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The Rules

Okay, here are the rules. Just follow them and you'll do fine. However, if you break these rules, I may have to eat you.

1.Do not use characters from the original series!!!!!! It is forbidden!!!!!!
2.Do not creat a character that resembles any of the original characters. Please be original.
3.Depressed characters should be avoided. But, if you absolutely have to do it, I might make an exception.
4.NO HENTAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5.Killing people is not allowed without their consent!
6.Super strong people are forbidden. It's no fun when you can defeat an angel in one hit.
7.Keep the cursing down. I don't mind if you use it, as long as you use it well. Just blurting out some random phrase for no apparent reason is not allowed. Insulting other players is not allowed. Useing frases such as "Gay" or "Retarded" as a form of an insult is not allowed.
8.Be creative and Original!!!!! It's more fun that way!

See! that wasn't so bad.