Chapter IX

1. In the third year of dawn Jehovih spake to Cpenta-armij, saying: Gather together the officers of thy traveling hosts, and take with thee thy companions, and go visit all the Lords and Lordesses of the earth, of thy appointing. And let thy recorders make their accounts of the affairs of the earth and her heavenly kingdoms, that they may be taken to, and entered in, the libraries of the Nirvanian kingdoms.

2. Also shalt thou set thy collectors of Brides and Bridegrooms to work in Craoshivi; and give to thy collectors otevans, that they may also visit thy Lords' kingdoms and collect all the angels prepared for the next resurrection, and bring them to Craoshivi, where they shall be classified. For in the coming resurrection thou shalt provide twelve avalanzas, and those who are raised to the etherean heavens thou shalt cause to be divided according to their grade and rate, and have them delivered into regions suitable to their advancement.

3. During the time prior to this, the Lords had contributed largely to Craoshivi, and already there were upward of twenty thousand million angels capable of taking the third resurrection. The departure of Cpenta-armij on this visit was important, for it involved the selection of the next succeeding God of earth and heaven, who should sit on the throne during her absence. At this time, the reigning God was with Brahma on the earth. To him Cpenta-armij sent messengers, acquainting him with the commandments of Jehovih.

4. God answered through his messengers, saying: Greeting, in the name of Jehovih, to Cpenta-armij, His Daughter, Chieftainess! The reigning God deputeth thee, O Goddess, to make the selection in his stead, to be crowned at the termination of dawn. And now, accordingly, Cpenta-armij sent forth her examiners, to search after the highest, best, most learned of all that had been raised up of the earth, capable of the God-head. For sixty days her examiners were at work, and on the sixtieth day, in the evening, they had completed the search. And it fell upon Thale of Peola, of corporeal birth, five thousand years.

5. Thale, a tiller of the soil in corpor, born in spirit in Yueson, ninety years; five years in es'yan; thirty years in factories; in the nurseries, ninety years; in the colleges, one hundred and eighty years; projector, seventy years; surveyor, sixty-five years; measurer, two hundred years; entered an etherean airavagna, and traveled seven hundred years; returned to the lower heavens of the earth and was Lord in six successions for each of the chief earth divisions twelve hundred years; was called by Onavissa, Goddess of Ni-ya-ag-ag-ha to clear the roads of Chenshaya, beyond Chinvat, where he labored six hundred years. Returned again to the earth and her heavens, and served as captain and general four hundred years; served as marshal seven hundred years, under four different Gods and Lords; and the balance of the time traveled as messenger and swift messenger. Of the rates in a thousand, he was nine hundred and ninety-nine. And he knew the whole earth and her capabilities; could read a thousand million voices at the same time, and interpret them and answer them, and had even created plateaux. He knew the atmospherean heavens, habitable and uninhabitable; the roadways; the oceans and nebulous regions; knew the ascending and descending ethe; knew the power in the different rings of the earth's vortex; knew the c-vork-um, and its times and places.

6. Cpenta-armij sent a delegation of one million angels to wait on Thale and bring him before the throne at Craoshivi, sending them in their private otevan, and under the guardianship of her chief marshal, with this commandment:

7. Thale, of Peola, greeting to thee, in the name of Jehovih, Who commandeth thy immediate presence at the throne in Craoshivi. Of all the honored in these heavens, thou standest first on the list, and art appointed by our Father the next succeeding God, through His Daughter, Chieftainess of Haotsaiti. In my stead thou shalt sit on the throne whilst I complete my labor in dawn; after which thou shalt be crowned, of the earth and her heavens, Jehovih's God!

8. Cpenta-armij knew Thale, for he had sojourned in Otsias, in etherea, three hundred years, where she had been Surveyor ten thousand years. So when he came before Jehovih's throne, Cpenta-armij was rejoiced to meet him in person; nevertheless, she first saluted in rank, saying:

9. My brother, welcome in the Father's name, and joy be unto thee. Jehovih hath called thee to this throne; thou shalt be one of the pillars of His everlasting temples. What I put upon thee in the Father's name, thou shalt consider from Him.

10. Thale said: Before Thee, O Jehovih, I bow to Thy decrees, which come through Thy High-Raised Daughter, Chieftainess of Haot-saiti. I accept whatsoever is given me to do, that will raise up man to rejoice in his creation. By virtue of Thy power in me, O Jehovih, I know I shall not fail. May Thy Light be upon me!

