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ºAnna McCrea Grad's of '99 º

Hey to all!!!!!!!

This is just a page for all the grad's of '99 from Anna McCrea. I figured this way whenever u wanted to catch up on the group or remember something such as Mike and Tiff leaving u can come here. There's also all the memories of Mr. Davey (even tho we didn't like him he got better). Some of us mite want to forget this year but there's toooo much to forget. Some of the small things like Dave's ketchup (what ever happen to that Dave?¿) and Skeggs and Taylor's strip show that my dad accidentally saw!!!(oops!!!). Then there's Joe... must I say anything more about him!!!. And all the big things like the time that we went skiing and Robin lost her pole twice and her ski once. The same time Tiff let her snowboard down the hill so Skeggs and I had to chase it! There was also the time that Mike put on my coat and started singing "Fat Guy In A Little Coat". There's also all the memories of the grade 8 trip like our crappy bus and stealing the cot from the guys. Who could forget all the late nights and sneaking out the windows to try and see the "?¿hot?¿" guys(watch out for MUD). Beware of the maid!! And never ever use your brush after you find it in the toilet!! Then there's all the friends that we met from Ben R. and Riley!! And of course Grad! The best nite of the year. The nite that we all will never forget. The hotness of the gym. The slide show that we almost/did cry over. And of course the party after where we met up with some grade 8's from Ben R.

Then there's the little things like Chris winking at Mr. Davey when we tried to convince Skeggs that Robin was moving to sudbury. Or all the times that we got in trouble. Then who can forget Mr.Santos.(he's BACK!!) None of us really liked him but he really made an impact from the bell that robin hated to the book on tape cuz we didn't have enough books and he didn't want to read it to us. And of course when he finally decided that he had had enough and made Lauren apologize to him infront of the whole class and she started to laugh at him.

Grade 8 probably wasn't one of our favorite years maybe it was grade 7 and the perfect group or maybe it was grade 6 the last time that we were all together before grade 8 or maybe it was even before. Whenever it was grade 8 will always be a special year that i'm sure we will remember(even in 10 years Robin).

Grade 9 Update

Well now that grade 9 is almost over i decided to update this page again. This year doesn't have as many memories as grade 8 but it was our first year in the new school. We'll always remember the first food fights and the way we tried not to look too stupid as we ran around the first day looking for all our classes. Well not anymore rite!!!HAHAHA sure!!!! Just think next year we can laugh at all the other grade 9's from our kewl old skewl!!!! Our numbers have declined and Elysia will leave us soon too for crappy St. Catharines!!!* we'll miss you too*

More have left us this year like Robin who left and moved to Smith Falls *we miss u hun!!! It isn't the same without you and definatly not as funny and HIP* and Breadon who lives somewhere close to wonderland but hey don't worry we replaced you all easily!!! Just kidding you'll never get replaced!!!! Other than those select few we for the most part are blessing da Dunn with our presense!!! And they love us even more than Anna McCrea!!!

Grade 10 Update

Grade 10!!! WOW!!! In case anyone didn't notice we are officially half done high school!!! So Awesome yet so sad at the same time!!MMMM Let's think what happened this year!!! Well lots of us got our licenses i'm sure even though i'm not one of them!! Stupid Birthday!!! Meh!! But there's not much that changed from last year except Robin is now in Kingston with Tiff!!Ohh and Congrats to Mike cuz he got drafted to the Barrie Colts!! Way to Go MIKE!! We're all behind you!!

Grade 12 Update

Can you believe it! It's been four years since we graduated from Anna McCrea!By the way Anna McCrea has just been nominated top educational school in Ontario!Wow go Falcons! Mrs Kent will be leaving Anna McCrea this year and becoming Vice Principal at Tarantorous! It's flown by and now we're graduating again! Never thought that would happen! The last four years have been nuts but we've all been pretty spread out. Katie, Skeggs, Taylor, Tracy, Brianna, Chris, Dave and I have held down the fort at the Dunn. Robin is still in Kingston and I think Tiff too though I'm not too sure! Mike was playing with Barrie this last year and made it up here for his one game! It was great to see him again!

Dave has just enformed us that he will be moving to Waterloo to work and room with his brother. That just means he'll be closer to Katie and Robin who will both be attending Laurier in the Fall! Yeah! Brianna has opted to attend Brock University in St. Catharine's, which is where Elysia lives. Not too sure where Elysia is goin yet, but I'll find out soon! Skeggs has made it past highschool but is staying in the soo! He's making that long trek across the field and attending Algoma University in the Fall! Taylor's staying in highschool another year! He just loved it sooo much! Tracy Lynn is gunna be in Barrie at Georgian College and studying Hotel management, I believe, although that may not be the right name! Lauren Anne Corboy will continue to attend St. Mary's in the fall. She is now working at A&P, like her mommy, and her latest crush is a man who is in a serious relationship. But he's single in Lauren's eyes because the girlfriend doesn't have a ring. Ah some things never change!And Me! I'm heading to Western! Go Mustangs! I'm keeping this page goin throughout the summer and next year for sure! If you ever need a number they will be posted on here as soon as I get them. So make sure you give them to me!

This is just a start don't forget and I promise it'll get better!!!!!and remember now our CRAZY years are forever here to read about and will never be forgotten (even in 10 years) so when we're all gone and your feeling lonely just remember this page and you can keep updated about all of us!!
