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Meet The Family!
KOP Fanatics Group Leader Profiles

Welcome to our Group Leaders Profiles page! This page is designed for our King Of Pop Fanatics Group Leaders across the USA to introduce themselves to you and to share their feelings on Michael and our KOP Fanatics Club. We hope you enjoy getting to know us!

(Please be patient, as it may take several moments for the pictures to load. Thanks)

*Donna Green*
Founder: King Of Pop Fanatics
Leader: King Of Pop Fanatics-Los Angeles

Hello! Well, as you can see, I'm Donna Green. I'm proud to say that I am the Founder of the King Of Pop Fanatics & Leader of the King Of Pop Fanatics Los Angeles Fan Group! The King Of Pop Fanatics United States Fan Groups was founded in August 1999 and I am proud to announce that we have started to form many "King Of Pop Fanatics" groups throughout the United States. Many people ask me why I started the groups, especially because of my age (38) and because I'm married with two great kids, but I have one simple answer: Because of my undying love and belief in Mr. Michael Jackson! People will teasingly ask me "Youre 38 years old, when are you going to act your age and stop worshiping Michael?" Well, I say to them: NEVER! Is there a certain "age" I was supposed to stop loving him? Thats a silly question brought on by the very same people who unfairly misunderstand and judge Michael! I, along with my entire family, love Michael with all my heart! Not just because he is the greatest entertainer that has ever lived, but because of the wonderful, caring, generous human being he is! Forming these "Fanatics" groups across the USA is my way of bringing the American fans in contact with one another, enabling them to find others to share their love of Michael with on a regular basis and to show public support to Michael! Michael needs to know that his home-country fans love him just as much as all the other wonderful fans throughout the world!

Michael, if youre reading this, I'd just like to say: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the wonderful, giving person you are! The kindness you have shown to me and my family is appreciated more than you could ever possibly know! Like I told you before, my dear friend, I love YOU more and you will always have my undying, unconditional support, love and friendship forever more! Always remember that I'm only a phone call away if you ever need a friend or a shoulder to cry on. I care about you so very much and I am always here for you.
You are the voice of love, caring, compassion, and most importantly, THE CHILDREN! You are our Angel in disguise & the true King of Hearts! God bless you & your three precious children always! Without you my life would be less than full. Thank you for bringing so much happiness into my life. I love you, I love you, I love you! XXOO

**Click here to visit my MJJ Dedication page**
**Click here to read my poem to Michael**
Donna Green

*Rebecca Reza*
Leader: King Of Pop Fanatics-Phoenix

Hi there! Wow, what a few years it has been!! I truly believe, (and I don't just say that because I'm part of this group), but there are NO fans out there in the world of any other celebrity/superstar, that can rival fans of Michael Joseph Jackson! Not only that, but I truly believe the Jackson's are the most talented family in all of show business history. I think the best part, they truly care for their fans. I've never once had a bad experience meeting one of the family. The ones that I have met have been soooo nice, and humble, it's truly inspiring. It's been a long, tough few years waiting for Michael's new album but finally he has finished another wonderful gift for us.

I've had sooo many wonderful experiences being a fan of Michael, and have made many friends over the years. I've attended Michaelfest, every MJ Day USA, of course our events out in LA, and most recently, my dream come true seeing the man in person, ALONG with the J5(!) in New York this September, not only that but had front row seats!! This group has made soo many things possible, all of which wouldn't have been possible without Michael's attention and care to his hometown fans.

Michael, you have been a huge inspiration to me since I was a child. I've grown up listening to your music, including the J5/Jacksons records. Your music is my soundtrack of many great memories. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the dreams that you have made possible for me. I love you with all my heart and soul. May God Bless You & your beautiful family.
Rebecca Reza

*Vernay Lewis*
Leader: King Of Pop Fanatics-Philadelphia/New York City

Greetings! I'm Vernay Lewis, East Coast Chapter Leader for the King of Pop Fanatics. I reside in Delaware, a centralized location, which makes accessing my members in the big cities an easy task! I'm a 26-year-old mother of one and teaching assistant for elementary students with disabilities, a program that my daughter is also a part of.

