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Welcome to our "Members Spotlight" page! This page was designed for our current King Of Pop Fanatics Los Angeles group members who want to introduce themselves to you and voice their feelings on Michael and our Fanatics group. We hope you enjoy getting know us!

*Donna Green* Highland, CA.

Hello! Well, as you can see, I'm Donna Green. I'm proud to say that I am the founder & leader of the King Of Pop Fanatics Los Angeles Fan Group! The group was founded in August 1999 and I am now proud to announce that I, along with my assistant, Rebecca Reza, have started to form many "King Of Pop Fanatics" groups throughout the United States. Many people ask me why I started the groups, especially because of my age (36) and because I'm married with two great kids, but I have one simple answer: Because of my undying love and belief in Mr. Michael Jackson! People will teasingly ask me "Youre 36 years old, when are you going to act your age and stop worshiping Michael?" Well, I say to them: NEVER! Is there a certain "age" I was supposed to stop loving him? Thats a silly question brought on by the very same people who unfairly misunderstand and judge Michael! I, along with my entire family, love Michael with all my heart! Not just because he is the greatest entertainer that has ever lived, but because of the wonderful, caring, generous human being he is! Forming these "Fanatics" groups across the USA is my way of bringing the American fans in contact with one another, abling them to find others to share their love of Michael with on a regular basis and to show public support to Michael! Michael needs to know that his home-country fans love him just as much as all the other wonderful fans throughout the world!
Michael, if youre reading this, I'd just like to say: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the wonderful, giving person you are! The kindness you have shown to me and my family is appreciated more than you could ever possibly know! Like I told you before, my dear friend, I love YOU more and you will always have my undying, unconditional support, love and friendship forever more! Always remember that I'm only a phone call away if you ever need a friend or a shoulder to cry on. I care about you so very much and I am always here for you.
You are the voice of love, caring, compassion, and most importantly, THE CHILDREN! You are our angel in disguise & the true king of hearts! God bless you & your two precious children always! I love you, I love you, I love you! XXOO

Donna Green

*Rebecca Reza* El Paso, TX.
Hi! My name is Rebecca Reza, the assistant group coordinator of the KOP Fanatics. I'm 21 years old and have been a fan of Michael's for over 10 years now. I know, I know that's not long at all compared to some of you. What can I say, I'm a late bloomer! lol! Anyway, I met Donna Green in 1997. We had gone to various MJ events and felt that the USA was always left behind. We needed to show Michael and the other fan clubs that there are just as many MJ fans in the USA as overseas. The only problem was getting everyone together. Donna has so many ideas of what she wanted to do, so I helped her get started. Little did we know the success that would come from one small idea. The King of Pop Fanatics was founded in August of 1999, and in June we decided to launch it nationwide. I'm proud to say that in just 2 months we now have 8 groups across the US!! It's still a brand new organization, but with the help of many dedicated fans it's coming together, (thanks guys)!! Our focus of course it to show Michael that his USA fans still and will always LOVE him!! To Michael: I cannot thank you enough for everything you have brought to my life. You'll never realize how much you truly mean to me. You're my best friend, my role model, as you are to so many others. You said on the Oprah interview that you hope to spread love all over the world through your music. Well, your goal was already accomplished during that interview and continues today. You've been changing peoples' lives ever since you stepped on the stage. I have nothing but pure love and admiration for you, may God bless you & your beautiful family! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!
Rebecca Reza~
Email me or

*Susan Allen* Northridge, CA.

Hello! My name is Susan Allen and I am 20 years old. I am a member of The King Of Pop Fanatics Los Angeles Fan Group. I live in Northridge, California and I am a full time collage student. I have been a Michael Jackson fan since I was 9 years old!
I love Michael so much! He is the greatest entertainer of all time! I think he is such a positive role model for everyone to look up to. Also, he is a wonderful humanitarian and truly an angel from heaven. I love you Michael! I have been a member of the Fanatics since the group started back in August 1999. I adore this group and always have a blast when ever we get together for an event. Groups here in the USA are so great for Michael because he needs our support, especially in this country!
Keep it up Donna! We love you!!
Email me @:

*Agnes Szenassy* West Hollywood, CA.
I'm Agnes Szenassy, 20. I've been a Michael Jackson fan since I was 8 years old when he came to my elementary school, (Gardner St. School), which Michael attended when he was in the sixth grade. We, as fans, should return the love that Michael gives each of us each time he steps on stage. I am one of the original members of the King Of Pop Fanatics, where I not only have met other Michael Jackson fans, but where I also have found my other family as well! Thank you, Michael, for all your support and love that you spread all around the world.
Email me @:

*Mrs. Szenassy* West Hollywood, CA.
My daughter is the biggest Michael Jackson fan. When she started to go with the King Of Pop Fanatics group I participated in many of the activities and I really enjoy it! I just want to say:Thank you, Michael. My daughter and I have gained a nice, new family that we have lots of fun with.

