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About Me...

Ok were to start....... I am 25 years old. I am currently working on starting
my own business and working part time at a Cinema.
Funny how life takes us down different paths.
I have a love for animals.
I have a Shar-pei. Whom I love---wrinkles and all!
The things I love to relax and to take walks in the woods/trails, reading
and being online. I enjoy watching movies.
I am in to crafts of different kinds, just keeping my self busy. Photography
is my passion. I like football and love baseball. The Indians are my favorite team.
I am just crazy about anything DISNEY (hense my web site) I am a very nice and caring person. I love to spend time with my family.
I have two beatuiful girls, whom are my life. Well I think thats enough about me,
why don't you check out the rest of my site. Since I am still working on it keep
checking back.

Pictures of Me & Friends

This is my puppy. She is my wonderful dog!
Shes a Shar-pei.
She is a great dog, loves to
play and likes her ears scratched.

This is my friend, Jennifer.

This is me and my friend Alan. Me and Alan have been friends
for a long time(since middle school)
He is now married and out of the Marines.



My Mickey Page