Visconti Tarot Box

My friend Arnell Ando has had the wonderful opportunity of traveling to Italy...more than once. With each visit she becomes increasingly captivated by the art, culture and ambiance of the place which is considered to be the 'birthplace of Tarot'. She wrote an article about her visit in 2001 for Tarot Passages. Recently she wrote a follow-up article about her visit in the Spring of 2004 where she details the collage techniques of her friend Osvaldo Menegazzi. If you've not read these articles, I highly recommend that you follow the links and check them out.

After marveling at the creation process of the wonderful boxes Mr. Menegazzi demonstrates in the pictoral link of Arnell's article, I wanted very much to have a box of my own! I contacted Cristina Dorsini through the e-mail link Arnell provided to inquire. Cristina is very friendly and was quite helpful in translating my request to Osvaldo and after figuring out a mutually agreeable way to transfer the payment (he does not take credit card payments) I was quite thrilled when my Tarot box arrived! Here are some pictures of my new treasure:

Front - Temperance

Here's the front of the box. You can somewhat see the metal hook closure on the right side. Note Osvaldo's wax seal on the box.

Back - The Moon

Very cool - I love how the two cards adorning the box are such complimentary companions.

Box Open

(picture to the right)
Right now I have my Dal Negro edition of the Visconti Sforza deck inside. Eventually I will buy a Il Meneghello edition.

Below is a picture of the box top label

and also a peek at the writing on the side of the box

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