I consider myself not only a Michael Jackson fan, but also a part of a supportive unit that we've come to know as our "fan family". Whenever possible, I attend various Michael events, concerts, and fan gatherings to show my support of both Michael and the fan community. Some highlights of my "Michaeling" include the "What More Can I Give?" concert in Munich, Germany, MichaelFest 97 & 98, MJ Day USA 1 & 3, Michael's Heal the Kids Seminar at Carnegie Hall, both Madison Square Garden 30th Anniversary concerts, having my question answered by Michael during last year's live Yahoo! Chat, the July 6th Sony demonstration, July 6th MJFC 30 Years of Magic Fan Party, the King of Pop Fanatics LA Birthday Bash, my visit to Neverlandand, and my ultimate favorite: MEETING MICHAEL AT THE VIRGIN MEGASTORE!!

I chose to be a KOP Fanatics chapter leader because of my love, dedication, and admiration of Mr. Jackson. I've been a fan for 22 years now, and he never ceases to amaze me. I'm constantly in awe at the very site of him. Because of him, I've grown in many ways…I've traveled the world, made wonderful friends, and have been exposed to wonderful new cultures. For that and all that he does, I'm truly a FANATIC…FOREVER! I love you Michael!!
Vernay Lewis

*Kristen Manego*
Co-Leader: King Of Pop Fanatics-New Orleans

Hi! My name is Kristen Manego and one of the co-leaders of King Of Pop Fanatics: New Orleans (Louisiana). I'm 18 years old and a Louisiana State University student. I've been a Michael fan ever since I can remember. I really didn't start getting into the diehard fan mode until 1995. I've come a long way since then. My favorite MJ fan moment was going to NYC to see MJ in concert in September of 2001. In NYC, I NEVER felt so proud to be a MJ fan before in my life. I'll never forget the great times were had by all.

How did this club get started? Donna had actually played a pivotal part in this. Well actually, Darketa (my co-leader) and I tried to start the New Orleans club a couple of times previously, but, unfortunately, with no success. So, one day in August 2000, Donna, Darketa, and I were in the MJIFC chatroom. We just happened to be on the subject of KOP Fanatics and we told Donna about our attempts to try and start the club and Donna said since I was under 18 at the time, lol, and Darketa was older, that we both become leaders! The rest is history! Thanks Donna!

Over the past year and a half or so, my love for Michael has grown even stronger. You can watch all the performances on TV and hear the music on the radio or in a CD player, but there is nothing like watching this man in person. It's almost as like I understand now. I understand what it's all about and what fans mean to experience a concert and even chasing after MJ on a tour bus. LOL! I'm constantly learning things as a fan as I get more involved in the MJ fan community and about Michael himself. My love for him is only growing stronger. I am proud to be a MJ fan and a part of King Of Pop Fanatics.

So as we say in New Orleans, "Laissez le bon temps roulez!" -- "Let the good times roll!"
Kristen Manego

*Darketa Morris*
Co-Leader: King Of Pop Fanatics-New Orleans

My name is Darketa and I am one of the leaders of King of Pop Fanatics New Orleans. I am 28, and have been a fan for the past 16 years, since the Bad album was released! My internet friends know me as “iluvmj.” I’m seen here with my 5 year old Anissa who is also a fan. She will never forget the day she went to Michael “Jasson’s” house! LOL

Being apart of the Fanatics has been an amazing experience for me, as a show our support for Michael. Whether it be a concert, a demonstration, an award show or a party in Michael’s honor, we are there! My favorite MJ event is the 2001 concert at Madison Square Garden. That was worth taking off work for a week! I have met so many people from all corners of the globe who share the same love and admiration for Michael as I do. I am so grateful to be among a group full of such wonderful people who support Michael non-stop. I look forward to more MJ events in 2003. I’m ready to travel again! My friends tell me I’m hopeless. Maybe they’re right!

My name is iluvmj and I’m a Mikeaholic.
Darketa Morris

*Darvon Mc Donald*
Co-Leader: King Of Pop Fanatics-Dallas

Hello MJ fans.....

I am Darvon, Co-Leader of the Dallas group. I am a part of this club particularly because I think it is fun and exciting, and I love the King of Pop Michael Jackson, and this is actually the only official way I can express my love for Michael. When I first heard about this club, I was just so excited, because I knew it would be so fun, and so I decided to be apart of it, and become a leader. I've been a fan of his for about 10 years now, but I've become a FANATIC over the years of learning more and more about him. The more I learn about him the more I love him. I also love meeting other Michael Jackson fans, which is another reason I joined this club.

