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The Return: Lost And Found

The Characters in this story belong to Jim Pariott and the gang over at Paragon Entertainment Corporation, Sony, Columbia-Tristar, The USA Network, The SCI-FI Channel and of course the entire cast and crew of Forever Knight. Permission to archieve this story at all fiction sites is given. The time frame of this story is set directly following the events of Last Knight, so if you haven't seen Last Knight consider yourself warned. I hope everyone enjoys this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. THE RETURN: LOST & FOUND 01/?? By: Lisa Hobbs It had been several days and nights since Dr. Natalie Lambert had been brought into Toronto General Hosptial. No one knew how she had been brought to the ER that night or how she had obtained the injury to her throat. Capt. Joe Reese had been waiting to question Natalie as soon as she was awake. How was he going to tell her that Knight had turned up missing, he was hoping that she would have some answers or insight to Nick's disappearance. Natalie stirred and was beginning to awaken so Resse had went out to the nurses station to tell them to get the doctor. The doctor came in as Nat was just waking up. " Nick, Nick " Natalie moaned. Resse spoke softly " Natalie don't try to talk yet, let the doctor examine you." Natalie didn't have the strength or the energy to argue the only thing she knew was that something was different about her now but she couldn't quite understand just what it was. " Hi, Dr. Lambert; I'm Dr. Myers and I'm just going to examine you ok." The young doctor said softly and then continued " Capt. Resse could you step out in the waiting room please while I examine my paitent here ?" Resse looked at him and then back to Natalie and noded then left the room and walked down to the waiting room and set down. Dr. Myers began to examine Natalie and then asked the nurse to come in and take a blood sample, then before he left. he made sure that he sedated Natalie then proceeded to office to make call. " Yeah, it's me. She's awake, I took the blood sample from her just as you instructed." Dr. Myers said into the phone. The voice on the other end replied " Good, you'll make sure no harm comes to her in that hospital of your's. I'll be watching you very closely and remember so will others from our community who are are far worse then I could ever be." and having said that he hung up the phone and smiled. Dr. Myers had hung the phone up and sighed as he he got up and walked out of his towards the lab to check the blood sample he had taken from Dr. Lambert. Meanwhile another call was made this time to a florist who had dealings within the vampire community in Toronto. The caller placed the order and gave a detailed message of what the card was to say; Once that was done another was call was placed this time to Airstotle. " I want you to make sure Natlie Lambert recieves each clue and once finds us I want a new identity ready for her, do you I make myself clear ? " Airistotle wrote everything down and calmly replied " crystal clear, when exactly would you like Dr. Lambert to start her search and descent into our world ? " The vioice on the other end replied " Airstotlie, it's already started. Dr. Lambert is awake now and it's only a matter of time before she discovers the changes that will be occurring in her, and with that discovery her desire to be with Nicholas overwhelming her along with the hunger to push her over the edge, she is about to learn that this game with me is something she will never be able to win. Her search and descent has begun my friend and the community is watching in anticipation of Dr. Natalie Lambert joining our prestigious club as not only Nicholas' lover but as his new child." Aristotle new better then argue with him after all he did hold alot of power within their community. He chose his words carefully. "You once told Nicholas, that you would have the retribution that he promised to you almost 800 years ago. I do believe you finally have it Lucien after all these centuries." Lucien Lacroix smiled as he spoke into the phone " Yes Aristotile, I do finally have my revenge and I have managed to kill two birds with one stone as mortals are so found saying, by getting my revenge on Nicholas and Dr. Lambert for their blatent attempts to make Nicholas mortal again. I trust you will have everything ready for us." Aristotitle, sighed then spoke "yes, everything will be ready just as you have requested." He hung the the phone up and began to start working. Meanwhile back at Toronto General Hosptial Dr. Natalie Lambert began to awaken yet again. The first rays of the dawn were streaming in through the window of Natalie's hospital room as she began to awaken once again. Natalie could feel that something wasn't quite right with her, that she was somehow different but wasn't quite sure what exactly it was. The nurse came in and saw that she was awake and opend the curtain so that Nat could see the sunlight pouring in. When the sunlight began to pour into the room Natalie spoke to the the nurse, "Could you please close the curtains , the light hurts my eyes." The nurse reluctently closed the curtains and asked Nat if that was