11. Cpenta-armij now raised the light to the highest atmospherean grade, and said unto Thale: Approach Jehovih's throne, O my brother, and hold up thy hands toward High Noon, as the symbol of the highest light, for as the sun is to the earth and atmospherea, so is Jehovih to the soul of man and to the etherean worlds.

12. Thale stepped on the foot of the throne, and the marshal stood at his side. The whole Council were seated, and sweet music rose from the es'enaurs, and added to the solemn scene. Thale then faced the place of High Noon in the temple and held up his hands, saying: I am in Thy Will, O Father!

13. Jehovih spake in the light over Cpenta-armij's head, saying: Thale, My Son, Thou art My God, and thou shalt have dominion over the earth and her heavens for two hundred years. Whatsoever thou shalt do shall be of Me and My doing. Thy word shall be My word; thy labor My labor. And thou shalt have Lords and kingdoms, and all manner of heavenly places; and all of them shall be My places through thee.

14. And at the expiration of thy service, thou shalt raise up a successor to thee, who shall be worthy of thee and Me. And he shall likewise have dominion in Me and in My places; and likewise raise up a successor to come after him, and so on until the next dawn of dan. Be thou joyful in dominion; My worlds are places of delight, and mirth, and peace, and love, and righteousness, and good works.

15. The Voice ceased, and then Cpenta-Armij spake on her own account, saying: He who will crown thee will come at the end of dawn; till then thou shalt hold dominion in the red hat in remembrance of the Feast of Lions. Approach the Judgment Seat, my brother, and I will give to thee in Jehovih's name. With that, Cpenta-armij gathered from the colored rays of light a substance light as ethe, and made a red hat and put it on Thale's head, saying: Sit on the throne in remembrance of the Feast of Lions, that I may be honored of thee, and rejoice before my hosts.

16. Thale then sat down on the throne, and the Council proclaimed in the sign, Lion's Death! Thale answered in the sign, Dominion of the Lamb! Thereupon Cpenta-armij said: Council of Jehovih, hear my voice. A new God have I raised up unto my labor. And thou, O God, hear my voice. A new dominion have I given into thy keeping.

17. For one year I shall now visit my Lords and Lordesses in the first plateaux of the earth, for it is a part of my labor for the Father. And when I shall have finished with them, I shall return to my present reigning God of the earth, who is with Brahma, and I will deliver him and Brahma, and return again to this kingdom, whence the etherean resurrection will take place.

18. Provide ye accordingly in all things, even as I would were I here; and number the Brides and Bridegrooms one hundred and sixty days in advance, and send swift messengers to etherea, to the Nirvanian fields and forests in Chan-us-hoag, and thence through Salkwatka to Haot-saiti, in the etherean Abarom, finding six regions, suitable for grades from sixty to ninety. And ye shall send greeting to my sister, Chue-in-ista, Goddess of Oambuyu, asking her to deliver us.

19. Thus saying, Cpenta-armij, and Owks, and See-wah-Gon, and Ha-o-ha took leave, and in their own proper way departed out of Craoshivi, and in the airavagna descended to the lowest plateau, and so visited the Lords of the lower kingdoms.

Chapter X

1. The Lords and Lordesses gave not much labor to Cpenta-armij; for they had long been high-raised Gods and Goddesses in other worlds, and knew their parts well. But to each heavenly place Cpenta-armij sent her heralds in advance, and the Lords and Lordesses in turn sent receiving escorts to meet the airavagna. And when the Chieftainess arrived, she was asked in the usual manner to honor the throne, and she thus sat on all the thrones, ruling in very person, and in her presence the Voice of Jehovih spake in the Light before the assembled Council of the Hosts, and it was thus fulfilled in the Arc of Spe-ta that the Voice had circumscribed the whole earth.

2. And when Cpenta-armij was about to depart from each heavenly place, she always descended to the foot of the throne of the Lord, and sat thereon; and the Lord went down and took her hand, saying: Arise, O Goddess, and go thy way; the Father calleth thee! And then would she arise and depart to another Lord or Lordess, in like manner.

3. Cpenta-armij took with her three thousand angel scribes and recorders; three thousand angel artists; three thousand angel geologists and mineralogists, besides many others; whose trade was to make reports of the lands of the earth, and the waters of the earth, and the air above the earth, with pictures thereof.

