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Insanity's Regime: A Hanson page full of humor

Well, y'all, I'm sorry to say this but Insanity's Regime is officially closed. I just can't keep it up anymore with all my homework and shit with music and drama. So basically, I'm shutting this page down in order to keep my other page, JellyBeans, up and running. People that come to that page actually sign the guestbook. I'm thinking about possibly moving my fan fic over to that page, since it is a writing page with my personal writings on it, but I haven't decided, since I never got any feedback on my fan fic stories. Anyways, be sure to check out my other page *the link is below for your convenience*, read my poetry, short stories, and novels in progress *most of which are not Hanson related* and sign the guestbook for me! And, maybe, just maybe, if I get some complaints about closing this site, I might reopen it in the future. Peace out, y'all!
