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Simon Rex
Rack N Roll Chat Transcript ('99)
If you didn't happen to watch MTV back in the day when he was a vampy veejay, then you probably know him as Eli, the deflowering man from Felicity. And you will definitely know him as Mikey on the hot, new WB show Jack & Jill.

From lexie77: I think you are such a hottie! Are there any plans for Eli to make a guest appearance on Felicity this season?
I don't think so. Jack & Jill comes on directly after Felicity. So, it would take away from the reality of the show.

From E! Online Host: Tell us about your character on Jack & Jill, which by the way is a great new show.
I play Mickey, a bartender. He has a hard time keeping girls because he's such a player. It's a show about being in your mid 20s--it's all postcollege. So, people who are in college can watch and be like, oh, this is what I have to look forward to, while those who are already there can be like, yeah, that's how it is!

From bruceinnyc: What's it like going from well-known MTV veejay to a new kid on the block as an actor?
To me it was a surprising transition because I wasn't sure if I'd be able to shed my MTV identity. I got lucky, though. I've even overcome a funny accent. My mom was from Jersey, and I lived in New York for four years, so, I've got that twangy sound to me!

From Matt: What upcoming films do you have?
I just did a movie called Scream If You Know What I Did Last Summer. It's a spoof like Naked Gun, with Tom Arnold and Tiffani-Amber Thiessen. It's hilarious!

From Tracy: What's your favorite show?
Well, after every WB show--Buffy, Felicity, Dawson's, all that--it's Everybody Loves Raymond, Just Shoot Me and NewsRadio. What a shame that got canceled.

From CDo: What do you like to do in your free time?
I like to play basketball. I have a music studio at my house where I make drum-and-bass-type hip-hop music as a hobby. I also enjoy melancholy, I made that up! And oh yeah, underwater basket weaving.

From E! Online Host: We hear you're going to do L'Oréal hair-product ads with Laetitia Casta, the Victoria's Secret model?
Yes, I just signed that deal. Man, she is great. I am in love with her! If she's online right now, please send me a question!

From Ned: What do you think of Keri Russell's new haircut?
She can't go wrong. She could have a dead camel on her face, and it would be great!

From Jana: Are there any particular instances in your career that you have regrets about? If so, what?
Well, one time I showed up to a shoot for MTV hungover. You don't want to do that because: A. You look horrible, and B. You don't act like yourself. So now, when I have something to do the next morning, I stay home and get lots of sleep.

courtesy of E Online