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The Return: Lost And Found - Page 2

Natalie looked up at him with tears in her eyes and replied " I love you, Nicholas de Brabant now and forever you are my life, my love and my future my place is with you no matter what the future brings for us. I knew the risks that night and know the risks now. I'm not afraid of an eternity in darkness, I'm only afraid of being left behind. Let's finish what we started, I have faith in you Nick, I trust you and I love you with everything that I am." Nick smiled and then kissed her gently on the lips, each kiss became stronger and more intense. Meanwhile at The Raven Lacroix could feel everything that was going on through his link to Nick. He picked up the phone and made a call " The Party will go as planned tomorrow night Nicholas and Dr. Lambert will be here and he will bring her over I assure you." Lacroix hung the phone up and smiled. Tomorrow night was going to be a night full of surprises and retribution for both Nicholas and Dr. Lambert. It was a few hour before dawn Nick and Natalie had been talking honestly about the events that happened when he took her blood for the first time that night almost a week ago, He desribed his pain when he thought she was dead and how he had asked Lacroix to stake him, so that he could join her. Lacroix had refused him by stoping at the last minute when he had detected Natalie's shallow breathing and faint heartbeat. Lacroix had flew her to the nearest hospital and called in a favor that was owed to him by a doctor who was a member of the community but, like Nick worked in the mortal world. Natalie sat there listioning to Nick as he went on with his story every now again eying that half empty bottle that sat beside him. Nick continued with his story by telling her that Lacroix had covinced him that leaving Toronto would be the best thing to do to let her recover and then when the time was right they would return. When he was finished he looked at Nat and spoke " I'm so sorry Natalie I, should never have left you. I won't make that mistake again, I promise you that." Natalie took him in her arms and held him closely then kissed him once then spoke " Nick, don't feel guilty about any of this. The past is the past. Nick, it's over and done with, we are finally together and that is the only thing that matters now. The past maybe lost to us because we can't go back and change it; But, what we have found is a future together at last no matter what the consequences are." Nick smiled at her and then replied " It's almost dawn, I need to call The Raven and make arrangements with Lacroix to pick up the supplies that we will need tonight." Lacoix was sitting at the bar when the phone rang, Nick had informed Lacroix of his and Natalie's decision and that he needed supplies to do this succesfully. Lacroix smiled an evil smile then spoke " Nicholas, you and Dr. Lambert come to The Raven tonight to pick up what you will need and you can introduce her to many aspects of our community, I'm sure she is curious about many things." Nick looked at Natalie then spoke back into the phone " We'll, be there sometime after sunset." Nick hung up the phone and then he picked up the remote and shut the steel blinds to block the coming sunrise. When that was done he took Natalie by the hand and they went upstairs. Meanwhile at The Raven Lacroix was anxiously anticipating tonights events he would finally have his retibution and revenge on Nicholas and Natalie Lambert once and for all. He smiled at the irony of how their foolish attempts for a cure were finally leading Nicholas back into the fold. " Ah the bitter irony of it all" he said to himself as made his way to his quarters to sleep for the day. The sun was setting and Nick awoke with a ravenous hunger, he knew he was going to have to have his fill before he could even attempt to bring Natalie across successfully. He walked downstairs and got out a bottle of blood and began to drink. It was long after that Natalie had awakened, she had showered and put on an a outfit that Nick had bought for her but had never given her because of the tragic events that had happened the week before, then last night seemed at perfect time to give it to her since she had none of her clothes at the loft. When came downstairs Nick was speechless, she was beautiful and the black pants with the red silk blouse and black jacket did her justice. Natalie smiled and walked toward him " Well detective, do you like what you see ? " she said. Nick looked at her and replied " Yes, very much. I should go shower and get dressed myself, I won't long" Natalie waited paitently for Nick when he came down he was dressed in black pants with a white shirt he grabbed his black leather jacket and the keys to the caddy and spoke " Nat, are you ready ? " Natalie stared at him a minute and smiled then nodded her head yes that she was ready. They went to door and got straight into the lift and went to the garage. Once inside the caddy Nick turned on the lights and back out of the the garage and headed for The Raven. Lacroix looked around the club everything was ready and everyone was in place including the enforcers who were to be here to make sure that this particular crossing was going to happen one way or another. The music was playing and he sat at the bar smiling. He sensed Nicholas outside of the club. Nick and Natalie had pulled the caddy up to the curb out front of The Raven. Nick got out and walked to the passenger side and opened the door to help Nat out of the car. The music was blaring and the club was pumping as far Nick could tell there was no mortals which to him was odd but, he didn't think much of it. They walked in his arms protectively around Nat. Nick spotted Lacroix at the bar and they made their way over to him. Lacroix smiled and then spoke " Ah Nicholas and Dr. Lambert or should I say Natalie, it's nice to see you both ." Nick looked at his master and spoke "Lacroix, do you have what I requested ready ? " Lacroix looked at him and replied " yes I do but I have a very special surprise for you and Dr. Lambert so if you will excuse me I need to make an annooucerment." Lacroix made his way to the stage and then a spotlight hit him as he began to speak " Ladies and Gentlemen, I welcome you to The Raven on this most auspicious night. Tonight a new member of the community will be made she has helped our kind by finding the cure to a disease would have destroyed all of us, she has helped cover up many of our kills within the mortal world and now tonight Dr. Natalie Lambert joins our most prestigious community by allowing my son Nicholas de Brabant to bring her across. Nicholas, D. Lambert this little get together is for you both . Let revels begin." Nick stood there with Natalie as Lacroix made his way back to the bar "Nat, I had no idea he was going to insist that it be done here, I should have known that he would try to turn this to his advantage." Lacroix approached them and smiled " I told you once a long time ago Nicholas that I would have my revenge and the retibution that you promised me, you will bring Dr. Lambert across here in this club." Nick angerly spoke " No, not here not in front of everyone." Lacroix replied " Nicholas you have no choice the enforcers are here to make sure that neither of you change your minds they want to witness Dr. Lambert's joining of community, so I suggest that you do exactly what they want Nicholas." Nick looked at Natalie and then replied " Alright Lacroix. you win." Lacroix led them both to the center of the dance floor while the enforcers gathered to watch Nicholas de Brabant cross this mortal. Nick spoke softly to Natalie " I love you, don't be afraid of the images your going to see. We wil be together forever." he kissed her then he pulled her to him as the music started to play. Nick kissed her again and again as the lyrics of The Hunger were echoing in his mind each kiss was more intense then the last he put heart soul into each touch sparking mutal desire and arousal from Natalie, Everyones eyes in the club were glued the passion that was igniting in both of them anticipation was growing and Nick began to feel the vampire in him emerge, his eyes were golden with hunger and desire. Natalie sensed this and arched her neck then spoke in the heat of the passion that was quickly overcoming her " Do it Nick, bring me across," she moaned extacey as Nick's kisses made their way to her jugular vein on her neck. Nick lifted his head back once then struck. Her blood was warm and it spoke volumes to Nick of just how much she loved him and how she had no fear of whatever the future had in store for them as long as they were together. She loved him beyond life itself the love Natalie felt for Nick went beyond the physical, the mental or even the spirtual realms. Her love for him was eternal, just as he was making her. Nick felt all of this and was able to control his bloodlust for the first time in many centuries. Natalie, could feel Nicks love for her as he was taking her blood, the images she saw this time were ones of love and and honor from his past in the crusades to the present day. Nick poured every emotion that he had into Natalie so that she could fel that his love for was equally as strong if not stronger then hers was for him. He reached through that bond to let her know that his love for her was just as eternal and that they were stronger together then they are apart. When Nick sensed that Natalie was no the brink he stopped then he bit his wrist and spoke " Drink, my love and we will be as one forever." It wasn't long and Natalie reached up and seized his wrist and drank. She could feel life returning to her body and she began to grow strong. Nick pulled his wrist away and sgnaled Lacroix to bring a bottle of human blood to him. Lacroix brought the bottle to him and Nick pulled to cork off with his teeth, he took a swallow then handed it to Natalie. Natalie drank the contents down quickly then smiled at Nick as sleep over took her. As the song ended Nick picked up Natalie and Lacroix showed them to his quarters where Nick could put Natalie down to rest for awhile before first hunger over took her. After Nick had laid Natalie down on Lacroix's bed, Lacroix spoke " Well, it seems only right that I congragulate my son, welcome back to the fold Nicholas. I told you I would have my revenge." Nick looked at Lacroix with contempt " What I do now, I must do for Natalie to ensure that she survives, but, I warn you Lacroix don't you think for one minute that I'm doing it for you, because I'm not." Nick stated angerly and walked out to the bar to get some blood to drink to appease his hunger and replence the blood in him that he gave Natalie. It was about 3 hours before dawn and Nick had been waiting calmly at the bar for Natalie to awaken, when suddenly he felt her awaken , he grabbed three full bottles of blood from behind the bar and walked into Lacroix's quarters where he had laid her earlier that evening. Lacroix who had been in his broadcasting booth watched his son get up and go to Natalie. He smiled because knew that now not only did he have Nicholas to taunt but also Dr. Lambert now. They had his blood in their veins and Lacroix was determined now more then ever to keep it that way. Nick walked into Lacroix's quarters and straight to the bed where he had laid Natalie. She was awake and going purely on instinct, she was hungry and very afraid. Nick saw this and immediately went to comfort her. "Nick, Nick " Natalie spoke out loudly. Nick tried soothing tones to reach her " Nat, Natalie, I'm here. It's alright, you're going to be ok ?" he said as he held her " We have alot to talk about." Natalie calmed down and spoke again " I'm hungry, Nick. I'm hungry." she said with pleading look in her eyes. Nick noticed this and replied " I know, I know you are." Then he handed her a bottle of human blood. She drank it down quickly, then he handed her another in rapid succession. Natalie drank it down quckly and Nick handed her the third bottle she noted in her mind the blood was warm and calming but this searing hunger wasn't. Natalie was half way through the third bottle when she noticed that hunger was just now starting to abate and she was able to think with a clear head. Nick spoke to Natalie when he felt the fog lifting from her head " How do you feel Nat, are you ok ? " he asked searching her eyes. Natalie looked at him and smiled then she spoke " I'm fine Nick, really I am. I feel more alive right now then I have in weeks. I love you, Nick. " She said wrapping her arms around him. Nick smiled at her and looked deeply into her eyes she was still his Natalie and wave of relief swept through him as he went to kiss her, each kiss was getting more intense and passionate as their arousal began to build. Nick broke of the kiss and pulled away " Not here, Nat " he said and continued on " It's almost dawn , if we don't leave now we will be stuck here all day with Lacroix and I for one don't want that and I know you don't either." He said smilling. Natalie smiled and replied " You're right, I don't really relish the idea of staying here all day ." she got up from the bed and got her shoes on . Nick grabbed her jacket and took her hand as they walked out from the back into the club area. Lacroix had made sure that Nick's car had been stocked with supplies he would for Natalie. Lacroix spoke as he saw them enter the club area from his quarters " I'll expect a visit from you both very soon." was all he said as he made his way to the back to his quarters . Nick and Natalie walked out of the club and got into the caddy. Nick smiled at her as he asked " Let's go home Nat ? " Natalie returned his gaze lovingly and replied softly " I'm ready to go home Nick, our home." They drove off into the direction of the loft before the coming sunrise. The End

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