4. Jehovih had said to Cpenta-armij: Thou shalt make reports of the land and water and air of the earth; and of all the living thereon and therein, with pictures thereof; two copies shalt thou make; and when the end of dawn is come, thou shalt take the two copies with thee in thy ascension to My etherean worlds. One copy shalt thou put on record in the library of Haot-saiti, and the other copy shalt thou send to the Hyperiis Council of the United Chiefs and Chieftainesses, for their own deliberation.

5. For the Hyperiis Council shall determine from this, thy report, what is good for the earth; as to whether she shall be changed in her course, or broken up and divided; or whether she needeth a'ji or dan; and they shall send out road-makers to that end, or send vortices against her vortex, to break it or rule over it, according to My light upon them.

6. Besides these, Cpenta-armij had a thousand recorders, whose business it was to prepare reports of the Lords' kingdoms, and of the factories, colleges, nurseries, hospitals, the hells, if any, and knots, if any; to record the grade and number of spirits in each heavenly place; to record the earthly kingdoms, and kings and queens and their subjects, their occupations and grades, and their rate of corporeal life age. To record the percentage of familiar spirits with mortals; the fetals, the drujas; as well as the ashars and asaphs; and the temples and oracles in use by mortals; the altars and places of worship. To record the number of I'hins still inhabiting the earth; the number of pure I'huans, who worshipped only one Great Spirit; the druk order, who always have idols or saviors, and are given to war.

7. One full moon of four quarters remained Cpenta-armij with each one of the Lords of the earth; and then she departed, going into all the habitable places on the earth, and in the heavens that rested on the earth. In ten moons she had completed her labor with the Lords of the first resurrection; had witnessed the manner in which the Lords sent away the upraised to Craoshivi, to enter the second resurrection. And her scribes and recorders had completed their labor also.

8. And now the Chieftainess sent her airavagna back to Craoshivi, with her visitors, Owks, See-wah-Gon and Ha-o-ha. But for herself she had a piedmazr build; and, taking ten thousand attendants, besides the workers of the boat, she descended on to the very earth, to visit the four Gods, in the four great divisions of the earth; with Wah-tah; with Brahma, with Abram, and with Po. With each of these she spent twelve days, and then she departed and went to Maitraias, the heavenly place, the only Lord-dom of the earth, where ruled Yug-sae-su, with thirty millions. Here she remained twelve days also; and the inhabitants gave a tournament and festival.

9. After this Cpenta-armij departed for Craoshivi, for the end of dawn was near at hand.

Chapter XI

1. In the Council of Craoshivi the Voice of Jehovih came to Cpenta-armij, saying: Behold, the time of thy sun and stars riseth in the Road of Salkwatka. The red star neareth the fields of Abarom; Great Oteson hath filled the sinks and slues of Yosawakak; thousands of millions of My Sons and Daughters behold the Feast of Spe-ta.

2. Hear thou thy Creator, O Cpenta-armij! For thou shalt spread broad the table of My hosts; such like as hath never been before in Haot-saiti. And thou shalt send Obed, God of Oise; Gavaini, Goddess of Ipthor; Ab, Shriever of Riv-Seing; Raisi, Goddess of Esdras; Wish-tse, God of Zuth; Harava, God of Yon-yon; Vraga-piet, Goddess of Zoe; and Loo-chung, God of Ata-bonaswitchahaha. And thou shalt send for the Gods and Goddesses of the Plains of Cnoe-Chang; and for the Gods and Goddesses of the Chi-ha-wogo Roads; and for all the Gods and Goddesses in their own Nirvanian fields; and for the Great Chief, Shoo-lo, of the Roads of Jinihassij, and for all the Gods and Goddesses in his dominions in My etherean worlds.

3. And yet thou shalt remember of thine own knowledge many Gods and Goddesses; and thou shalt charge thy companions, Owks, and See-wah-Gon, and Ha-o-ha, to sit in Council with thee, that ye may remember whomsoever of Chiefs and Chieftainesses, of Shrievers and Gods and Goddesses, that may be delightful:

4. And thou shalt command them in My name to meet in the Feast of Spe-ta, for it is the first in this, My new world. Make way for them; make place for them, O My Daughter! Make wide the roadways in My lower heaven; make My Holy Feast glorious.

5. Cpenta-armij said: Too wide are the dans of earth; too far apart and cumbersome, O Father! More than two thousand millions and four thousand millions will be my harvest unto Thee, O Jehovih! Great is Thy wisdom in Spe-ta; the time for the beginning of quarter ascensions, fifty years.

6. Thy Gods and Goddesses, O Jehovih, and Thy Chiefs and Chieftainesses, will bind up these loose heavens into wholesome discipline. I will send my swift messengers into Thy far-off etherean worlds, and bring Thy Sons and Daughters to Thy Feast.

7. Cpenta-armij sent off into the wide heavens, high beyond the earth heavens, invitations to tens of thousands of high-raised Sons and Daughters of the Great Spirit. Then she called her surveyors and table-makers before Jehovih's throne, and said unto them:

8. The end of dawn is near at hand; I will give a feast, a very great feast. Go ye and survey the ground from Craoshivi to the Lakes of Oochi-loo, in etherea, and for the length thereof make ye a width in the form of Fete; and the road of the Fete shall be sufficient for the passage of twelve avalanzas abreast; and the depth of the Fete shall be as from the surface of the earth unto Chinvat. Within twelve sios of Abarom, and of the height of the circuit of Bilothowitchieun shall ye carry the border flames; and the flames shall be of double currents, going and coming, that the food of the feast may be brought from any region suited to the high-raised grades.

9. And the arc of the feast shall encompass the whole earth, and extend outward to the belt of Craoshivi, and then downward in two lines, east and west; and the downward lines shall be like the feet of a compass, one stationary and the other movable. And the light that extendeth from the arc down the movable line shall rest on the delivered hosts of Abram, and it shall bear upon his people, that they may hereafter draw Light direct from the Father's throne in Craoshivi; and it shall move westward and be as an inheritance of Jehovih's light upon His corporeal sons and daughters.

10. But the line that standeth in the east shall be a base line and centre, whither shall descend the Father's light upon the delivered sons and daughters of the hosts of Brahma and Po. And because of the arc of Spe-ta upon them, they shall remain in their own divisions of the earth.

11. And for the deliverance of the harvests of the quarter, the high-raised horns of the arc shall stand to the four quarters, east, west, north and south.

12. Jehovih then spake through Cpenta-armij, saying: For I will illume the horns thereof, and My new world, the earth and her heavens, shall rest in the light of My Roads forever. That no man, having My examples before him, can misunderstand Me.

13. Behold, it is given to a child, only one lesson a day; and to a youth, two lessons a day; and to a mature man, many lessons a day; so, in the early creation of man, I give few lessons; then in the youthful age of the race, many more lessons; but when the race hath attained to full manhood, behold, I lay My light at their feet, that they may take My lessons every day.

14. In one time I send the angels of the dead to lead man up to a knowledge of Me and My places; but when man hath attained to think for himself, I set up my arc of Spe-ta; and it is as a candle in the firmament of heaven, wherefrom My Light falleth upon the soul of My people, without any interpreter, save Mine Own Voice.

15. For which reason, when one of My worlds hath attained to Spe-ta, I come to deliver them from kings, and queens, and priests, and angels, and it is as the maturity of a son in his father's house, when he inviteth his neighbors and spreadeth a feast.

16. Open wide thy places, O Cpenta-armij! A great joy is upon My etherean worlds; My high-raised Sons and Daughters shall have great glory in the earth and her heavens. Behold, I have proclaimed Myself in the words of mortals; four high-raised sons have learned to know their Father in heaven.

Chapter XII

1. Cpenta-armij said: Who can understand Thy models, O Jehovih! Who cannot understand Thy models, O Jehovih! Thou hast shown to mortals the food of the flesh, and the source of the substance of the blood. As a symbol before them of Thy es'sean worlds and Thy es'sean peoples, Thou hast created Thy corporean members; to receive and to impart, but this is not all. Thou createdst poison, to show man that that which receiveth not, and imparteth not, is death.

2. Most wisely, O Father, hast Thou provided the degrees of subsistence unto all Thy creations: To the corporean, corporeal food; to the atmospherean, atmospheric food; to the etherean, ethe'ic food. Wide will I spread my tables, O Jehovih. Thy Gods and Goddesses, and Thy high-raised Chieftains, shall sit at the Feast of Spe-ta.

3. The Chieftainess sent swift messengers into the regions of etherean worlds, near the Roadway of the Great Serpent, five hundred thousand swift messengers. Down to the atmospherean regions she sent messengers to the Gods and Lords, her laborers, ten thousand messengers. To her invited guests she privileged each one million attendants.