*Heather Green* Highland, CA.
Hi! My name is Heather Green. I am 15 years old and I live in Highland, CA. I have been a MJ fan since I can remember. My mom, Donna, is the president of the KoP Fanatics USA fan groups & leader of the KoP Fanatics Los Angeles fan group. My favorite album is "Blood On The Dance Floor". My favorite song is "They Dont Care About Us" and my favorite video is "Thriller". Besides his music and dancing, Michael is a nice person. I have met Michael and have talked with him on the phone a few times and I can tell you that he is a really nice person who cares. Thank you, Michael, for everything you have done for my family!

*Brian Green* Highland, CA.
Hi! My name is Brian. I am 12 years old and I am in the 7th grade. My favorite things to do are listen to MJ music, watch scary movies, and play video games!
I have been a Michael Jackson fan all of my life! I think he is the best singer and dancer in the world. I have spoken to Michael a few times and he is really cool and nice. It makes me mad when people say mean things about him because I know for a fact that he is really nice and cares for kids!
I like being in my mom's King Of Pop Fanatics group because we get to do fun things every month. One of my favorite place's our group has gone to is Disneyland.
Michael, if youre reading this I just want to say thank you for being so nice to me. I will be your friend forever, I promise! Love, Brian.

*Guy Fiat* Hollywood, CA.
Hello! My name is Guy and I'm 29 years old(May 5,1971). I've been a member of the King Of Pop Fanatics fan club since September 1999. I'm a landscaper and gardener. I graduated twice from the French Republic Ministry of Agriculture and Forest(gardens and parks) in Grenoble,state of Isere. I do love flowers, to me they're the most beautiful things in the world.
I've been a Michael Jackson fan since 1982. At that time I was only 11 years old when I first heard about michael. I fell in love right away with his voice! Since then I've become a huge fan. I have attended 33 concerts and met him several times, like many fans. I miss him sometimes, but I do know he will be always in our hearts. I really do hope he will do an American tour!
Email me @:

*Rachel Yepez* Los Angeles, CA.
Hi my name is Rachel, I'm 22 years old, Mexican, born and raised in Los Angeles. I've known Donna for 3 yrs now and it is she who signed me to the group and I am SO glad that she did. Donna is such a great and dedicated friend and leader... I have to give her mad props for that. She amazes me with the many wonderful ideas she comes up with...I don't know any other person as dedicated to their fan group and to Michael as she is. She is truly a wonderful and genuine lady. Love you Donna! I also have to give props to the Fanatics. They have been so wonderful to me. I care for them like my 2nd family.... my MJ family =) ... and can't wait for our next event to come up so we can spend some time together and have fun... which we always do.

I have only been admiring Mr.Michael Jackson since 1995 when I first "discovered" him while watching VH-1's "Michael Jackson Week" just as HIStory was set to be released. I guess I'm what you call somewhat of a "Rookie MJ fan" but my love and support for Michael is just as great as his biggest fan's. Michael has touched my life in a way no one else has or possibly could. He is an amazing entertainer and human being. He is THE ONLY man on Earth who has blown my mind the way he has. I sometimes wonder how my life would be if I had not "discovered" Michael when I did. Oh my... how scary!!! lol I'm so glad I did though because he has helped me through some really tough times with his music, and he has opened my mind to music, ideas and the world. He's affected my life greatly although he may never know it. Just thinking of him now makes me smile. I know your smiling too. =) I will forever be grateful Michael. You taught me so much about life, love, compassion, and so much more. Words could never say what you truly mean to me, your an exceptional person, so kind, loving and talented. A genius. A gift from above sent with kindness and love. =) A true Angel!!! You and your beautiful family are forever in my prayers. Wish you all the love and happiness in life that you surely and truly deserve!!! I Thank you and Love you from the bottom of my heart! And always remember we will forever be by your side... to love and support you no matter what!!

*Monique Ransome* Temecula, CA.
Hi everyone! My name is Monique and I'm 16 years old. I've been an M.J. fanatic since I was 5 years old. I can remember my grandmother always putting in the Moonwalker movie, and me watching M.J. videos on M.T.V. I couldn't help but to be amazed! I think that M.J. is the greatest performer of all time and I'm glad that God put him on this well as my family:-)

If you are thinking of joining this King OF Pop Fanatics Group, you will not at all be let down. Our leader, Donna Green, is such a great leader who always has everything so well put together and is ready to make every event, a fun event:-)
If you would like to e-mail me, feel free, I'd love to hear from you...if it's nice of course:-), L.O.L.:-)
Email me @

If you are a current member of our King Of Pop Fanatics Los Angeles Fan Group and you would like to post a small picture and profile, please email Donna Green at: