of likely predation by a captor. But, too, because of it, perhaps to her acute frustration, so near, and yet so far, she finds that she is absolutely incapable of interfering with any attentions to which he chooses to subject her. The waist tie, too of course, in a female, given her breasts, cannot be slipped. It is a common capture tie. She looked up at us, gasping. A circular, overlapping pin had been spread and one end inserted through her septum, drawn through and allowed to spring back, forming a nose ring. From this dangled a looped,closed cord, the loop about eighteen inches in length. 
       Renegades of Gor page 306 

Handle Tie:"Put her in the handle tie," I said. "Yes Captain," said the man,     grinning. Her fur boots were pulled off and her ankles were linked by leather thongs, she had good ankles; the leather permitted them a separation of some twelve inches; the tether on her wrists was then taken between her legs and then lifted up behind her, where its loose end was tied about her neck. The linking of the ankles prevents slipping of the handle tie, and controls the length of her stride when she is put on it. A given pressure on the handle tie, exerted through the strap at the back, permits it to function as a choke leash; a different pressure permits her to be hurried along on her toes. The handle tie is usually, of course, reserved for naked slave girls. 
       Beasts of Gor, page 17

Wrist Thong:"Consider yourself my prisoner, Lady," said the man. he felt my forearms, detecting that I was right handed. I felt a loop of leather put about my right wrist and drawn tight. It was a double loop, ran through itself, and tightened. The other end of the closed loop, about a foot from my hand, was taken in he grasp of the soldier. My captor then turned about and began to return to the camp. He was followed by his men. I was led, wrist-thonged,   with them. I had been captured. 
       Slave Girl of Gor, pages 121-122

Thumb Cuffs:"I noted one girl on the landing. From the way she held her   hands behind her back I could tell that she was in thumb cuffs.These are handy devices. They are light and take up little space in a warrior's pack." 
       Renegades of Gor, page 326

Blanket:"I then threw the second blanket, the top blanket over her, covering her completely. When a blanket or cloak is thrown over a slave like this she may not speak or rise. She must remain as she is, silent, until theMaster or some Free Man lifts the covering away." Explorers of Gor g. 94. 
       Renegades of Gor, page 326

Ankle Rack: The ankle rack is a cruel device to control the girl, she is placed with her ankles in a rack 1-2 ft. above the ground. Now she has to hold her whole body with her hands on the ground and ankles in the rack.

"Bring an ankle rack" said Ulafi to one of the guardsmen. One was brought. "Put her in it" said Ulafi. The guardsman removed his from her throat, freeing, too, her ankles. He untied her hands. Lifting her under the stomach he held her near the rack;another guardsman placed her ankles in openings in the bottom block and then top block, with its matching semicircular them.He secured the top block, hinged at the block, with a metal bolt on a chain, thrust on the lower block, over the hasp, swung down from the upper block. The guardsman who had held the girl then ceased to support her. She made a little cry. The weight of her upper body was then on the palms of her hands, her arms stiff.Her ankles were locked to the rack. This helped to support her weight. Her ankles protruded behind the rack. Her feet were small and pretty. She looked about, helplessly."
       Explorers of Gor page 68-69 

Pleasure Rack:"The pleasure rack is an interesting device," I said. I examined  the wooden wheels, the levers. In virtue of the axes of the device and the various gears and pinions, and the joints, braces, fitted, sliding boards, notches and lock points, it can be adjusted to a variety of positions. To be sure not all the pleasure racks were as sophisticated as that on which was bound my former Mistress, the former female slaver, the Lady Tima of Vonda. This device,      like some of the others, had doubtless been brought from the city, perhaps dragged forth by shackled men of Vonda, hauling on wagon ropes." 
       Rogue of Gor, page 27 

"The floor of the tent was covered with thick, colorful rugs, and the inside was decorated with numerous silken hangings. The light was furnished by a brass tharlarion oil lamp which swung on three chains. Cushions were scattered about on the rugs. On one side of the tent there stood, with its straps, a Pleasure Rack."
       Outlaw of Gor, page 199 

Rape Rack:"With a cry of misery I was thrown onto the beams of the rack. My left ankle was thrust into the semi-circular opening in the lower left ankle beam and the upper left ankle beam, with its matching semi-circular opening, was dropped and locked in place. My other ankle was similarly secured in the separate matching beams for the right ankle. The rape-rack at Tabuk's Ford is a specially prepared horizontal stock, cut away in a V-shape at the lower end. My wrists were sieved and my hair and I was thrown down on my back, wrists held in place, and my head too, by my hair in three semi-circular openings. A single beam, with matching semi-circular openings, on a heavy hinge, closes the stock. It was swung up and then dropped in place, and locked shut. I was now held in stock, on my back, by my ankles, wrist and neck, I could move very little."  Slave Girl of Gor, page 230 

Branding Rack:The Branding rack is a rack mostly used for branding with 4 iron clamps that are screwed shut about wrists and ankles, not allowing the slave to move. It can also be used for punishment, whipping ect. 

