Smurfs, Smurves. Whatever.
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The Smurf/KKK Connection

I know that by now, you've probably read the title and said, "What the hell is this garbage? Is he insane? Did his daddy not hug him enough? What gives?" Well, I say to you, "Just shut up! Just shut your stupid face, Stupid!" Hear me out. The similarities are uncanny.

They gather in the woods at night.
They're all the same color.
They all wear white, pointed hats.
The leader wears a red one.
Make up words that begin with "Kl-".

They gather in the woods at night.
They're all the same color.
They all wear tiny white, pointed hats.
The leader wears a tiny red one.
Make up words that begin with "Smurf".

Here are some file photos taken of the two groups to prove my point:

Note: I do not support nor endorse the Ku Klux Klan, or Smurfs, but they are both delicious.
Tell me what you think...if you give a crap.