from Diva Tarot!
a collaborative deck from a woman's point of view

See other cards from the project

Diva Tarot is a group of 20+ women from all over the globe who joined together
to create a tarot deck which uniquely celebrates the Goddess in all women.

The Major Arcana will be called Spirit,
while the 4 suites take on the name of their elemental influence:
Fire = Wands
Water = Cups
Air = Swords
Earth = Pentacles

The Court Cards have been identified differently than the standard,
to allow for a more complete Feminist Perspective.
Maiden = Page/Princess
Mother = Knight/Prince
Crone = Queen
Triple Goddess = King

All of the Spirit Cards will be bordered by a Maiden/Mother/Crone design
which was done by Gorgon, the group's owner and muse.


e-mail your comments to: moonarcana@gmail.com