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Last Updated:
July 30, 2000
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Summer, Whittler Style

Scott Hughes
Head Editor

July 29, 2000- Summer has always been that wonderous time of the year, second only to Christmas. As a kid, I'd always look forward to summer break. It was three months where I didn't have to do diddly squat. I could sit at home for two or three weeks and never leave my house. I never had to change my clothes or get ready in the morning. I could sleep whenever I wanted and stay up until all hours of the night. The best thing about summer was that feeling like I didn't have a care in the world. Summer was no doubt the best time of my life. Then, I went away to college, and every day was like being on summer vacation.

Now summer vacation is a time for slaving away rather then playing. Waking up early for work, and being exhausted all day. Having to tell bold faced lies about how much I'm "enjoying" my summer. For these reasons, and the annoying little fact that I'm lazy, the Whittler has not been updated until now.

The entire staff has been busy with various activities. Steve Johnson has been taking summer classes in a futile attempt to graduate early. Kelly Kroc has been a counselor at a children's camp in Upper Michigan. Roc Sisco has been keeping some of his "brothers" in line in downtown Gary. Finally, I've been stuck in Valpo with two jobs and still plenty of time on my hands.

When summer starts to get you down you just do what I do. Deal with it, Whittler style. I just keep on chillin. Hang loose, high five, and always remember when you're this cool the summer heat can't touch you.

Copyright The Whittler.
Started February 22, 2000. Last updated July 30, 2000.