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My Blogs on Religion

I have posted several blogs below. They tackle a variety of theological questions from a biblical perspective.

Have You Ever Wondered What Is Jesus All About?
Why Should we Believe There Is a God?
If God Loves us, Why Does He Permit So Much Evil?
What Do Christians Believe?
Who Are You as a Christian?
What Is the Trinity, and Is it Biblical?
How Can Jesus Be God if He Is God's Son?
What Are Cults and Doctrinal Deviations?
What is a Peripheral Christian Debate?
What is Modalism, and Is it Biblical?
Where Did Satan Come From?
What is Eschatology, and How Important Is it?
Is Christianity Intolerant?
What Happens to People who Never Hear the Gospel?
What Are "Soul Sleep" and "Soul Annihilation"?
Does Hypocrisy Among Christians Excuse Unbelief?
Is Theistic Evolution Biblical?
How Long Were the "Six Days" of Creation?
Why Did God Reject Cain's Offering?
Who Were the "Sons of God" in Genesis 6?
Did the Witch of Endor Really Summon Samuel's Ghost?
Should Christians Partake in Social Action and Politics?
Should Abortion Be Outlawed?
Should Pornography Be Outlawed Altogether?
How Does God Feel About Capital Punishment?
Is Social Drinking Always Sinful?
Is Gambling Sinful?
Is Pre-Marital Cohabitation Sinful?
Is Masturbation Sinful?
How Can I Overcome Sexual Temptation?
Does a Christian Possess a Sinful Nature?
Can a Christian Become Demon-Possessed?
Are Miraculous Spiritual Gifts for Today?
What Is This Thing Called "Charismania"?
How Do we Wage Spiritual Warfare?
Did Jesus Die for our Health and Prosperity?
Where Did Jesus' Spirit Go When His Body Died?
Are Any Church Fundraisers Appropriate?
Is "Christian Rock Music" Really Christian?
Is it Always Wrong to View R-Rated Movies?
Which Popular Christmas Songs Are Most Reverent?
Did God Create Living Beings on other Planets?
What Is the Appropriate Method of Water Baptism?
Do Infants Need to Be Baptized?
Is Baptism Necessary for Salvation?
Can a Christian Lose the Salvation of his Soul?
What Is the Biblical Model of Church Government?
What Is the Place for Women in Ministry?
How Do the Pro-Gay Clergy Distort God's Word?
Can we Trust Modern Bible Translations?
Can we Trust the Last Twelve Verses of Mark?