As for my personal life, I am pursuing a career that deals with the music industry. It may be producing, or it may be advertising, but whatever it is, Michael is the real reason why I love music so much. He has lifted me in so many ways, you couldn't even imagine.

To Michael Jackson, I love you, you are the BEST. Thank you for everything.
Darvon Mc Donald

*Amy Smith*
Co-Leader: King Of Pop Fanatics-Dallas

Hi I'm Amy Smith! I'm co-leader of the Dallas group along-side Darvon! I heard of the kingofpopfanatics through Darvon and alot of chatting! LOL...from the old chatroom.

I've been an MJ! This is my fifth year! Darvon got me into this sexy man. Most of you know the ENTIRE story from her. *Winks* But, I love Michael Jackson THIS MUCH! I used to love country and then suddenly JAM, I fell in love with the king of pop. Thanks darvon!

Okay, moving on. My entire life I have been close to music. I was in choir for over ten years and won two competitions for my efforts. Being addicted to MJ, (did I say that), has moved me closer to my dreams of professional singing. This is something I truly love, and hopefully someday I will get recognized and be able to share my talent with the world. That quote came from MJ but I feel the same way so hush. LOL Um...Well, to make a short story long, hehe, Michael if you ever read this, I LOVE YOU! And I'll see you on stage! Someday....

Okay, there's a little bit about me. I love MJ! And for the record, I love the kingofpopfanatics!!! And, that's all folks!
Amy Smith

*Nicole Childs*
Co-Leader: King Of Pop Fanatics-New Haven

Hi! My name is Nicole Childs and I run the New Haven, CT group along with my partner in crime, Jess! We've been up and running for a little over a year now and what a year it has been! From the NYC Virgin store signing...standing outside Liza Minelli's wedding in the freezing cold...the demo and fan party in July... We've had a blast! Hopefully this coming year will be even better!! I've been a fan for as long as I can remember but I got sucked into fanatic status after seeing him live for the first time at the MSG concert! It was the most amazing experiance of my life...there is no better performer in the WORLD that Michael. Since then I've had the pleasure of seeing him (and getting to speak to him breifly) 4 times! In addition to all the Michaeling I do, I'm a junior at Quinnipiac University studying psychobilogy. One day, hopefully, I'll be going to medical school. So if you live in the New England area and ur an MJ'd fit right in with us!

Nicole Childs

*Jessica DiGregorio*
Co-Leader: King Of Pop Fanatics-New Haven

What's up everybody! My name is Jessica DiGregorio, I'm 20 years old and I am the co-leader of the KOP New Haven, CT chapter. I've only been an official leader for about a month now, but I've been helping Nicole right along. And I'm loving every minute of it! Other than my beloved Michael, I love to listen to hip-hop. I am also a very amature impersonator, but I do a pretty mean Moonwalk :)

I've been an MJ fan for as long as I can remember...with the exception of a few years...but I came back with avengence and am FANATICAL BEYOND BELIEF!! Michael has changed my life in ways I never thought a person could, but he did and I love him SOOOOOOOOOOOO much for it. I decided I wanted to be a leader because I wanted to show my support and love to Michael with other fanatics. My group is the bomb! No doubt!! We've had some hella good times chillin' at our MJ days and goin to NY to see Michael all those times! Nothing is better than chillin with other fantics talkin about MJ or even better....MEETING HIM IN PERSON! But all you gotta know about me is that I LOVE MICHAEL JACKSON, I love the fans and I love being KOPF leader! "The glove is life!" "You're not open minded until you are a Michael Jackson fanatic..." Remember this and you'll never go wrong. Peace, One and KEEP MICHAELING!
Jessica DiGregorio

*Elizabeth Cook*
Leader: King Of Pop Fanatics-Atlanta

Hello fellow MJ fanz! I am Elizabeth D. Cook, the biggest Michael Jackson fan in the state of Georgia!! :) I am very proud to say that I've been an MJ fan since the age of five and now at the age of 19, many of my friends consider myself a fanatic! Lol I guess they're right though. I've been influenced by the magic that is Michael Jackson for years although many of my friends never really knew it. I never acted like the all-out Michael Jackson fan that I am in high school. I was proud of being a fan but for some reason, I never made it obvious. Personally, I don't think those knuckleheads would have understood! But when classes were over and it was time to go home, the fan in me would happily jump out! :) Now that I am at Alabama State University, miles away from the people that I grew up with, almost everyone I know knows me as Billie Jean! I'm always representing MJ now and of course, I get criticized for that but I don't care. I'm an MJ fan and that's that!

