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Co-authored by:    Bill  and  PM--Suzanne


Date completed:    March 5, 2002




          Topsy and Turvy were gravitationally drawn to each other with a #2 pencil.  The eraser was missing, so parts of them were messed up.  Gravity was one of them.  It was the part they needed most to be socially acceptable.   Without gravity, their body parts floated around in a very disconcerting way, and not all of their friends could stomach that.  Without the eraser they had no ability to correct their drift but their instability was what drew them to each other. 


          Said Topsy to Turvy, "You're the only person I can see eye-to-eye with anymore, now that my eyes are in my elbows."


          "Our eyesight is definitely a part we need to erase and start over," said Turvy to Topsy.   "I have heard that stale bread can work as an eraser in a pinch, but my hand is in a rather awkward position to rub with it at the moment."


          There was an unspoken concern that if an eraser was found and all was put into visual order, things would still not be completely right between them.    "Realpartsophobia" is the scientific name for that condition, which was first described in 1873 by a schizoid, wall-eyed African witch doctor with left-right brain lobe reversal.  Topsy and Turvy decided to accept their disjointedness and even enjoy it.


          "La-la-la", they sang joyously out their ears as they skipped down the country lane on their wrists.   Their world was upside-down, sideways, inside-out and topsy-turvy but they were happy.   All's well that ends at the beginning before it starts.


                                      The End