better. Natalie responded with a nod of her head yes that it was better. The nurse smiled and walked to the door and back to the nurses station. Meanwhile at the lab Dr. Myers looked at the blood sample he had taken from Natalie through a microscope and noticed that her blood sample now had the vampire element in it. He picked up the phone and dialed the number to speak with Lucien Lacroix right away, he had no choice he owed Lucien this favor and he was not about to anger the ancient vampire by refusing to cooperate with him. The phone rang several times before Lacroix answered . "Yes, what do you have for me ?" Lacroix said knowing full well what the answer would be. "Lucien, I have Dr. Lambert's blood sample here and you were right the vampire element is indeed in her blood just as you suspected all along." Dr. Myers said camly. Lacroix smiled to himself and replied " I wonder if Dr. Lambert realizes what is happening to her yet ? No matter she will eventually discover it and when she does the fun will have already begun." Dr. Myers had returned from the lab and went directly to his paitent's room to check on her. One of the nurses stopped him in the hallway to tell him that Nat was awake. " Nurse, did Dr. Lambert say anytrhing to you when you were in her room ?" He asked matter of factly. The nurse looked at him and said, " I went to open the curtains in her room to let the sunshine in, Dr. Lambert asked to shut the curtain, she said the light hurt her eyes; So, I closed them back up and walked back out her." Dr. Myers looked at her and realized that the sun had risen and he was trapped here for the reminder of the day then he spoke. "Thank you, I'll check on her, then I'm going to go get some sleep in my office." Natalie had been sitting up thinking about Nick and wondering just where he was, when Dr. Myers came in to speak to her. " Hello, Dr. Lambert you are looking much better then the last time I saw you when you were brought in here. It's not everyday, I get to meet the person who was responsible for saving our community from that awful fever, it's honor indeed." Natalie looked at him and realized she was able to see him quite clearly sitting in the darkened room. " You're one of them ?" she asked. Dr. Myers smiled " Yes, Dr. Lambert I am one of them, Your test results look fine bearing any other complications I'm going to release you tonight after the sun sets." Natalie looked at him greatful that she was going to be released but confused and proceeded to question him "Where's Nick, I need to see him ?" She had asked pleadingly. " Dr. Lambert, Nicholas deBrabant left quite reluctently with Lucien Lacroix the night you were brought in if you choose to search for him it will be very dangerous for you and maybe for him. I have no idea where they have gone or when and if they are coming back to Toronto. I'm sorry I wish that I could help you, but I can't." Dr. Myers said noting the tears in her eyes that began to flow. Just then then a nurse brought a beautiful floral bouquet of white roses into the room and gave Natalie the attached card, which read: " We need to talk, The Azure 8:00pm A gentleman from the crusades." Natalie stopped crying and realized that these must be from Nick an began to smile. All the while not not knowing that Lacroix had begun to set a series of events into motion that would change her entire furture. During The day while Natalie tried to rest the nurses were coming in periodically to check on her vital signs and give her some lunch and dinner. Natalie had tried to eat but everytime she tried to eat she was barely able to hold it down without getting extremely sick and throwing it up, so she had finally given up. She had tucked this and the fact that she could see with great clarity in the dark room, added to the fact that her vision to her seemed sharper and clearer and crisper then ever before and her new sensitivity to sunlight, into the back of her mind that somehow something had changed or was changing in her. She pushed those thoughts aside however when the sun had finally set and Dr. Myers had come in to examine her one more time before he released her. " Dr. Lambert, is there anything you want to tell me or ask me before I release you ?" Dr. Myers had been reading the notations in her chart by the nurses on duty stating that Natalie had eaten but that it was a struggle for her and that whatever she had eaten was immediately thrown up. Natalie shook her head no. Dr Myers looked at her and spoke " Well if you're sure that you have no questions you are free to go." Natalie looked at him then asked " Who do I see about paying the bill ?" Dr Myers smiled smiled at her then replied " Dr. Lambert there is no need for you to worry about that, our community takes care of it's own you'll learn that in time." having said that he turned and walked out of her room to let her get dressed. A cab had been waiting for her once she reached the lobby of the hospital. "Where to miss, the driver asked. Natalie looked at the card and the replied " The Azure Restaurant." When they arrived at the Azure Natalie had tried to pay the driver, but he had said "it's not necessary miss the fare has already been paid earlier by the gentleman who ordered the cab for