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My Poem To Elizabeth

I'd like to take a moment
to give thank's where it is due
to such a courageous, giving lady
Elizabeth Taylor - that is you!

For when your dear friend Michael
needed help from all his friend's
it was you who stood beside him
from the begining to the end!

Where were all his famous pal's
when he needed thier support?
They were no where to be found
Were they afraid of the publicity court?

Of all the Hollywood face's
who claimed to be his friend's
Only you stood tall beside him
showing faith that has no end!

As all his fan's stood helplessly
watching his dispare
we knew he had God's blessing
by having you to give him care!

For you helped him through his toughest battle's
not caring what 'Hollywood' thought
You spoke your mind and told them off
which we appreciate a lot !!

So, on behalf of all us Michael fan's
I'd simply like to say
Thank You, Ms. Elizabeth
in our heart's you'll alway's stay!

We Love You, Elizabeth!

© 1997-2001 Donna Green

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