"We cannot change what we do, until we change what we know."
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Welcome to Tractor's with Tradition


     My name is Jim and I live in KOUTS INDIANA which is just east of Chicago,ILL. INDIANA is the eastern most state in the Midwest.
     John Deere Tractors have always been a part of my life..As you will see by the picture of me at 4 yrs old on my dads 40's B..and then some 20 years later my son at 4 yrs on my dad's 1952 G.
     John Deere is more than a green tractor..it's a FAMILY TRADITION. I bought a 1946 JD B from the original owner, complete and like new condition..I later sold it to a young future farmer for a 4H project for the fair and antique shows. I found my latest tractor...a 1948 JD M sitting in a co-worker's garage. It was taken apart..one piston stuck. It's all original and complete as far as parts go. he owned this tractor for 20 yrs, buying it from an uncle, who did work on a farm for a widow, who then gave the uncle this M as payment.
      I'm making this page to document and to let others watch as I restore this beauty to parade ready condition. I'll post pictures and the progress of what I encounter along the way.

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Celebrities' JOHN DEERE chic
not reflected down on the farm
by Jane Schmucker
Toledo Blade

     John Deere baseball caps that once labeled wearers as straight off the farm have gotten a sales boost from young people imitating Hollywood stars. Actor Ashton Kutcher, who comes from Iowa, where Deere & Co has it's headquarters, often has worn a John Deere cap on MTV and in other TV appearances. Singer Kid Rock sported the farm cap on the cover of the december issue of Men's Journal. Actor Dennis Quaid appeared with a John Deere cap on the cover of the october issue of Architectual Digest. "This is not some orchestrated effort to get John Deere on the magazine covers and into the Tonight Show" said Ken Golden, a Deere & Co spokesman. Nor did he predict the cap's popularity will last forever. Some trend-watchers months ago pronounced John Deere caps old hat.But the fad still is drawing young people into some local agricultural equipment dealerships to pay $7 to $15 for caps in John Deere green. Across the country, Golden said, there has been a "significant" increase in hat sales in the past 18 months compared with the previous 18 months.      He declined to be more specific. Although John Deere caps typically are associated with farmers, they seldom are bought by farmers. Most full-time farmers own dozens of caps that were promotional gifts from sellers of seed, fertilizer, pesticides and equipment, said Luke Ryan, a parts salesman for John Deere. He estimated that many farmers receive five such hats a year. Nor are farmers the biggest buyers of much of the John Deere clothing, housewares and numerous other items emblazoned with the trademark yellow deer on a green background. Farmers tend to be too practical to spring for John Deere lamps with stained-glass shades, lighted painting at $150 to $200 each, or garden statues such as one of a boy holding a toy John Deere tractor.

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1948 M

Tips & Hints

Development of John Deere Tractors

Vintage JD Pictures

Model M Facts



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