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Watch out for Simon's new movie called GOING GREEK, coming soon to a theater near you!

NOTE FROM WEBMISTRESS: Hello fellow simon fans! As you can see, I haven't really been updating this site on a regular basis. And the truth is, I can't seem to find the time or motivation to keep this site running strong anymore. It was a lot of fun while it lasted and I wish Simon the best of luck. I will keep the site up as it is, so that fans can see the pictures and other info. I also may come in from time to time adding major news, but for now this site is on HIATUS. Thanks everyone for visiting and Simon! I wish you the best of luck!
Luv always,

Hey all! We are so happy that you decided to drop by! This is a new website dedicated to the OVERLY Talented but under-represented, SIMON REX! We saw that there was a lack of good clean Simon Rex sites out in cyberspace so we took matters in to our own hands and decided to make one ourselves! If you don't know already Simon Rex is a very talented actor and plays "Mikey" on the WB show "JACK & JILL", but you also may recognize him from MTV, when he became a Vee-Jay in 1995. Our main mission is to let you people get to know the "man behind the flesh" because inside you will find a trully BEAUTIFUL person! Enjoy your stay and make sure you sign the guestbook before you go!
~ Kat and Jan

grrr © don't bite!
Be original. DON'T BITE!!!

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Disclaimer: This site is non-profit and unofficial. It has no affliation with Simon Rex or the WB network. We are just 2 dedicated fans who decided to make a webpage. Please do not send mail addressed to Simon, he will not get them. If you would like to send a letter to Simon check out our CONTACT section to find out how.

this website was created on November 12, 1999

YOU ARE LISTENING TO "If Only Through Heaven's Eyes" sung by 'N SYNC from the "LIGHT IT UP" soundtrack. This song was the inspiration to the name of this site. "HEAVEN IN HIS EYES"