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Just wanna say hi 2 sum peeps..

Hey cuz! Its so kool that we we're sooo alike. U've been like my older sister growin up and i just wanna thank u 4 everything u've done 4 me. We`ve had so many memorable moments 2gether, just messin around and being stupid and krazy as alwayz! I luv ya sooo much and i'm so glad we've gotten closer again.. i can't wait till we can party 2gether!

Hi honey.. wassup?? who ever woulda thought we'd end up like this huh? from brother and sister to boyfriend and girlfirend.. kinda funny how things worked out. we're so alike in so many ways (even with our stubbornness hehe) get outta my head!! i love you baby and u make me vewy vewy happy =) muah!

Wassup gurly?? Ur one of my closest and bestest friends and i'm so happy we survived carmel 2gether! We've had so many fun times 2gether, like Italy babee! I luv ya so much! We hafta chill more n party like krazy 2gether! Take kares and stay kool sista.

Wassup roomie?? i'm so glad that we're roomies and we've gotten closer. r room is sooo cute!! SimPsoN 210.. Where the party never ends!! hehe..

Hey hey hey!! Wassup gurl? I'm sooo happy that we are still keep in touch and get 2 chill. Ur 1 of the very few that hasn't changed and sum1 that i can turn 2 no matter wut. Thanx 4 always being there 4 me. i luv u like a sister! U hafta transfer 2 the lincoln park campus so we can chill more!!

~*The MuNdeLeiN BoYz*~
Hey Jeff, Ricky, Chris, Arnell, and Chestnut! Wassup boyz?? it's definitely been fun chillen with u guys and never knowing wut 2 do.. bowling, pool, laser taggin ne1?? hehe.. newayz, i'm glad we all still get 2 chill once in a while.. i'll u see u guys back at home.. take kare.

Wut up Chester Dean?? hehe.. i'm glad that we've gotten closer over the past yr, esp. since we did go out rite?? hehe j/p.. U and madee r sooo cute! i'm so happy 4 u! luv ya and take kare!

Wassup my "half black n azn" chica? hehe.. i'm glad we still keep in touch. How's NIU?? i kno ur partyin like krazy!! don`t do nething I wouldn`t do, aiite? Like wut u alwayz say, don`t be giving out the milk 4 free! hehe..

Remember BFF? Well, I`ve known u 4 soo long, there'z not much left 2 say. We`ve had so many good times 2gether and I`m so happy we`ve kept in touch over the years. Thanx 4 listenin 2 every stupid word i've sed.

Wassup alcoholic!! How's ASU?? don't be partyin 2 much now! hehe.. Ur so funny and outgoing.. don't ever change! Call me whenever u come back home! well, take kares.

Hey baby gurl! Its kool that we've reunited at LoYoLa and that we still keep in touch. So when we gonna party 2gether huh??

Hey cuz! Well, don't get 2 caught up in the college life.. don`t b partyin 2 much up at NIU.. Don`t worry, I`ll keep it on the DL. U need 2 take me up there 1 of these dayz..

WaSsUp cuz? hehe.. hope ur havin fun down at western! so wuts the next dance ur gonna teach me huh?

To ne1 else I didn`t mention, u kno I luv u. *MuAh*


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