The official spootie website

Adam King's cool survey of the month.

1. Do you believe in the penguin theory?
2. How emu's died in the Great Emu War?
3. Can i ask you a question?
4. Why do you do that thing i dont' like so much?
5. Which side goes up?
6. Are you addicted to methadone
7. Is cheese a wonderful fruit?
8. Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?
9. How many hands does it take to milk a virgin goat?
10. How many days of useless Florida voting?

11. If you two roads lead to the same place, which one will you take?
12. Can you be all you can be if you can't be all?
13. How many emails do you get before you complain about spamming?
14. Does Superman wear pajamas?
15. Are you going out like that?
16. Do you ever listen to yourself talk?
17. Have you ever tried eating?
18. If yeast rises, and the sun sets, then what does your grandma do?
19. How low can you go?
20. Which way to Denmark?
21. Are you my mommy?

put the answers to these questions in my guestbook

email me

Go here to see pictures of my homies.

Find out wazzzzupppp in my life.

Get in depth reviews of today's music and entertainment

hear some dumb blond and redneck jokes!

find out just a few of my favorite things.

This Spootie Webring site owned by Adam.
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Things of the week!
Last updated April 5th, 2001/center>

Word of the Week


Phrase of the Week

You will calm down right now!

Person of the Week

Sarah Conrad

Acronym of the Week

AFG= attitude-filled girl

Television show of the Week

Hey, Arnold

Language of the Week


Basketball team of the Week

Philadelphia 76ers

Snack of the Week


Overall food of the Week


Hockey team of the Week


(A lifetime of excellence)

Fabric of the Week


Friend of the Week


Boardgame of the Week


Restaurant of the Week


Kitchen appliance of the Week

The juicer!

Room in the house of the Week


Magazine of the Week


Tree of the Week


Animal of the Week


Car of the Week


Author of the Week

Alice Walker

Movie of the Week

Analyze this

Dog of the Week


Brandname of the Week


Country of the Week


Screen name of the week


Videogame of the week

Mario Party 3

Flower of the week

Venus Flytrap

Funny name of the week


Emotion of the week

Stellar anger

Baseball team of the week

Chicago Cubs

Song of the week

Staind "It's been awhile"

Singer of the week

R. Kelly

Job of the week


More to come at later date, check back every week, for updated words so you can speak the cool language.

Some cool links I'm throwing at ya

Create a club at Yahoo!
Darpi enterprises
IQ test co.
The place for email greeting cards.
An interesting site.
A game emporium.
Another game place.
Andy's site.
Danny's site.
The produce aisle
Patrick's site.
Brooke's site.
Ashley's site.
Nikki's site.
Weird Al Yankovic
Totally Free Stuff
Quiz show online.
some guys site.
Check the stocks at Wall Street.

Some of my friends on the web that like bread.

  • Danny: A fifteen year old wonder kid who likes bread.
  • Ben: A bike ramper whose gotten knocked in the head a few too many times and likes bread.
  • Abby: A good friend with many problems but one that shows to be most prominent is a love for bread.
  • Jessi: A nit picker who has an obsession over the warm feeling of puppernickle.
  • Traci: A ghetto girl with a PHD in cussing and bread loving.
  • Emery: A guy who can't keep bones in one piece and can't keep bread in the cupboard.
  • Jill: An IU fanatic (just like myself) who always has a roll of white bread by her side.
  • Lisa: A candy aholic who can't keep her hands off olive loaf.
  • Karen: A girl with the weirdest eating habits in the world and someone who just loves the taste off a good rye.
  • Heather: An unwonder girl who just loves wonder bread.
  • Bill: I think he's a big loser. But I cant deny his love for bread.
  • Kevin: A short guy with a mile high love for the fluffy stuff.
  • Chelsea: My ex-girl friend. She likes bread. Enough said. And there are no hard feelings.
  • Andy: Wants the whole world in his hands and bread.
  • Derek: Plays the drums, swims naked, and eats bread while doing it.
  • Brian: A quiz master who just loves the feel of a loaf by his side. (We're looking into the problem)
  • Nikki O: A great friend at church you just loves guys, people, and bread.
  • Nikki C: Another great friend (gee arent i lucky) that just can't stand to go a day without a good piece of rye.
  • Laura: A cool girl at my church. Another one of my exes.
  • Erica: My new girlfriend. Nothing bad to say about her, except that bread dependency.
  • Ross: A weirdo who just loves BW3's. (almost as much as me!) If you ever see him on the streets, just call him by his Japanese name