you. Natalie found that strange, but again shook it off she walked inside was assulted by memories of a valentines day just two years earlier, when Lacroix had threatened her and Nick was almost forced then into bringing her over just to appease Lacroix's on desire for revenge against Nick for something that happened nearly 800 years ago involving Nick's sister Fleur. Natalie walked up to the host, he greated her " Welcome, to the Azure, we are closed this evening" he said. "I'm Natalie Lambert I'm supossed to meet a gentleman here at 8:00pm tonight. she replied. The host looked at then spoke again " Ah yes, Miss Lambert the gentleman left his car and his car keys here for you along with this." he pulled what was apparently Nick's key's to the Caddy and another card, this time it read "My dear Natalie, I've left the keys for to the Caddy, please come to the loft, we have alot to talk about." Natalie spoke to the host one more time thanking him for the keys and the card then proceeded to go to the parking lot, there she found the Caddy and got in it. She started it up then pulled out of the lot and into the direction of Nick's Loft. Never noticing the figure watching her in the shadows. It was 8:45 pm when Natalie arrived at the loft she parked Nick's Caddy in the garage and punched in the security code for the lift, and waited once the lift stopped she stepped in and proceeded up to the second floor. Nat opened the door to the lift and walked over to the entrance to the loft, she very carefully let herself in as she had always done in the past. Once inside she noticed that everything was still in it's place and that someone had been there, but wasn't there now. She walked to the kitchen and looked in the fridge it was there she noticed that the bottles of blood were still there. It wasn't long before she noticed that the Nick's stereo was on and that it was tuned to CERK, she turned the volume up and waited to see what Lacroix was going say this time to taunt Nick yet again. This time she was in for a surprise, Lacroix voice came on " Tonight gentle listioners we talk of love and family as the secrets of the night are finally introduced and new member of our community searches for her lost future, but is reminded that what she is searching maybe found in the past or simply is just right under her nose in plain sight within this present tense, I'm the NightCrawler and I'll be with you till 4:00 am till it is time to seek shelter from the light." Natalie began to realize that instead of taunting Nick this time he was speaking directly to her and indictating that he knew just exactly where Nick was, but there was also something different this time and she couldn't quite put her finger on it. She jumped up from the couch where she was sitting and grabbed the keys to the caddy then walked out the door. She got into the lift to go down to the garage, once the lift stopped she got out and got into the caddy. She started the engine and pulled out of the garage and headed for CERK, to confront Lacroix. She was going to have answers one way or another and she was determined to get them. As Natalie drove away Laxcroix stepped out from the shadows and smiled. Then said to himself " Soon Natalie, soon you and Nicholas will be reunited and my revenge on both you and Nicholas will be complete." He took to the air and made his way back to the Raven to check on his other guest. Natalie pulled out front of CERK and walked in unnoticed she proceeded down the hall to what appeared to her to be Lacroix's broadcasting booth. Nat took a deep breath and walked in, she heard Lacroix's voice but discovered that it was a recording that was made earlier in the evening. Natalie looked around and saw a familar green bottle on the table where the contol panal was, she walked over to it and noticed that it had her name on it and that it had come from The Raven. Natalie looked at the bottle and then started to remember the strange feeling she had when she first woke up in the hospital for the second after she had been brought in, she slowly began to think about the numerous things that had happened earlier in the day. Then she remembered what Dr. Myers had said to her before she was released " The community takes care of it's own Dr. Lambert, you'll discover that in time." Natalie had just begun to piece together what was happening to her, when she felt something but it was very weak, the only thing she knew for sure was that it had something to do with Nick. She picked up the bottle of blood and decided that if Lacroix wasn't here he was at The Raven and she was going to go and there and confront him once and for all about not only about Nick's whereabouts but, she had a pretty good idea that he knew exactly what was happening to her as well and she was determined to find out everything come hell or high water no matter what the dangers were. Natalie pulled the caddy up to The Raven, and got out. She took a deep breath and walked in. She saw Lacroix setting at the bar, Natalie walked up to him. Lacroix had sensed her the moment she walked in and he was already prepared for her. "Good Evening Dr. Lambert, welcome back to the land of the liiving such as it is. What can I do for you this evening ? " Natalie