
Amen. Praise the Lord.

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Once a country parson bought a horse. The dealer assured him he had made a perfect selection. "This horse was raised in a religious atmosphere," the dealer said. "You can’t say ‘Giddyap’ to make him start. He won’t respond. You’ve got to say ‘Praise the Lord.’ And instead of saying ‘Whoa’ to make him stop, you need to say, ‘Amen.’ "

The parson paid for the horse, mounted him and said, "Praise the Lord." The horse cantered off toward the parson’s parish. After a couple of miles, though, a jack rabbit darted into the road and spooked the horse. The horse took off at a gallop across an open field, directly toward a bluff that bordered a huge river two hundred feet below. In panic, the parson forgot his instructions. "Whoa!" he yelled several times as he pulled on the reins, but the horse kept galloping. Finally, at the last moment, the preacher remembered. "Amen!" he shouted, stopping the horse at the very brink of the chasm.

"Whew," the grateful pastor said. "Praise the Lord!"

-- Author Unknown

'by the Blood of JESUS, through the HOLY SPIRIT and according to GOD's Word'

God gives us many blessings, but most of all God gives us Jesus Christ!