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Cryptorchid's Mp3 SuperSite.

Welcome to my new website.
Hopefully you will be able to find the answers to
almost any question that you have been wanting
to know about ripping, encoding, decoding and playing mp3 filez.

Myself or any entity that i am affiliated with does
not support or condone illegal rips of cd's nor mp3's
which rob artists of their legal earnings.

I have put this mp3 supersite togther with the help
of many people who have supplied reviews, links to
their products and search engines. There are too many
people to list so just remember that you have not
been forgotten.

Feel free to email me with any questions, links or
programs that you think should be on this site.
I do not post any bad reviews on this site, i loathe
negativity, so if a link or product you have sent me hasnt
been posted within two weeks then it is safe
to say that i have reviewed it and found it
was unsuitable for a good review. If this has been
the case, i am truelly sorry and hope this provides you or
the owner to revise your program or website and make it
more useful to the mp3 listening public.

Well that is enough for me so i will leave you here to enjoy the website (hopefully). Problems and questions mail to webmaster

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