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Title:      THURSDAY


Co-authored by:     Bill   and  PM--Maria


Completed:     March 24,  2002




          As I stood naked on the model stand, listening to the scratching of the students' pencils on their drawing pads, my tired mind began to wander.   What color should this body be, after 5 years, or does it change into gold because of wisdom?   If I flapped my wings twice, would I rise in the air 5 feet, or 10?   Much higher, probably, because you can even fly over the ocean in your dreams. 


          Flies were buzzing around my head, but my feet were still stuck in the mud when the bell went off, letting me know it was time for a break.  I couldn't move, however, staring at something strange in the corner.  It seemed to be a shapeless blur of smoke with glowing eyes; eyes that locked with mine and released my deepest feelings.  A bolt of lightning passed between us, and with a shock I realized what I was feeling!


          For the past 27 years I had been a strict vegetarian, and now, at the very core of my soul, I realized my intense lust for a McDonalds super-greasy hamburger with cheese and bacon!


          "Yak!  What an idea, I prefer to bite in a juice bud of that person in the corner", my alter ego remarked.


          I didn't completely understand what my alter ego meant by that, but in an effort to satisfy the desire expressed, I moved toward the blurry figure, gnashing my teeth and growling as I aimed my mouth for its tender juice bud.


          My brain became clear, and also the fog, and I knew that the juice bud was a juicy buttock (butt) ha-ha-hah!   "Ar-r-r-r-g", I growled, sinking my teeth into the creatures juicy juice bud buttock, and shaking it ferociously until, howling in pain, it dragged me from the room, down the hallway and stairs and, still naked, out into the street.


          Some people started screaming when they saw the blood covered naked man with green lightning eyes, but out of a small alley came a giggling old woman.  I recognized her as my fairy godmother, who realized I was biting the creature's juice bud buttock as being the next best thing to biting a hamburger; so she brought me ketchup and mustard.


          Then she snapped her fingers twice and a huge hamburger came flying through the air, but what a disappointment it was to me when I caught it!   There was no cheese, nor bacon, and it was cold!   I decided to go home and make myself a royal dinner.  Anyway, it was starting to get dark, and I was getting cold. 


          Still naked, I started thinking of the one I love and became warm as I ran back home to lay down on the moss that was still warm from the earlier sunshine; and wondered why my body was turning into a golden statue.   It was then that I remembered that I really was a golden statue, and only came to life on Thursday afternoons to help out as a model in the local art school.


          I felt very happy to know this, and looked forward to the next Thursday.



                                   The End