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Kaitie Can Fly

It was after yesterday and before last year when this story happened. It was Kaities 8 and a half birthday and all her friends were over. They were having a fun party and ate lots of steak and corn. Kaitie got a dark blue dress that she liked alot.
She had to go to school the next day. She wore her favorite purple flower dress. When she got to her class her teacher wasn't there yet! Kaitie sat at her seat, waiting for the teacher to come. Then she got bored and started playing tag with the rest of her class. After playing tag the class started seeing how far they could jump off a chair. When it was Kaitie's turn she jumped but didn't fall back down. Then the teacher came in!!!
Her name was Mrs.Menie and she was real, real MEAN. Everybody in the class hurried up to their seats and sat down but Kaitie couldn't figure out how to get down from the air.
"Stop Floating Kaitie!" yelled Mrs.Menie. Mrs.Menie yelled so loud that Kaitie fell and hurt her knee. Mrs.Menie told her to go to the prinicpals office.
Before she got there she found the top a unicorn's horn. The principal's name was Ms.Coined she was nice and let Kaitie go back to her class. When Kaitie was walking back home with her friends she tried to float in the air again. After floating she tried to kind of swim in the air and she started moving! Kaities friends looked up and were amazed to see her flying. Then they saw a sick purple, red and dark blue unicorn. It was sick because the horn was broken. Katie went to the unicorn and put the top of the horn on it. The unicorn got up and talked.
"Thanks Kaitie. Now I am your very best unicorn friend" she said smiling. Kaitie wanted to ride her very best unicorn friend home because she just remembered that her knee still hurt. Instead of walking the unicorn flew. It's wings were made out of purple red and dark blue butterflies! "Whats your name?" Kaitie asked the unicorn "My name is Diane" said the Unicorn. "It's really Alice Molly Cristina Jones Smith Greene but my friends call me Diane"
"Cool." said Kaitie. Kaitie and Diane flew real fast to Kaitie's house where Kaitie's parents were waiting for her. "Kaitie! We're glad you're home. We have to leave right now!" said her Mom. She was real nervous. "Why do we have to leave, I just got a unicorn" Kaitie began.
"Mrs.Menie is going to take over the town! "Shes going to make everyone eat brussels sprouts and be servents for her in the big castle!"
"Oh no!" said Katie "What will we do?" she asked Diane. "We have to stop her! And I know how!" said Diane.
"How?" asked Kaitie and her parents at the same time "We have to get the magic Crystal from over the rainbow and under the sea."Said Diane "But I can't fly there, only you can Kaitie."
"You can't go Kaitie." said her Mom "It's too dangerous." "I'm the only one who can do this Mom, you have to let me. Please." then Kaitie gave her Mom a look that always got her what she wanted.
"Ok you can go, but be back in an hour" Katie hurried and flew over the rainbow and under the sea and she found the crystal. It was too heavy for her to lift. Bye that time a half hour was over and Kaitie needed to hurry up. When she had 15 minutes left a dolphin came and helped her get to the rainbow.
Then Diane helped her over the rainbow. Kaitie got to her house with one minute left. Mrs.Menie was there and she looked mad! When Kaitie held out the crystal Mrs.Menie turned into a puddle of green slime. Everyone was so happy! They had a big party and a parade. Then red, purple and Dark blue confetti fell from the sky and everyone was dancing. Kaities whole family and Diane all got into one little car and went to Disneyland.

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