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From the valleys of the ancient myst, where the thrid race precide. A legacy was passed down through the realms. There is an ancient society of Vampyres. Long throughout the coarse of time, there was order. For when the world was young and the third race was alive and walked freely, these creatures came forth to create order from chaos. As it is written, when the first vampyre arose, he created many others. Each created many more and throughout the eras there was chaos. The roaming clans sought war for control of the human worlds. While others lived in fear of some of the more powerful clans. Seeing the confusions of brought about by the great wars the clans were unprepared for the uprising of the humans. Many of the clans were desimated. They sought refuge were there was none and the vampyres were thought to have been extinct. Generations passed. As the human race began to grow to forget what was done, another uprising took place. The creatures of the night would not go into the dark quietly. A secret society was formed. It was called the Shadow of the Black Rose. The High Council consisted of the main clan leaders as well as a few leasons from clans of other night creatures. Together they formed a pack that one day the third race would be reborn and retake their home lands and live without fear. The wars were halted under the flag of the Black Rose. Though at first many still cried for war. The Black Rose was a pinicle where the disagreements could be settled without the furthore loss of the race. It was a place where those of the weaker clans could come and appeal for protection from the more powerful ones. The Black Rose became a Haven, a sanctuary from the wars where all were welcome. Through the aid of trust and brotherhood, the Third race flurished. It is written that the order of the Black Rose still exists even to this day. Now the Black Rose is reborn in the time of need. Where many, once agian seek its refuge. We of the Black Rose welcome thee. We offer that with peace and understanding, we will grow strong once again.

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