Fox's Home Page

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Hello you are the Hit Counter visitor to come here

This is MY PAGE. Hi everyone if u haven't figured it out already this is Jessica here. I'm a Senior at Rossville, class of 2002. I HATE IT! My birthday is 4-18-84. And if you want to take me out on a date, too bad, I'm not the friendly type to most guys, no i'm not gay either...I just don't feel that i need anymore males in my life at this point, i'm content with what i have right now. You'd be see me driving around an '81 red firebird, as soon as i get the rebuilt 301 in to put that under the hood. Once i grad I'm going to OSU to major in prelaw. (this is questionable) Yes you have it right, i'm going to be a laywer...all you that know me are thinking, o god J as a laywer...hehehehe

Marital Status: I'm fucking single as hell, and if you don't know me that well then don't fucking bother hitting on me, sorry if i seem like a bitch but thats what just have gotten played can do to you.....If you're a player i'm sorry but go to hell and don't even bother talking to me at all....Yes i am a bitch!

I LOVE puppies!

Anyways people give me your addy's to your homepages so I can put them on here..:)
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AIM : JessyeU18 or Indiana Fox 18 (but you have to be on my buddylist to even im me from it)

Yahoo : Jessye_triste

The highly nominated now have their own page, check it out, the link is below!!!!!!!!!!!!

Other places to go, check out my shouts outs, and photo pages!, at least!


My poem page


Visit My Message Board>
Page of Sign Pictures Friends have taken for me!
Alyson's Page
My Philosophy on Life
My Writings Of Many Sorts
Jess & Auston pictures
More Poetry
Gina's Page
Ticen's Page
My other page (lots of pictures)
My Shout Outs!
MY PHOTO ALBUM (click pic for caption)
My Personal Touch Senior Pics
My Douglas Senior Pic
Geoff's Page
Craig's Page
Highly Nominated Page (MUST READ)
My sometimes live webcam

Just One More Day

My own story

Top 10 things in my life

click here for live cams & videochat