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Kim's Journal

July 18, 2001 Well, its almost been a week since my doctor visit, and I feel pretty darn good. My doc prescribed antidepressants. (of course) Luckily, the side effects aren't really all that bad. Shoot, who cares, really, cause I feel normal again! LOL I am counting points again, and very proud to say that my first week back, I have lost 5 pounds!!! Whoo hoo!

July 12, 2001It's been forever since I wrote. and I won't lie, I haven't been close to being on the program... heck, I haven't even bothered to try.
Honestly, I am in the midst of a nasty bit of depression, and am going to see my doctor tomorrow. No more hiding what I'm feeling. I was so afraid to seek help... only weak people need help for 'simple sadness'. LOL How stupid of me!
The truth is, I do need the help, and this is no 'simple' anything. Anyway, I'm on the way to wellness. I will post tomorrow what happens, and update the progress page.

June 4, 2001Ok, I am done feeling sorry for myself. Now that I can think clearly, I can clue you in on just what I was feeling... you all know this is my second year at WW, and my second joining. I am beginning my 9th week, and have only lost 0.4 pounds. Not even a half a pound. Last year, by this time, I had lost over 15 pounds. I never had a week that I didn't lose more than one pound. NEVER. So, I was really disappointed in myself and this program.

I know that I did so well last week, I drank my water, I wrote down everything, and I worked really hard on my portion control and snacking. Here is what I think happened: I am getting that gain that I expected last week OR I am retaining tons of water, as my TOM is in 2 weeks OR the WW Powers That Be hate me. I will bet my money on the first two. LOL

Anyway, I didn't let it throw me into a binge. I ate under points on Saturday. I know I shouldn't, but I honestly wasn't hungry. It was a nice feeling to know that I didn't want anything to eat. Sunday, I went over. LOL I was doing fine, then hubby ate ice cream in front of me... LOL So, I guess the weekend cancelled itself out. LOL Thank goodness for banked points. AND to top it all off, today I walked 30 minutes on my treadmill, and attempted some weight training.

June 2, 2001 I am so MAD! I worked my behind off this past week to stay OP! I drank my water, I wrote down every little thing I ate, and how am I repaid??? I gained ONE POUND! ONE WHOLE STINKIN POUND! Here I was thinking I was going to have some great 2 pound+ loss, and I gained? I didn't even stay for the meeting. I was so angry, devastated, and did I say, angry?

May 31, 2001 Today was the last day of school for Hannah (age 7). Its a cold and rainy May. Eww. I went to weigh in last week, and believe it or not, I lost 0.2 pounds. I know, hardly anything, but I was expecting a gain.

May 26, 2001 Well, I didn't weigh in last week. I was too ashamed to. I ate like a mad woman all that week. I had Mother's Day, then a Girl SCout pizza party, then my birthday (I'm 32). I didn't keep my journal at all. I didn't do very well last week, either, but I still managed to lose 0.2 pounds. Wow! I am feeling much better about this whole weight loss thing this week.

I went to a store called Trader Joe's, and bought some really cool healthy items. They have Kashi cereals in tons of varieties, and at a great price. I also got some Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches. If you haven't tried these, you MUST find them. Only 2 points for one huge sandwich! And they are delicious.. I mean down right Heavenly! Gotta go, a storm is brewin outside.

May 16, 2001 Today is the day after my 32nd birthday! Hooray! I love and hate birthdays. I am not afraid of getting older (I'm only 32), but I hate them mostly because of my family is getting smaller and smaller. Right now, on my side of the family, there is, myself, and my Mom. That's it. My Mom is a Jehovah's Witness, so no birthday greetings from her. My hubby and kids do wonderful things for me, but I still kinda feel lonely. Anyway, I'm letting the stress of that, and the lack of $$ get to me! So, the only way I know how to feel better is to EAT! It hasn't been a good week at all...

Where Do You Want to Go?.....