Eight of Swords
by Sally Anne Stephen
inspired by the novel Rebecca

from the Characters in Literature
Collaborative Deck Project

Artist’s Description:

Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again. It seemed to me I stood
by the iron gate leading to the drive and for a while I could not enter,
for the way was barred to me.

The times in which we feel trapped, powerless and at a total loss for how to
gain control of a situation - these are the times symbolized by the Eight of Swords.
The typical image for this card pictures a woman in a desolate landscape,
bound and blindfolded, surrounded by a cage of swords. But all is not
as hopeless as it may seem. A rope falls loose, the imprisoned soul finds
their way free and once the clarity of sight and mind is restored, the path
leading away from captivity was there all along.

In the novel Rebecca, by Daphne du Maurier, the second Mrs. de Winter feels
imprisoned by a ghost - the ever present memory of her beloved Maximilian's
first wife Rebecca. How could she ever hope to achieve such perfection?
Everything she does in attempt to take her place as the mistress of Manderley
leads to disaster and embarrassment. Only when the truth of the past unravels
does she finally feel the security in her relationship with Max.

Artist’s Bio: In her past, Sally Anne Stephen has been known to haunt old cemetaries and
abandoned farm houses around northern Indiana


e-mail your comments to: moonarcana@gmail.com