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Anime Reviews:
Vampire Princess Miyu

Welcome to the dark world of hunger and desire...

Vampire princess miyu is the tale of a young girl who has wandered in the midsts of the Shinma (demans + gods).  Because of her interferance, some of the Shinma escaped and wander the earth.  Miyu is responsable for capturing the rouge Shinma, who feed on the needs and emotions of the humans.
She travels the world with Larva, a 
silent servant, whos fate is entwined with Miyu's.  He unwittlingly made Miyu a vampire and was bound to her by
drinking each other's blood. 

Miyu's faimly has been frozen in time, held hostage by the Shinma, who have also frozen time for Miyu, untill her task is complete.

She has the power of 'real' vampires... To grant the wishes of a person in exchange for their blood.  She only feeds on the 'willing'.

Yet despite all of her powers, and her unusual quest.  Miyu was a normal girl once, and in some ways, still is.  She does not understand the feelings of those around her, nor the feelings that she has.  Love and jelosy, the ways of the woman she is becoming are a mystery to her.  She can only watch in confusion the people she lives amongst and be comforted by Larva's continuing devotion to her.  

Another one of Miyu's "traveling compainions" is Himiko, A spirtiulist who does not belive in demaons or possion untill she meets Miyu.  Himiko follows Miyo throught the world, vowing to stop her from taking any more blood.  But as time goes by she also helps Miyu, in defeting the Shinma and explaining the
feelings Miyu is experiancing.  The show also revels a deeper tie between the two.

Vampire Princess Miyu is an fantastic show.  Exploring the human emotions and the balance between wants and their reprocussions.  A world where even the most noblest of wishes, can be a sorce of pain to your loved ones and nothing is what it seems...