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Disclaimerish Thing

This page is no way associated with the creators of Rainbow Brite or anything along those lines. I am also not associated with any of the musical groups whos songs I have listed on my lyrics page. I wish I was still associated with the horses whos pictures are on my horse pages, but I left that stable for bigger and better things (ooooooo).

Yes, I have taken pictures from other sites, but I have also made A LOT of my own. If you want to take any of my pictures go ahead. Unless of course, I have mentioned above it NOT to take the picture, then duh! don't take it k? Also, I don't want you taking pictures of ME even though i didnt put a note above them..yeah, i know most of you wouldnt but hey, there are some sick people out there!

If you have a problem with me having a picture you created on my page please email me and I will either take it off or put a link to your page from mine.

Please ignore any swearing that you see in the page... i did blurb it out with *'s and stuff, but some people even get offended by that, so im sorry, but its just the way i am! If you dont like it, please just avoid it. It is only on the lyrics page and the memories page.Thanks bunches.

p.s. i'm wearing my brothers socks...

p.p.s j/k i'm not wearing my brothers socks.

