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The Shoppe and Stuff

 The Gypsy Within

Deep within me there is a gypsy, the one with a spirit so wild and free. The one who dances merrily and with wild abandon. Her eyes absorb all there is to see, thus giving her a quiet wisdom. In all things she sees the beauty and joy, In her there is no fear, as she sees only the truths. At night you can watch her dancing in the fire's glow Her images looming in and out in the shadows of the night, Her deep passionate laughter fills the air in a haunting melody, Her restless spirit leads her to far away places, seeking wonder, Her immense passion propels her into maddening love. Her abandon sets free the spirit of the man who dares approach. Her heart knows no bounds, as she lives for all of the tomorrows. She is the gypsy, the wild one, the one with the spirit of living. By Cougar Wisdom

Song by: Stevie Nicks ~Gypsy~

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TO MEGA PAGES CLICK HERE Updated Nov. 12th, 2000__Added Faery Megas


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Please enjoy and respect one another

Peace and Love

Receive Our Awards
Here With Me_NEW_April 8th, 2001
Future Page
The Ghosties_Oct.21st
Happy Birthday, Sissy_August 3rd
Out Of This World_June 18th
Sisters__June 11th
The Stairway__June 10th
There Is No If...__May 18th
WOA Tribute Page__March 21st
Wishing__March 2nd
Comfortably Numb__Feb. 14th
The Chat Room__Free Voice Chat__Jan. 7th
Fields of Gold__January 1st, 2000
Voo Doo__Dec. 21st
Merry Christmas__Nov.28th
Let Us Have Wings__Nov. 24th
Have I Told You__Nov. 22nd
Hushed Love__Oct. 27th
Just Breathe__Oct. 17th
10,000 Miles From You__Oct. 16th
Tears of Silence__Sept. 13th
Deadly Flames__August 28th
Lefty and Gypsy__August 26th
Great Spirit__August 11th
Tell Him__August 1st
Beautiful Stranger__July 24th
Hidden Love__July 22nd
The Gift__July 19th

These are linx to some of my many friends and family and also to just some very beautiful sites...I hope you enjoy them as much as I have....Peace and Love

Thank You, Eric
Sept. 11th, 1999

Thank You, Ruth Ann
Sept. 21st, 1999

Thank You, Susan Helene
Sept. 23rd, 1999

Thank You, Unicorn Princess
Sept. 27th, 1999

This award has been issued to
for her efforts and hard work to create this site

Issued on this day, 29th September 1999
Thank You, Marty

Thank You, Sunshine
October 16th, 1999

Thank You, Moxnix
October 30th, 1999

Thank You, Lori
What a Christmas present!!
December 25th, 1999
This award is for 'Tears of Silence'

VP Essentials -Hot CHAT_Award

Thank You VP Essentials
January 15th, 2000
This award is for 'Fields of Gold'


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Phenomenal Women Of The Web