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The Application

First Name: (Doesn’t have to be your real first name. A nickname or online name will do.)
Webpage: (Optional)
msn instant messenger?: (Optional)
This information will be used to contact you about the game. It will not be displayed on the web page unless you want it to be.
Name: (Japanese names are preferred.)
Age: (any age will do, but please, Eva Pilots should be somewhere between 13 and 15)
Occupation:(Eva pilot? Job at NERV? Student?)
Nationality:(Where is yer character from?)
Height: (feet/inches)
Weight: (I don’t need a specific number, just something like “heavy” or “muscular”.)
Eyes: (Color and description. No glowing eyes! no eyes of odd colors, like Red)
Hair Color/Style: (Anything goes, since this is anime style)
Apparel: (What is your character usually wearing? YOu don't have to be horribly specific, just the generl description will do.)
Scars/Markings: (Piercings? odd scars? Tattoos?)
General Physical Description: (What do they look like in a nutshell?)
Other: (Anything else?)
Aura: (What kind of vibes does your character give out? Relaxed, nervous, crazy, snobbish?)
Personality Attractions: (What kind of people does your character like to hang out with?)
Personality Repulsions: (Opposite of above)
Crushes: (What sort of traits does your character look for in the same/opposite sex?)
General Personality: (What is your character really like?)
Strengths: (What are your character’s strong points? NO SUPER PEOPLE, OKAY!?!)
Weaknesses: (Yes, you do have to have one...everybody does. So no getting out of it)
Hobbies: (What does your character enjoy doing? It doesn’t matter if they’re good at it or not.)
Oddities: (What makes your character truely individual?)
Other: (Anything else?)
Backstory: (Leave this blank or skimpy, and you will not be accepted...simple as that. just make it as detailed as possibe, this is the story of your character's life, after all...)
Writing Sample: (Just a little story. It can be a scene from their past or childhood. Have fun with this. it doesn't have to be too long.)

Finished? Well, mail it to me then! I'll get back to you within a day or two and give you the yea or nay. Mail yer application to me at

Contact me!