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Are You......In2 The Goo Goo Dolls??

Coming Soon!

Pages We are Working on or Have Completed

A Short Bio of the Goos
Fan Stories!!
Upcoming Goo On TV!
Goo In The Magazines!
The Goo Albums *Track Listings and Lyrics*
Latest Goo News!

Last Updated 03/10/02

Hey everyone, As always, thank you for visiting this site! As it is dedicated to the Goo Goo Dolls AND the Fans!

The Goos are coming out with a new album on April be sure to head out to the stores to buy it! I don't know about you but I can't wait! That's less than 1 month and 12 new Goo Goo Doll songs (Feel free to let your excitement out with a loud WAHOOOOOO!). But for those of you like myself who just can't get enough up every radio station you know and request the new single "Here is Gone". Let's get our boys some air time and show them how GOOd their fans really are!!

This page is now co-owned and opperated by Lyssa!

Well goos and dolls, I wanna keep this site updated on a more regular basis. I'm gonna need some help from YOU! Send me pictures, stories...anything. Give me feedback, email me, let me know how to make this site better!!

While you are here, please sign the guestbook!!

As always, we are requesting you assist us with out site, since it is yours as well as ours...please feel free to send us your pictures, stories, comments and suggestions!!

Stay GOO-ey, from the one and "Only One"-s

~~Erica~Goo~~ and ~*~ Lyssa ~*~


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