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The Land's Sorcerer: Prologue
At the time of the Second Council there was no magic. The Gods jealously hoarded all of the magic in the Land. They feared that Their children might one day have as much magic as Themselves and might forget Them. This was how it was for five centuries. 

There happened to be Dwarves then and they irritated everyone. They didn't mean to, it was just every Dwarf's nature to annoy the other races of man. Th Dwarves even irritated two of the Gods. These Gods placed a curse on the Dwarves. The Dwarves were changed to become shorter with arms longer than their legs and their good looks were changed so that their faces looked fleshy and disproportionate. The Gods, smug with Their power, left the Dwarves alone.

A century later, a dwarf was living all by himself in the country. He was in total peace and tranquility. The Gods were furious that this one Dwarf was happy while the rest were angry and cantankerous. So They focused Their powers on this Dwarf. Their curse seemed to not phase him a bit. He didn't care what the Gods did to him. Furious, the Gods came to the Land and faced the Dwarf then poured more of Their power into this Dwarf. Out of nowhere, a dark cloud materialized around them. This cloud became a type of prison as neither the Gods nor the Dwarf could escape the cloud's thick boundaries. A voice spoke, yet did not speak, to them. It was not the sound of syllables that humans think of as speech, but as images in each of their brains. This dream-like stance showed the Gods that the Land's power and magic was in this Dwarf. The Dwarf could do anything that he wanted to; but he could not control his powers. He had turned grass into stone and some fresh water springs into love, hate, or youth springs. The Dwarf had conquered Time as not a wrinkle rested on his face. The Gods furious that the Dwarf had as much power as They did, poured the last of Their energy into the Dwarf. His body could no longer physically take it. An explosion louder than a thousand thunder claps rang throughout the Land, causing both Gods to flinch in pain. The Gods waited as the dark cloud slowly started to dissipate. They stared in fascination as the last remnants of the cloud disappeared. The Dwarf was no longer in one piece. Like pools of mercury, silvery puddles decorated the landscape for as far the Gods could see, which was a great amount due to Their powers. Within the next Sun Path something miraculous happened. The Gods watched as the larger pools turned into the Elementals: Fire, Water, Wind, and Earth. The tiny pebble sized pools turned into magicians and wizards and that ilk. Faeries, nymphs, dragons, unicorns and griffins appeared from the rest of the puddles. The Gods just stared as these magical creatures spread themselves to the furthest reaches of the Land. All that remained was one large puddle- just slightly smaller than the elementals' pools. The Gods watched it the next day and night yet nothing happened. Deciding that nothing would happen, They left to Their realms beyond the Land.

Soon after, that puddle turned into the first sorcerer. He was unnamed and in humanoid form. He knew nothing of what he had been before. He was alienated in the Land.

Naked and alone, he walked until he came to a cottage. He walked in through the open door, having to bend over so as not to hit his head on the low doorway, and finding no one at home, he decided to stay until the owner returned home. He waited for a month and no one ever came. He clothed himself and while he searched the cottage, he found a book filled with scribbles. He found it easy to read and began to spend his days reading the journal of a Dwarf called Xinlulyl. He read of the tribulations of this normal Dwarf until the Dwarf had received the present of magic from the Land Itself. The human, confused about what he read, began to feel only a few things here and there. He did not feel hunger until his second year of existence. Not knowing his name nor what he was, he called himself Xinlulyl. He hoped the Dwarf wouldn't mind. The idea of Magic began to intrigue him. The Dwarf said very little about it in his journal except that it was controlled by his mind. Xinlulyl read that the Dwarf's thoughts had predetermined what happened. Xinlulyl started to fiddle around with his powers and quickly realized he could easily control his powers. 

He became wise as he learned as much as he could about the Land. Since he was the only one, he had to create his race of sorcerers. He almost did not have offspring. In his last century he had three children, two boys and a girl. The eldest boy was a normal human since his mother was a human. The second boy and the girl were powerful sorcerers, as their mother was a wizard. The youngest two children Xinlulyl named Xinem and Xinmia. Every sorcerer after that was given the prefix "Xin" to their sorcerer's name, sorceress also having the suffix "ia".

After a millenium, sorcerers became weaker as Xinlulyl's original power had been almost weeded out. They were divided into two sides and most stayed hidden from the humans and the other mortal races of man. Sorcerers could not even be sure that their own children would inherit magic. Only one sorcerer per century was born to the Land. Humans and the other races of man began to believe that sorcerers were just legends or myths as there became so few. Those left went into seclusion. Some sorcerers thought they could see the future and seeing it bleak, they took their lives. It was a dismal period for magic. 

From the History of the Land

The Land's Sorcerer

His life began in a humble start. Yet when, Xinthusla, the greatest sorcerer ever in the Land's history grew into his full powers, the Land listened. Xinthusla's powers came not only from his first relative Xinlulyl, but also from the Land Itself. His magic and powers equaled the Gods' own. The Gods could not defeat him unless They combined together. But, Their deep hatred of each other would never let that happen. 

Xinthusla did not always use his powers. He helped those he could, then disappeared into the mists, never to be seen again. Since he had been human for so long, he acted like one. Unlike the other sorcerers who, from birth had known of their status, he kindly treated the rest of the Land. He helped end the Sorcerer's War and stopped a bloody revolution but he could not stop Death from taking his true love. He was scarcely seen after his human wife, Robin, and children were taken by Lady Death. 

He is recorded to have lived for five hundred years. No one knows if he is still alive in the present times. 

From the Book of the Land


                   Read the first three chapters of my next novel still in its semi-rough form.

Chapter One   Chapter Two   Chapter Three

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