My Myst Notes

Notes I compiled during my 30 hour journey through Myst

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These notes are rated on a level of "challangeableness" you would have to have to read a particular section. For example, if it indicates "MM," it means you have a pretty low challangeable level. Therefore, "MMMMM" means that I'm not surprised you have to use these notes; four Ms means the same, except that you have to probably think more creatively and/or logically, yet it's easy to get stumpted; three Ms means the same, except for that it shouldn't be so hard for you (think logically!); one "M" means you are certainly not thinking at all, or this isn't the game for you. This system is to keep you from accidentally reading something that you wanted to figure out yourself. Keep it as challenging as possible; read as little as possible. Only read sections if you are up against the wall and have been for some time. I recommend reading only a sentence or two at a time; not the whole section. Note: If you are stuck, there is always a way around or over it; you cannot die in the game. After playing Myst, I had a great urge to put all the arduous notes I took into an electronic print version. These notes I took are to let me put my work into print and have them accessable to all Web surfers. I am not trying to use this in order to spoil the game for others; once again, use them only if you REALLY REALLY have to. You can also download this in Wordperfect (20.3K) and WordPad (16.5K) format (no Microsoft Word, sorry). But whatever you do, ENJOY! :)

Section 1 (MM): What to do First:

I recommend Atrus' interesting literature in the library about the four ages you will travel to: Channelwood, Stoneship Age, Mechanical Age, and the Selenetic Age. This absorbing reading should introduce you a bit to Atrus, his worlds, and his sons, Sirrus and Achenar. Simply click on the four books on the shelves that are not burnt.

After that, find the red and blue books in the library. Pick up the pages lying next to them with a click (you can carry only one at a time) and put them in their proper books by clicking on them also. After that, select the books and open them; the rest should be left to you. And above all, explore the island! Take in the beauty of the scenery and investigate the buildings.

Section 2 (MMMM): Tower Rotation:

Change all the power switches to the "on" position. Enter the library and stand before the map of the island; all the buildings should appear. Click on the tower and do not let go. The tower should rotate. Once the beam becomes red, let go and enter the tower via clicking on the picture of the bookshelf. Once up, and interesting view awaits you, though has no real significance. Climb down the ladder and stand before the elevator. Try going around it. If you manage to do so, do not use this next section.

Section 3 (MMM): Ways to get to all five ages on Myst island-

Note: You can go to the ages in any order.


Open the safe in the cabin with the combination 7,2,4. Get a match; light it on the side of the box. Ignite the boiler. With the wheel, you can increase the steam pressure. Once the indicator gets to the very right, the big tree behind the cabin moves upward about two or three feet. The indicator will then start over on the left. Once the tree moves upward enough, a door should be appearing. Once it's large enough to get in, turn the pressure down enough so that the indicator starts going down, and yet still have enough time to enter the tree. It should take you downward (slowly) until a room is visible. Enter the book before you.

Mechanical Age-

Go to the clock tower on Myst. Control the clock hands with the gears and press the red button so it reads 2:40. Once inside, put in the combination 2,2,1. You may have to hold down the right handle for a few seconds (once the weight is at the bottom, pull the large handle on the wall to reset). Whatever happens next should look familiar. Hmmm . . .

Stoneship Age-

Go to the constellation markers near the well (the small boxes on stands in front of the greek pillars). Click on the snake, maple leaf, and spider.

Selenetic Age-

Go to the rocket engines; program the engines to display 59 volts. Go to the Selenetic Age book in the library. Find the keyboard in the back. Write the notes down. Enter the rocket (you might have to flip the connection switches on the power line supports) and program the notes into the tuner. Pull the lever on the right. You may have to try several times.

Section 4 (MMM): Channelwood

Go to the windmill; turn on the water pressure. Divert the water pressure (running water noise) with valves by pointing the red marker in the direction desired. Divert water to the first elevator. Go up it (remember to close the door). [Map] Find the hut with the lever facing the top of the stairs. This may take some time. Pull the lever once (can you see something?). Go down the elevator or stairs. Divert the water pressure to the stairs. Go up the stairs and to the adjacent elevator. Go up the elevator. Find the blue/red pages (you can only take one) in Sirrus' or Achenar's huts. Achenar's is in the plain hut. It lies next to the "TV." Sirrus' is in his hut. Also, find a white scrap of paper that should be torn in half in one of the bed drawers. You can't take this with you, but write it down. After the whichever page is collected, go to the lower level and divert the water to the path that leads beyond the last elevator. Here you will actually have to lead the water pressure to where the walkway has ended. Pull the handle. Once the pathway is up, lead the water to where the pipe ends (not to where it goes into the ground; where it abruptly ends). then go across the newly-formed walkway to the elevator and turn the handle which controls the pipe length on your side of the path. Once the pipe is complete, go up the elevator.

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