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YM magazine
Peek inside the private pads of four of the sweetest hotties around.. SIMON REX
MTV veejay
by: Chuck Arnold
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What his pad says about him: "I think that it would tell a girl that I'm young and fun and easy going. There are no bad vibes here."

His rad roommate: Model Ethan Browne, son of rocker Jackson Browne. "We're good friends, so it's totally fun living together."

Decorating designs: "Ethan and I have lots of friends who are photographers and artists, so we plan to display all their work here."

Favorite toy: His Sony PlayStation. "I'm a video-game freak."

Home cooking (not!): "I cooked a lot while I was modeling in Europe because everything closes so early there. But now that I live in New York, I like the convenience of picking up the phone and having a meal delivered at any time."

Craziest think he did for love: "When I was in middle school I mooned this girl in class because I was trying to impress her. I got suspended for it, but in the end we went out, so it worked."

Sexy secret: "I like to fall asleep listening to soft music."