4. Next Cpenta-armij sent fifty thousand arrow-ship makers in the regions of Cventagma, in the etherean Itis, to prepare ceremonial salvers and connecting rods, so that all the thousands of millions, being united, could hear the Voice of Jehovih from her throne, movable, in her airavagna. Twelve counterparts to these she sent down to the lowest heavenly regions, so the All Light should pierce the corporeal earth.

5. And now, when her well-skilled workmen, of tens of thousands of years' experience, had saluted and gone off to their respective labors, the Chieftainess spake before the Council, saying: Because of my arc upon the earth and her heavens, the Light of our Father will forever remain with mortals and in the hadan fields. But, behold, even as a young man, coming to maturity, goeth away on his own account, in great hope and self-conceit of his powers, to meet many misfortunes and great darkness, so will it be with the earth and her heavens after Spe-ta. Because I plant my arc in these heavens, and say to the Gods thereof, Ye are free! Behold, there shall rise numerous false Gods of great power. And as a young man going forth is puffed up with conceit, so will the atmospherean Gods believe they know all things, and so bring great darkness and misery upon their kingdoms and upon themselves.

6. But the Light of my arc shall stand; shall grow like a small seed planted; and in time to come, both angels and mortals shall understand that there is but One All Light, a very center, to Whom all Gods are but as small diadems. As a young man of the earth must have experience of his own to realize his own shortness, so must even the Gods of these lower heavens be left to run with a loose rein, for the glory of Jehovih, and for themselves in final deliverance. For which reason, hereafter, the bondage of the discipline of the God and his Lords shall be as nothing. Only hells and knots shall they longer cast out with fire and water; only by persuasion, and the example of practice, shall they hold dominion in their respective places.

7. As in the early days, a king ruleth with a rod and with tyrannous laws; and as, in a riper age, the king and his armies give way to a power vested in the people, so shall my arc be the giving of the lower heavens, and the earth beneath, into the keeping of themselves. But my arc, which is the foundation of the Father's upper kingdoms within the lower heavens, shall stand forever.

8. I go, now, on my journey down to the earth, in my airavagna, to receive and deliver my four Gods, Os, and Vishnu, and Yima, and Ela-elia, God in Chief.

9. Thus saying, Cpenta-armij descended to the foot of Jehovih's throne, and the light fell upon Thale, and he rose up from the throne and descended, taking her hand, saying: Arise, O Goddess, and hear thou the Voice of thy Father, Creator and Ruler! Behold, thy labor on the earth and her heavens is near the end; and because of thy steadfastness, I am honored in thee, My Daughter.

10. Whilst thou art delivering My Gods, behold, I will be with thee, and whatsoever thou desireth of Me I will give unto thee. My Sons and Daughters shall receive the visiting hosts from the high heavens, and allot them places in the feast; and My Sons and Daughters shall receive and adorn My Brides and Bridegrooms; and My trumpeters shall proclaim Me in My works, from the surface of the earth to the farthest places in Salkwatka. Yea, My Light-makers shall plant the staff of My holy fire in the throne of Craoshivi, and the foot thereof shall pierce the earth in the land of Vind'yu, to receive and deliver My earth Son, Brahma.

11. Go thou, O Chieftainess, Holy one, of Great Wisdom and Power; it is the Voice of thy Father!

12. Cpenta-armij stood aside, and then said: To ye, my beloved companions, Owks, and See-wah-Gon, and Ha-o-ha, when the staff of the Father's light hath descended to the earth, come ye then to me quickly in my arrow-ship of fire, for it shall be a signal betwixt us that in that hour I will raise up my Gods from the corporeal earth; and I will open the earth and bring forth the bodies of my son, Brahma, and his wife, Yu-tiv, whose youngest son holdeth the leaven of the Osirian law. And I will have there assembled the hosts of my ten Lords, and I will deliver into their hands, for their successors, the fulfillment of the Divan laws.

13. Her companions responded: In Jehovih's wisdom and power, we will be there.

Chapter XIII

1. The Light of Jehovih now spread over Haot-saiti and lined the Road of Salkwatka, in etherea, extending from the Orian Banks of Loo-che-wan to the Oixanian Spars of Ochesu. The Cross Roads, Chi-ea-wha-chong, and the plains of Sha-tumatz, were as seas and worlds of crystal fire. And in the piercing light, the old-time Gods, of millions of years agone, sped forth in awful majesty, in answer to the prayers of Cpenta-armij.

2. And there rose over the earth and her heavens, farther than Chinvat, a trident arc, broad as a world, of shimmering light, the countless rays of ethe, as mortals see the glimmering air in a summer's day; but the ethe was of every color, hue and tint, reflective and brilliant, the clear soul of things separate, the very breath of Jehovih. It was the beginning of the form of the arc of Spe-ta, the deliverance of the earth and her heavens into a new condition; to give, to bestow it upon itself, ratified by the ceremony of a festival for the Gods and Goddesses of that neighborhood, hundreds of millions of miles around about!

3. Meanwhile, their high-raised companion, Cpenta-armij, known and loved in hundreds of etherean worlds, was down on the low earth, laying the corner-stone for Jehovih's everlasting kingdom, whereon should fall, presently, from out the arc of Spe-ta, a shaft of fire, the feast for the purified Chieftainess, who had for four years subsisted on the coarse provender of the lower heavens!

4. And, touched by the hand of Immortal Light, was Brahma, long trained to look toward Jehovih; for his angel wife rose upward, leading his vision toward a realm amongst the Gods and Goddesses, whom he beheld in countless numbers receiving her most royally. Thus gazing on the glorious scene, the great man in soul came forth, leaving his corporeal part stretched on the ground. And Cpenta-armij and God took him; received the soul of Brahma, and held, in obedience to the sacred purpose, his place in the sacred circle with mortals three days.

5. Then, on the fourth, the Chieftainess signaled her swift messengers; and they touched the currents along, till they ran high beyond the earth's vortex, where the stationed Gods of etherea fastened on the ethe'ic wave, extending to the great arc over all.

6. It was the signal for the shaft of light; of which mortals have a weak and coarse symbol in the electric currents which tear things unmeaningly and without judgment; but the ethe'ic current is not so small and purposeless, but mighty, and a tool from Jehovih's fountain of All Power, with skill, and learnedly directed by such high-raised angels as have had millions of years of experience, who know well what prayers deserve an answer from the Immortal spheres.

7. And Cpenta-armij's name, and word, and wisdom, had long been in fellowship with mighty works on many worlds; and her well-trained thought, so tuned to the Creator's purpose, kept ever in concert with the ethe'ic foundation of the place and administration of thousands of Gods and Goddesses.

8. And when the signal shot upward, and the shaft of light began to pierce the earth's vortex, making way for Craoshivi, it was also the signal for Owks, and See-wah-Gon, and Ha-o-ha, to fly instantly for their arrow-ship and make all speed for Cpenta-armij; the which they did now, even as a flash of light darteth forth, guides and directors of Jehovih's flame to the grave of Brahma and Yu-tiv.

9. As Cpenta-armij, standing by her ship, saw the shaft descending, she flew forth to the centre of the circle; her hand pointing to the graves, she said: There, O Jehovih! Come forth, O earth! Earth, in Jehovih's name! 'Tis I command!

10. And down fell the bolt of light, piercing the new disturbed ground, rich with mortal tears, and thus made powerful to the soul current; and as a breath of wind would move a heap of feathers, so did the light, by the wave of Cpenta'armij's hand, blow the earth away, and lift up the buried forms of two dead lovers, Brahma and Yu-tiv, and marched them full before the mortal audience, newly animated, and lovingly, hand in hand, triumphant over death.

11. Then spake Hog, the youngest mortal son, an Osirian in belief, seeing the resurrected forms: It is, it is! The very Brahma! And Yu-tiv! My father and mother!

12. The great Brahma, now quickened in Cpenta-armij's arms, and God's, spake from Jehovih's throne, a few words, to the loving sons and mortal concourse, then took final leave. Cpenta-armij seized the folds of the shaft of light, as a mortal would the ropes and canvas of a toy ship, and wrapping the earthly part of Brahma and Yu-tiv about securely, then wheeled in line her own ship and raked in the etherean current from high heavens.

13. Tossing up her hand, the known signal to the great workers in the trident arc above, the exchanging currents of the traveling flame began, and now raised up the whole etherean hosts and the bodies of Brahma and Yu-tiv, the which had not raised a mile before they were etherealized, scattered and gone, and the souls of the two sweet loves in cognizance and fellowship with the millions of Jehovih's Sons and Daughters now swiftly making way for Craoshivi.

14. Cpenta'armij's work was done. In the arc of light and companionship of her compeers, the feast was open, and the thousands of millions in rapport sat along the series of tables, hundreds of millions of miles, to relish soul food brought from more than a thousand worlds.

15. Meanwhile, God, to finish his labors, resumed his throne in Craoshivi, just in time to receive the twelve avalanzas sent from Yuckowts' factories, in Abarom, in etherea, to receive the four and twenty thousand million Brides and Bridegrooms in Jehovih's name, who were to take the degree of third resurrection and be raised beyond the earth's vortex and emancipated in the etherean realms of Hoat-saiti.

16. Chue-in-ista, Goddess of Oambuyu, chief commandress of the fleet, having been apprised of the number of initiates, had prepared twelve thousand rings, a thousand for each avalanza; and the fleet in turn was in a ring, and the ring extended sufficiently wide to encircle the holy capital and throne in Craoshivi, so that when it had descended to its place, God and his officers, and the Holy Council of heaven and earth, now thirty million members, were in the centre of the audience. On every side, far as the eye could see, stood the Brides and Bridegrooms of Jehovih, arrayed in spotless white, fearless before the Light and ceremonies.

17. When the fleet landed, Chue-in-ista, the commandress, came forth from the east, facing God on the throne. She said: Thy voice, O God, hath called the name of Jehovih. Behold, I am His Daughter, sent by Him to know thy will and Holy Desires ?

18. God said: Behold, I am His Son! Thou art my Sister! Hear me, then, in our Father's name. I have here a harvest of four and twenty thousand million angels brought up out of the earth, pure and holy, for Jehovih's emancipated kingdoms.

19. Chue-in-ista said: In His name let them answer before me, that I may witness their wisdom and power sufficient to dwell in All Purity. My Father and I are one; my hosts have crossed the Nirvanian pastures; they no longer feed on substance rising from below, but on the Light emanating from etherean realms above.

20. God said: I know Thou hast provided me, O Jehovih!

21. Then here responded the hosts of Brides and Bridegrooms, saying: By Faith I know I am safe in Thy kingdoms, O Jehovih. Take me to Thy emancipated worlds; give me scope and power and wisdom for greater works.

22. Then followed the full ceremony in the usual way of the third resurrection; and when it was completed, the which had been witnessed by Cpenta-armij and other Chieftainesses and Chiefs above, who were at the feast of the arc of Spe-ta; and when God had said: O Jehovih, give me crowns for Thy Sons and Daughters, Brides and Bridegrooms for Thy etherean worlds! there were cast down by Cpenta-armij and her hosts, four and twenty thousand million crowns; and they alighted on Jehovih's Brides' and Bridegrooms' heads.

23. And now God turned to Thale, who was to be his successor for the next two hundred years. God said: In Jehovih's name, to thee I bestow the crown of earth and her heavens. And to thee also do I bequeath the triangle, symbol of these regions and the inqua, and the trident, the latter being new in these worlds, and symbolical of the arc of Spe-ta; and the interpretation of the trident shall be The Three Lights, Jehovih, His Son, God, and the Star in the mortal soul, emblem of resurrection.

24. Thale said: In Thy name, O Jehovih, will I be God of earth and her heavens till the next rise of dan! Be Thou with me, O Father!

25. Thereupon, he that had been God laid the crown and jewels on Thale, saying: Hail, O God of earth and heaven! Hail, O God of earth and heaven! Hail, O God of earth and heaven!

26. Thus ended the ceremonies. He that had been God descended to the foot of the throne and sat down; and then God, who had been Thale, came down and took his hand, saying: Arise, O God, and go thy way! And he rose up and prepared to depart, for now had the ceremonies lasted one full day.

27. Cpenta-armij, seeing it was finished, signaled the hosts for the close of the festival, and with her airavagna passed over and above the fleet, and gave Chue-in-ista, the commandress, the sign, whereupon the ascent began. The tens of thousands of millions of angels entered their respective places. The music of the es'enaurs and of the trumpeters sounded, and resounded, to the distance of a hundred worlds.

28. Upward rose the fleets; downward fell the showers of flowers and perfumes to those left behind. Higher and higher the great world of lights; higher and higher, till soon they passed beyond the earth's vortex, the boundary Chinvat.

End of Book of Cpenta-armij, Daughter of Jehovih.


Index to Oahspe