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                                             Almost Paradise

Choreographer:     Sonny & Linda Klemm
                             Lindy Wilson
Type:                     Partner, 48 count
Music:                  Almost Jamaica, Bellamy Brothers

This is a mirror dance, the mans steps are listed. Couples facing line of dance, holding inside hands.

Triple Step, Rock Step, Coaster Step
1&2        Triple step forward (R, L, R.)
3-4         Step forward Left, rock back on Right.
5&6       Coaster step back (L, R, L.)
Step, Pivot, Triple Step
7-8         Step forward Right, pivot 1/2 turn CCW, releasing hands.
9&10     Triple step in place (R, L, R) Pick up inside hands
Step, Pivot, Triple Step
11-12     Step Forward Left, pivot 3/4 turn CW, releasing hands.
13&14   Triples step in place (L,R,L), pick up both hands. (now facing each other).
Rock Step, Triple Step
15-16     Step back (Ladies step forward) on Right, rock forward on Left.
17&18    Triple step forward (R, L, R)
Walk, Walk, Triple Step
Man's Steps
19-20     Step forward Left then Right releasing Right hand  & raising Left
21&22   Triple step in place (L, R, L).
Ladies Steps
19-20    Full turn CW on Right, Left releasing Left hand and turning under Right.
21&22   Triple step in place (R, L, R)
Walk, Walk, Triple Step
Man's Steps
23-24    Walk back Right, Left keeping Left hand raised
25&26   Triple step in place (R, L, R) rejoining both hands
Ladies Steps
23-24     Full turn CCW on Left under raised hands.
25&26   Triple step in place (L, R, L)
Rock Step Triple Step
27-28      Step Left behind Right with 1/4 turn to face  F.L.O.D., rock back on Right.
                       (Release man's left, ladies right hand)
29&30    Turn 1/4 turn left to face partner on L, R, L triple step in place.
Rock Step Triple Step
31-32     Step Right behind Left with 1/4 turn to face B.L.O.D, rock back on Left
                       (Release man's right, ladies left hand)
33&34    Turn 1/4 turn right to face partner on R, L, R triple step in place.
Rock Step, 360 degree Free Spin, Triple Step
35-36     Step back on Left with 1/4 turn to face F.L.O.D, rock forward on Right.
37-38     Full turn CW on Left, Right
39&40   Triple step forward (L, R, L) down line of dance.
Cross Over, Triple Step
41-42     Dropping inside hands and picking up outside hands. Lady crosses in front
               under raised hands while man crosses behind. (Man R-L) (Lady L-R)
               Both traveling forward.
43&44   Triple step forward (R, L, R)
Cross Over, Triple Step
45-46     Dropping inside hands and picking up outside hands lady crosses in front
               under raised hands while man crosses behind back to original position
                   (Man L-R) (Lady R-L).
47&48    Triple step forward (L, R, L).