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The nature of life in reality . . .

Ok, ok. I know that I haven’t updated in a while. I’ve been very busy. It’s not that I didn’t think about it. I tried to crank something out last Friday.
I am in a funk. I think it’s going around. Harold seems to be suffering from one and everybody at the office is dragged down. I guess these things just happen to us periodically and that’s okay. It’s easily explained. Men suffer from PMS just like women do. No, they don’t bleed but they do have hormonal peaks and valleys that make them difficult to live with. My entire company is tired and burned out from our recent Y2K software conversion.

What I don’t get is why I am in a funk. It has to be stress. We are at 29 days out from the wedding and the pressure is beginning to get to me. I have so many un

I got called away and never finished it. So yesterday, I made time for this. Of course I didn't have the time to compose and upload both, so you're getting it a day late. Oh, well.

Wedding Hygiene

Even though I am very much in the moment, I didn’t really feel the impact of my impending nuptials until a few days ago. We got our first wedding present. My mother says that she gave us our first wedding present (she gave us a cake knife set back in February) but that doesn’t count since I was there when she bought it. James called me when I was on the way home from work and told me that a box had arrived. I felt a little tinge of excitement. It was a place setting of our Fiestaware (in chartreuse) from Gene Crain (a friend of mine from the theatre).

I know that the wedding is happening . . . how could I not know with all the planning I’ve been doing! I got a taste of the tangibility of it all back in July when I got my ring. I felt it even more when we tried on our wedding bands. The acknowledgement of the union by someone outside of my family was hard to ignore, however.

Harold and Sonya threw us a wedding shower at the Arcade on Saturday night. We had an absolute blast. The day itself was not quite so fun. My mom and dad had said they were planning to pop by the apartment beforehand. That seemed a reasonable request. They had only been in the apartment once before and that was before we announced our engagement. The problem was that the place was a total disaster . . . more of a total disaster than it usually is. We spent a good part of Friday night cleaning. James kept asking if I could put them off for a day or two. I told him no. He was really stressed out. You see, for some reason James can’t get it through his thick skull that my parents love him. He still thinks that they are going to think ill of him because he doesn’t have enough. Pish Posh, I say. The first house my parents ever lived in was in Frayser. That nullifies their right to say anything bad about our neighborhood or furnishings.

Anyway, we spent Friday and Saturday cleaning up. Saturday morning, we met Harold and Sonya at the tuxedo place. Harold needed to rent his shirt and accessories and James’ tux was ready to pick up. After lunch and a quick but expensive trek to Home Depot, we began the cleaning. My work was interrupted an hour or so later when I had a rather unfortunate slip with the futon mattress and the frame. Luckily, I wasn’t that far from a nail salon and they were able to repair the damage in record breaking time. I got a nifty new color too. We continued to clean up to the very last possible minute.

After my shower, the stress hit me. I didn’t have any underwear (not too thrilled about that) and I couldn’t find my favorite bra. I tried on three or four: two of which didn’t fit (even though the are the exact same size and style of all my others – fuck you women’s clothing industry), one had an unfortunate hole, and one other that showed through the shirt. Not wanting to look like white trash, I began to throw a fit. That means, I got snappy with James. He didn’t like that since he was still totally stressed out about the future in-laws coming over. We yelled at each other as I frantically searched through the dirty clothes for my favorite bra that I knew fit and didn’t show through my shirt. I found it. I put it on. I looked down at the left strap and started to cry. It was beginning to come unattached. I guess all the jumping up and down at the Duran concerts took its toll. I tried to find a needle to sew it back in place but I couldn’t find one. My experiment with the safety pin failed miserably. So I moaned and pouted for a few minutes before I resigned myself to another bra and shirt combo. James had suggested that to me earlier, a fact he relished in repeating, but I was in no condition to hear such foolishness. Of course it was later on that I realized we were wearing matching outfits. Oh, the humanity.

The shower itself was lovely. There was much beer and pizza and many good friends. Gratefully, there was no silly bow hat or “Bridal Bingo” to be played. We had Iggy and Abba on the CD player and we got lots of cool stuff. I got to see some people I hadn’t seen in a long time which was nice. We took some pictures and as soon as I get them developed, I’ll share them with the class. Tim, James’ cousin and loyal reader, had his digital camera there. (SEND JPG’s – HINT HINT) I guess the next order of business is writing the thank you cards, but we’ve resolved to get to that promptly. I have a more family oriented “bridal” shower on the 3rd and I need to stay ahead of the curve. James and Sonya promised to help too. In any event . . . Tim, Jody, Leah, and anybody else who was there, consider this an early thank you.

I had to go to a company cook out on Sunday. It was ok. I felt really old when I suggested that they play some ELO and half my department didn’t know who they were. I tried the “Come on, you remember Xanadu don’t you?” I got blank stares. “Olivia Newton John . . . leg warmers . . . roller skates . . .” Nothing. I swear, I could feel the grey hair pushing through.

This weekend should be exciting as well. My cousin Kathleen is finally getting married (she swore for years that she wouldn’t) so the whole family is heading off to Athens. The best part is that I won’t be here Friday. Work hasn’t been a whole hell of a lot of fun since we got our new software. Come to think of it, it never has been a whole hell of a lot of fun.

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