looked at him and replied " Where is he, what have you done with Nick? " Lacroix smiled up at here then replied " I have done nothing to Nicholas, Dr. Lambert, but you my dear Natalie already know that don't you ? Come let's go someplace more private where we can talk my dear." Natalie followed him to his broadcasting booth once inside she spoke " I have no idea what you are talking about, I wouldn't know where to begin to find Nick, but I think you do where he is. I also think that you know what is happening to me." Lacroix continued to smile then spoke. " Dr. Lambert or should I say Natalie since we are practically family, I know where Nicholas is and so do you on some level, yes I do know what is happening to you. Reach out with your mind and your senses your link with my son maybe weak now but it is there and it is growing stronger by each passing minute." Lacroix said before taking a drink from his goblet. Natalie stood transfixed a moment recalling all of the events leading up to this very encounter, then she spoke " It can't be, it's not possible." Lacroix looked at her and replied " Oh yes it's possible and it is happening. Close your eyes and think about Nicholas picture him in your mind and you'll find through your link and he will feel you searching for him. I guarantee it." Natalie did as Lacroix asked she felt Nick very briefly but was not able to sense where he was at. Lacroix watched the various emotions play on Natalies face as she struggled with this and it amused him to no end. Natalie opened her eyes and looked at Lacroix the spoke again " I can't find him, please help me ? she asked. Lacroix took anothe drink from his goblet and stared at her, he watched as Natalie eyed the goblet in front of him longly then within a split second she collasped. Lacroix knew that she was not able to tolerate food now according to Dr. Myers. Meanwhile out at the bar Nick was sitting he was careful not to let Nat see him when she came in. then suddenly he felt it Natalie had collapsed somewhere here in the Raven. He got up from the bar and walked back to Lacroix 's broadcasting booth. He saw Natalie on the floor and immediately rushed to her. " What have you done to her, Lacroix ? " Nick angrly asked his master. Lacroix looked at Nick and very calmly spoke " Nicholas, I have done nothing to Natalie I can assure you of that my son. Your sweet Natalie is starving Nicholas she collapsed from hunger. She has the vampire element in her blood it's already been confirmed you must finish what you have started Nicholas." Nick looked at Natalie and then at Lacroix and then he spoke " It must be her choice Lacroix, I will not do it without her oral consent." Nick looked back down at Natalie " Oh my love, I am so sorry for dragging you into this eternal darkness." Lacroix looked down at both of them, then spoke again " Nicholas, she is starving now, she needs blood in order to regain consciouness." Nick picked up Natalie and said " I'll handle her needs Lacroix, we will be at the loft. I want to be the one to tell her what is happening to her." Nick had flown Natalie to the loft and laid her down on his bed upstairs. He then proceeded to bite into his wrist. Natalie was starving, and he had no idea how or why this could have happened but, he was determined to keep her alive now more then ever. He shoved his wrist to Natalies mouth " come on Nat, drink you have to. I need you here with me. Whatever happens we will face it together I promise." Somewhere in that black void she heard Nick and reached out to take his wrist, she began to drink. Nick realized for the first time that he and Nat both were going to have to finish what they had started several nights ago, when he first drank from this woman that he loved more than life itself. Nick withdrew his wrist from Natalie and walked downstairs and retrieved a bottle of cows blood from the fridge. He walked back upstairs and went straight to his room where Natalie laid sleeping. He opened the bottle with his teeth and began to drink. Nick finished it's contents quickly his hunger calmed, he began to think about how he was going to tell Natalie what was happening to her and what course of action they needed to take. The sun was beginning to rise and he laid down next to Natalie and let the sleep overtake him, he was tired welcomed the rest; knowing that he and Nat had a huge decision to make when they both woke in the evening. It was sunset and Nick had awoken he was very careful not to wake Nat up as he moved from the bed he went to the bathroom to take a shower and change. When he emerged Natalie was still asleep, he leaned over her to make sure her heart was still beating, which it was; It was just very faint to detect by mortal standards. He thought about what he was going to say to her when she awoke. Nat would have a million questions and he knew that he would have to be ready for her. He knew that now he was going to have to be strong for both of them. Natalie was changing and there was just no way around that, there was no escaping it and no preventing it. Nick went downstairs to retrieve a bottle of blood to drink and then went back up to the bedroom and waited for Natalie to wake up. Natalie stirred and the slowly opened her eyes. