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RAD TROUBLES (sender anonymous)

I read about the RAD team idea and decided to make one. We trained really hard and when we were really good I decided to see how good. I organized a big Nerf war saying anyone who wanted to challenge us should come. I randomly chose 4 of the challengers to be on our side against the other 19. We were outnumbered by almost 2 to 1. Bad.

We set up our fort back in the woods by a creek, building it out of branches and rocks. The other team set up their fort in a small clearing about 100 yards away. We started the war.

My team consisted of 6 people. They were John, Matt, Tim, Nick, Josh, and me. The 4 people who I chose to be on our side were Aaron, Jeremy, Joseph, and Andrew. I sent Nick and Josh to see what the other team's fort was like and to pick off some people from their team. Aaron and I followed and hid behind trees and shrubs about 20 feet from the clearing.

I heard someone yell "they're attacking!" and thought Josh and Nick were doing a good job. I heard a twig snap and whirled around to see someone from the other team had circled around behind us. I dove to the ground blasting away with my CHAINBLAZER. I hit him and he missed me by an inch. I heard the distinctly loud sound of an EAGLE EYE firing and turned in that direction. I noticed my attacker had a CHAINBLAZER so his friend (who had obviously shot Aaron, who had a CROSSBOW, not an EAGLE EYE) wouldn't think much of hearing a CHAINBLAZER firing. I ran to where Aaron was hidden, firing when I saw someone running. I hit him and he fell, pretending to be dead.

I resumed the waiting position. As soon as I did, Nick came running back down the path with 4 enemies in hot pursuit. I fired away with my reloaded CHAINBLAZER, hitting 2 of them. The other 2 turned to see who shot at them, saw me, and started firing (each had a RATCHETBLASTER, and I was willing to bet one of them was the one I had given Josh). Nick took this oppertunity to turn around and shoot 1 of them with his EXPANDABLAST. As turned to run again, the last one shot at him. Then I shot the last one.

As we hurried back to the fort, Nick explained that they had taken out four (three of which had been shot by Josh) before 4 more ambushed them and shot Josh. Nick had shot at one but missed, and had run. This left the count at 9 to 8. We were only 1 person behind!

Wkhen we got back to the fort we were met by a hail of darts from some cursed RAZORBEAST. The enemies had taken the fort! I turned and ran, noticing out of the corner of my eye that Nick had been hit. I thought I was the last one but I met Matt, Tim, and Joseph. They said that when they had fallen under attack they all ran but they were the only survivors.

That was the exciting part, we ended up losing because the guy with the RAZORBEAST came charging in and shot us all, with the help of some bastard with a BALLZOOKA. THE END.

THE STAND OFF WAR -Storm1 (Nick Kauffman)

I was having a Nerf war with my freind Jacob and my brother Lucas. I was on a team with Jacob's little sister, Suzanne. She's only 8 or so and she's female but heck is she helpful in a firefight. Suzanne and I got an early advantage when I ambushed Lucas in the hall. Then we were pushed back into my room behind a wall of boxes, chairs, etc. while Jacob (He had a lot of ammo) would pop around a corner, fire a shot, and pop back to reload. This got old and several times I managed to rush him and force him back to Lucas's room, but he'd stick his bow around and aim througe the crack in the door, forcing me back to my room. When I backed off he'd storm me and I would have lost for sure but Suzanne gave cover fire (it's a miricle she didn't hit me, though). The game ended when Jacob and Suzanne had to leave. No winners.