TIME. One time is the duration between dans (a dan is the harvest time of souls entering etherea). It is nominally 400 years, but varies from 200 to 600 years, to even 1000 years if there is a dark age. (There are no harvests of souls to etherea during a dark age on earth.)

ARC, consists of about seven and a half times, that is 7 1/2 X 400 years equals 3,000 years. However, actual arcs are plus or minus 600 years, i.e., from 2400 years to 3600 years, caused by the deviation of the vortex. An arc is the angle in the orbit of the solar system (the sun's orbit is called C'vork'um or Cevorkum, meaning the chief vortex direction) which is delimited by the dan'has (also known as hi'dans, or high dans). In other words, there is one dan'ha (hi'dan) marking the beginning of each new arc. Arc meaning a long time is the significance of this syllable in words like archeology and archives.
The general progress of history through one arc's duration is summarized in the Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy VII:6-7. Suddenly man has the impulse to improve himself. Great learning and inventions follow, as it is now on earth. These improvements in knowledge and wisdom last for about 400 years and then taper off. Apathy sets in, and the people begin to decline, especially in morals and virtue, which continues for 600 or 700 years. After that, the people destroy their libraries and records and reduce themselves to ignorance and vice. This results in a dark age lasting a thousand years or more. It is during such periods of darkness that false religions and superstitions are born. In another 600 years, the intellect begins once more to ascend. Self-conceit comes to the people; they think they are the beginning of civilization on earth, having lost the histories and records of previous arcs. This cycle repeats every arc.

ERA, is 4 arcs, or about 12,000 years. An era is the basic management cycle the ethereans use to regulate the material and spiritual growth of mankind. The direction set at the beginning of a new era is carried forward during the 4 arcs. For example, at the beginning of the 6th era (with Osiris), that era was dedicated to material growth, so communication between mortals and spirits was not allowed. That was the general policy throughout that era until it ended in 1848 A.D., when correspondence between the two worlds was opened up again (the beginning of spiritualism, or spiritualizing of man, again). The direction for the Kosmon era is equal attention to both material and spiritual development (balance and moderation). An era, being 4 arcs or dan'ha, is also called one square (Ah'shong II:6).

GADOL, one gadol is 2 eras, or about 24,000 years long, consisting of 8 arcs. An example of one gadol is the fold-out plate of 8 arcs at the beginning of the Book of Aph, covering the 8 cycles before Kosmon (Aph, Sue, Apollo, Thor, Osiris, Fragapatti, Cpenta-armij and Lika). Most of Oahspe is devoted to the histories of earth's heavens during that one gadol. Although gadols appear in Oahspe plates (refer CEVORKUM plate), the meaning of gadol appears in The Book of Knowledge, Part 4:17, and is equivalent to one degree of vortexya, per the Book of Cosmogony V:20.

SEASON, is a 3 gadols long, or about 72,000 years, which is half an age. The seasons that Oahspe deals with are HA'K, SEFFAS and KOSMON, because man's existence in this particular earth garden occurs during these 3 seasons. Refer CEVORKUM plate: one measure equals one season, 3 gadols long. Two seasons (2 X 72,000 years) is one age. Kosmon is the third season referred to by Fragapatti XXIV:43.

See Chart - Record of the Current Earth Garden (Human Crop)

See Chart of First, Second and Third Gadols of 24,000 years each, and their related cycles, eras, and arcs.

AGE, is 2 seasons, or 6 gadols, or 12 eras duration, which is 144,000 years long, and is also known as one cube (12 times one square or era of 12,000 years). The CEVORKUM plate at the beginning of the Book of Cosmogony (Cut A) illustrates both seasons and ages. Each square marked CEVORKUM is one age of 144,000 years. The curved lines going through the squares delimit the seasons. As the plate says on it, there are 3 gadols to one measure, which means 3 X 24,000 = 72,000 years in each season, and two seasons in each age. Note the diagonal line across the CEVORKUM squares near the top of the plate showing the position of the Great Serpent or Tow'Sang (both meaning the solar system). The diagonal line represents the Eoptian Age, which is the duration allocated for man's existence in this garden cycle. It began with the creation of the Asu race 6,000 years before the Seffas season, and will conclude with man's extinction 6,000 years before the end of the Kosmon season (about 66,000 years from now). There will ensue an ice age (winter age) and the present earth garden will be over.

GARDEN is not called a garden in Oahspe, but a sum (Ah'shong II:6) or a magnitude (Aph III:3). A garden is the sum of 4 ages (cubes), about 576,000 years. Each age of 144,000 years is similar to our spring, summer, autumn and winter. The first (spring age) is called SEMU, and that is when Jehovih creates a new garden on the earth. Animals compatible with the environment of the new garden are created anew by Jehovih during SEMU in each garden, which may differ greatly from the previous garden. Then follows HOTU, the summer age, and the planting season is over. During HOTU (now) there is only extinction. Every species has its allocated time during the garden. As the CEVORKUM plate (Cut A) illustrates, we are a little over halfway in the Eoptian Age of man's duration on the earth in this garden (when the great pyramid was built marked the middle of the Eoptian Age; refer Book of Wars Against Jehovih XLIX:20). After HOTU comes ADU, the autumn age, until finally another Ice Age overtakes the earth, the UZ age. Then nothing more can grow upon the earth until a new SEMU'an age (spring age) arrives again -- a new age and a new garden begins again. The successive earth garden remains (fossils) in the earth's growth layers (like the rings of a tree) have led to the false belief that one animal or plant evolves into another (evolution) over a continuous unbroken existence on the earth. The reality is, old species disappear at the end of one garden, and completely new species appear by Jehovih's creation during the SEMU'an age of the next garden. This abrupt change of species is proven in the fossil records.

CEVORKUM, also called C'Vork'Um, is the direction (um) of the chief (C') vortex (vork or work), which is the orbit of the solar system (Great Serpent or Tow'Sang in Oahspe) within the master vortex of the north star. Our solar system is moving toward the constellation Hercules at 12 miles/second (43,200 miles/hr). One circuit of c'vork'um takes about 4,608,000 years (rounded to 4,700,000 years in Oahspe).

Please refer to the accompanying charts, which attempt to illustrate the relationships of these cycles to each other, along with the Oahspe text references.

Some of these charts illustrate the correct order and captions for the Orian field plates (plates 53-55 in the 1882 edition; plates 53-57 in the 1891 editions). These plates are out of sequence in every published version of Oahspe, and each cut represents 9,000 years, instead of 3,000 years. The present position of our solar family is the Orian field "Huy" (refer The Book of Knowledge, Part 4:20).

Cut A from the title page (Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy) is reproduced full size, from a real 1882 Oahspe book. Each square of CEVORKUM is one age, 144,000 years duration, consisting of two 72,000 year seasons (each season s one measure, which is 3 gadols of 24,000 years each). One garden is 4 ages (Semu, Hotu, Adu and Uz, 576,000 years). The solar system (Great Serpent or Tow'sang in Oahspe) looks like the "C" on the diagonal line, and is shown entering Kosmon. The diagonal line itself represents the Eoptian Age, the 144,000 years alloted to man in this garden.

Chart - In the 3rd circuit of C'Vork'Um, 24th Dan'ha of Hak

Chart - First thru Fourth 9,000 years after man's creation - Orian fields in Etherea

Chart - Fifth through Eighth 9,000 years after man's creation - Orian fields in etherea

Chart - First 9,000 years after the new race; Oahspe Times and Seasons

This is the title page to God's Book of Ben as it appeared in the first published edition of Oahspe (1882), reproduced full size, 8½ by 11 in. page size: