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unhee do fan club

Quick facts about Unhee:

Welcome to the official site of the Unhee Do fan club. Who is Unhee? Well she's just the coolest Korean at Manchester Highschool. Unhee was born and raised in Korea, then communist East Korea. But shortly after the Berlin wall came down and East and West Korea were joined into just Korea by nazi dictator Joseph Stalin, Unhee said "sionara" to the old homeland, fleeing to the land of freedom and opportunity, the U.S. Unhee immediately picked up our language and after a few short months had no trace of a Korean accent. She, like every other Korean, plays the cello. While this is a sign of mediocrity and conformity in Korea, is has set her apart from the slow, awkward dullards of America.

That is all for now but hopefully this page will continue to grow.


members page
FUNhee Do land
Do on Do

Links to stuff

Angelfire: Provides free server space for the UDFC homepage.
Yahoo: Provides free e-mail for the UDFC.


Email Unhee Do: