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  Domestic Engineer's Dilemma
by Ira Lee Jones
May 12, 1928 ~ May 21, 2006
Submitted by The Jones Family


When you're sitting 'round the house, feeling like a louse and the TV is blasting away;

When you have no peace of mind, and feeling resigned and have nothing to do or to say;

When the house is in a mess, and you may have a guest and you're thinking about menus and in deep thought;

And you look back on the shelf, and there's nothing left of the bags of the groceries you just brought;

And the car you try to start to go to the mart will not 'cause someone stole the "power";

And you know it's a crime to say what's on your mind and your last nerve has turned sour;

When you call your "best friend" who'd be with you to the end what a great disappointment you find;

She's too busy to give you a hand, other things made demands, so you're stuck with no peace of mind;

So you slump in your chair feeling no one could care, then a ray of Light gives you hope,

There is One who'll always love you and will place nothing above you, who gives you strength and courage to cope;

One who'll stick closer than a brother, besides Him there is not other, who'll love you in all of your pain;

Who sees nothing but good for you, who promises never to leave you then the answer is truly plain,

Who else but Jesus our Lord and Redeemer and Savior, Son of God and Son of man;

Who came to reconcile you, give you everlasting life all part of God's perfect plan;

Who'll lead you and guide you and fill all your needs as on life's highway you roam;

Take heart my dear Domestic Engineer and be of good cheer as you stride toward your heavenly home.


God gives us many blessings; But most of all God gives us Jesus Christ ! the Blood of JESUS... through the HOLY SPIRIT... and according to GOD's Word...

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