"The girl was brought into the shop and stood in the branding rack, which was then locked on her, holding her upright. The metal worker placed her wrists behind her in the wrist clamps,adjustable, each on their vertical, flat metal bar. He screwed shut the clamps. She winced. He then shackled her feet on the rotating metal platform. "Left thigh or right thigh?" he asked."Left thigh," said Ulafi. Slave girls are commonly branded on the left thigh. Sometimes they are branded on the right thigh, or lower left abdomen. The metal worker turned the apparatus,spinning the shaft, with its attached, circular metal platform. The girl's left thigh now faced us. It was an excellent thigh. It would take the mark well. The metal worker then, with a wheel,tightening it, locked the device in place, so that it could not turn."
       Explorers of Gor, page 71 

Hook Bracelets:"I rose to my feet and went to the slave room to fetch the hook bracelets, leather cuffs with locks on them, and snaps; they are soft and the snaps, as opposed to the cuffs require no key; some men enjoy them on their slaves; by means of the snaps the girl may be variously secured by the locked cuffs, her hands being fastened behind her or before her, or perhaps to her collar."
       Slave Girl of Gor, page 297 

Snap Bracelets:"I removed the locking device, and spun loose the twist handles,releasing her thigh. I freed her of the snap bracelets. I carried her, naked, branded, weeping, to the small cell where I had thrown her tiny garment, to be retrieved later. I put her down on the straw. Her throat was bare, for I had, the preceding night,the collar of Ibn Saran removed from her throat." 
       Tarnsman of Gor, page 358 

                   Hoods and sacks
Body Hood:The body hood is a sack drawn over the slaves body. Feet are usually stuck through two holes though some are without bottom and secured at the waist. The arms are mostly within the sack, not allowing the slave to move much,but allowing the Free to do what He wishes with His property

"The sack I had drawn over her was an improvised body hood.There are several varieties of body hoods on Gor, which is not surprising in a society in which slavery, and particularly female slavery, is an essential ingredient. Most body hoods are made of leather or layers of stout canvas. I have seen at least one in which two layers of canvas were sewn about a lining of linked chain. They may be fastened by means of such devices as cords,straps and laces. They may be tied shut or locked shut. The prisoner is entered into some body hoods from the back, her legs being placed through openings in the lower portion of the hood,the hood then being pulled up and, from the back, laced shut.Most of these hoods do not have openings for the arms, but some do. In most hoods the arms are confined within the hood, either free within the hood itself or bound or braceleted within it. Some hoods are open at the bottom, and fastened on the prisoner by means of thongs or straps, often looped about the thighs. Others are constructed in such a way that they may be opened at the     bottom, for the master's convenience. Sometimes the hood is thrust up and fastened about the prisoner's waist. "

"The typical hood provides hand and arm security with the advantages of the blindfold. Most body hoods, unlike many common slave hoods, do not have provisions for an internal gag.The prisoner, of course, may be gagged before being hooded.The body hood, like the slave hood, tends to keep a female      docile. This may be a particular advantage early in her training,when she may not yet fully understand her new nature and its meaning. Another advantage of the body hood is that it is intriguing and attractive on a woman. baring her legs but usually, unless the arms are also intriguingly bared, concealing the rest of her, this sort of thing exciting male interest, and yet in virtue of the predominant concealment afforded, making her seizure less likely than if she were lying about more exposed in common bonds. Slavers in moving their wares through the streets, sometimes place them in body hoods. To be sure, it is more common to throw a cloak or sheet, which might be of various lengths, over their heads, this usually being fastened on them by means of a cord or strap looped once or twice about the neck and fastened under the chin. in many cities free women object to the marching of naked slaves through the streets. Still, even though the girls may be covered with cloaks or sheets, the men will usually come to watch, and call out to them, and jeer,and such. It is understood, of course that the girls, beneath those cloaks or sheets, are slave naked. It is sometimes very trying,though also perhaps very instructive, for a new slave, perhaps a woman of a conquered city, to be marched thusly through the     streets, stung with pebbles, pinched and slapped, subjected to the most intimate forms of raillery, jocolsity and abuse."
       Renegades of Gor page 151 

Slave Hood:"Her head was concealed in a slave hood, buckled under her chin.The construction of this hood was such that it served not only as a blindfold but gag as well, the wadding being sewn to the inside of the hood, and it being held in place by laces, emerging through eyelets, tying behind the back of the neck."
       Slave Girl of Gor, page 146

"It is all part of the hood, the leather ball, the strap attached at the front of it, and the belt, with its double loop, on the outside,held in place by the belt loops, at its opening. Some hoods are little more than sacks, of canvas or leather, with drawstrings. the leather ball was thrust, by a thumb, into my mouth. I then felt its strap, attached at its front, drawn back between my teeth, and buckled behind the back of my neck. The hood itself was then placed over my head and some tucks were taken in it. It was then, by the double loop around my neck, passed twice around my neck, drawn shut. The hood was now closed about my neck. It was snug under my chin, drawn tight by the belt. the belt was then buckled shut behind the back of my neck, as the gag strap, inside the hood, had been. A small padlock, passed through two rings, the buckle ring and one of the small rings, sewn in the belt, now adjacent to it, secured the arrangement on me. I was locked in the hood. 
       Dancer of Gor, page 75 

Slave Sack:"I crawled into the sack, and it was pulled up, over my head, and  laced shut, I then felt it dragged across the floor. He then lifted it up, partly, I now sitting in it, and left it against a wall. He then left. The confinement was not intended to be one of full security, of course. If it had been, then I would have been bound and gagged within it, that I might not be able, by fingernail or teeth, to attack seams or cut through the leather. Indeed, if I caused the least bit of damage to the slave sack, I had little doubt but what I would be well punished. Confinement in the slave sack is, incidentally, a familiar form of light punishment for a girl. 
       Kajira of Gor page 273 



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