I am so happy to say that I had the wonderful opportunity to go to New York (my home state) twice this year, both times to see Michael Jackson! (well, DUH!) The first time I had ever seen Michael Jackson in person was, well, never---until I decided to skip class and go to New York for Valentine's Day (Feb. 14, 2001)! This was the day of the Heal The Kids Seminar at Carnegie Hall. Unfortunately, I had a couple of flight delays that made me miss Michael's speech at the beginning of the seminar, but I made it anyway thank God! I had a great time in NYC overnight (I returned to Montgomery the VERY next day!) and I met a lot of cool people that I realized I had been talking to for weeks in the MJIFC chat! I would have to say that my trip to New York was the best Valentine's Day I'd ever had! The second time was the historic 30th Anniversary Celebration at Madison Square Garden! Now THAT was the greatest weekend of my life!!!! I again met some really great people, including Donna Green (*(*(*HUGS!*)*)*)!!!! I also went to the Metropolitan Opera House the day of the MTV's Video Music Awards, September 6th, and to TRL the day of the first concert, September 7th, where my mom and a bunch of my friends saw me and my fellow MJ fans representing MJ in the middle of Times Square! I will never, EVER forget that concert! It was the opportunity of a lifetime and although I am a college student (who is pretty much broke at the present date!) who sacrificed a lot to go to NYC yet again, it was well worth it! Well, I guess that's all you need to know for now!!!!!! Let's get ready for INVINCIBLE!!!!! YEAH!

Michael, If you happen to come across this, I wrote a poem a few months ago that I would like to share with you. This poem represents how much I've been inspired by you, your wonderful music that has helped me through many a hard time in my short life, your kindness and graciousness, and especially your willingness to give all that you have to the children of the world. I support you in your efforts to heal the world. Keep doing what you do best. Don't let the haters get to you because you truly are the BEST! I hope you enjoy my poem.
**Click here to read my poem to Michael**
Peace, Love, & Blessings from Above,
Elizabeth Cook

*Heather Folk*
Co-Leader: King Of Pop Fanatics-Detroit

Hi. My name is Heather Folk and I co-lead the Detroit group, along with Fallynn. I am 23. I have applied for the nursing program at a local college. I find out in March if I get in or not. If I do not get in I am going into the EMT program this fall.

I have been a fan for 10 years now. The Oprah interview is what did it for me. The next day I went out and bought Thriller, Bad, and Dangerous. While visiting a friend in California several years ago, I attended a get-together held by the KOP Fanatics LA group. I had a lot of fun & met a lot of great people. Thats when I decided to be a leader and form a KOPF group here in Detroit. I'm generally a quiet person by nature until I get to know you. I do, however, enjoy being with fellow MJ fans and getting to know them. I really enjoy leading our group with Fallynn and I look forward to getting to know everyone at future get-togethers and events. If you are from the greater Detroit area, please consider joining us!
Heather Folk

*Fallynn Colmus*
Co-Leader: King Of Pop Fanatics-Detroit

My name is Fallynn. I am from Saginaw, Michigan, co-leader of the Detroit KOPF group, and I am 20 years old. Soon to be 21, February 13th :) Same day as you know who. I have been a fan of Michael's since I can remember. My mom used to listen to him when I was younger and I really enjoyed the was in that category of *cool* music. I remember when he really captivated me though. It was the Oprah Interview. I was in 3rd grade and my mom let me stay up late to watch it and I thought it was SO awesome when he sang Who Is It with the beatbox thing or whatever you called it. My mom recorded it at the time, and I always would rewind it and listen to that part. And every since then I have been a big fan.

So anyway, I am in college right now, with an undecided major, thinking about some things in the medical field. I work at our local hospital in the physical therapy department. I also love dolphins and thats my story! *lol*
Fallynn Colmus

*Sjoerd Roijenga*
Leader: King Of Pop Fanatics-Orlando

I am Sjoerd Roijenga. I am male and I am 29 years young(Feb.23 1974) I use to live in Holland but 3 years ago I met a very nice lady online in the MJIFC chatroom and after half a year we fell in love with each other (so this happened because of MJ). I have visited her 12 times in the last 3 years and last december 2002 we got married and we are now living together in Spring Hill Florida.

I have seen MJ in concert 10 times. I saw the Dangerous concert in 1992. After this concert I became a huge fan, the next day I bought AL his albums. I saw the HIStory concert 7 times, I saw the MJ & Friends concert in Germany and I also went to the "What More Can I Give"" concert in Washington DC. In Holland I have a lot MJ fans who are friends, including 2 very personal friends who also run a news website about MJ (I am an official reporter for them in the US) their website is: I always have been active with telling people about how good I think MJ is, I am happy that I get a change to be the leader of the Orlando group and I will do the best I can. So I guess that's it, if you have any questions please email me, I will be happy to asnwer them!
Sjoerd Roijenga

*Farah Pajuheshfar*
Co-Leader: King Of Pop Fanatics-Las Vegas

Hello, my name is Farah. I have been Michael Jacksons' fan since the Jackson Five. I am very proud to be born on the same day and the same year as Michael, which is April 29, 1958. I am married for 25 years, and I have two kids. Jimmy (15) and Julie (11) years old. I am a hairstylist and a makeup artist. My family has been always supportive of my mission about Michael, and I love them very much for that. I am very honored to be the Las Vegas leader.

This is for you Michael, if you read this:

Few people come into our lives and make the whole world seem bright, but you're one of those rare and splendid jewels. When I was sad, you made me smile. When I was alone and blue, you were there for me, and you made me feel strong enough to take on the whole world. I want you to know that I appreciate the many things you've done for me.

Your devoted fan,
Farah Pajuheshfar

*Julie Pajuheshfar*
Co-Leader: King Of Pop Fanatics-Las Vegas

Hi, my name is Julie Pajuheshfar, I am Farah's daughter and Co-Leader for the KOP Fanatics, Las Vegas Group.

I loved Michael Jackson since I was a little baby. The first song I've heard in my life was Man in the Mirror. I want to be a singer/ pop star when I grow up also, Michael Jackson has really inspired me with his music and his own spirit. I have never really met Michael Jackson or have seen him in real life, but I feel like he's part of my family. To be honest, I have to say goodnight to him before I go to sleep every night. At school, everybody thinks I talk and like him too much, but I think I'm pretty unique. I am in sixth grade, and my whole locker is full of Michael Jackson's pictures. I even look at myself in the mirror and try to act and dance like him. If you ask what Michael Jackson song I like the best, I would say, "every single one of them". I've performed Michael Jackson's songs on stage, and even dressed like him in a school wax museum. Michael Jackson has also inspired me by teaching me not to take drugs and to be happy for who you think you are, not what other people think you are. My only dream is that one day I could meet him and show him my real talents. I will also say thank you to Donna Green for letting me be Co-Leader.

For my IDOL Michael Jackson,
I love you VEEEERRRRYYYY Much!!!!!

Julie Pajuheshfar

*Randi Potter*
Leader: King Of Pop Fanatics-Anchorage

Hello all you diehard King Of Pop fans!

My name is Randi and I'm very proud to be the leader of the KOP Fanatics of Anchorage, Alaska. I've been to this site many times and always wanted to join a group but there wasn't one for Alaska, so I decided to form my own! I hope to get more fans from Alaska to join this group. I've been a Michael Jackson fan for about four years now and still going strong.

I'm a graduate from high school and thinking about taking up a career in animation. I just hope Disney will accept me! LOL! So if you all ever need a design for a shirt or a poster. I might be able to help you out! ;)

On a personal note to Michael: "I love you and the KOP Fanatics love you more! God bless you!"
Randi Potter

Be sure to check back often, as we will be adding more of our leaders profiles in the near future!

© 1999-2003 King Of Pop Fanatics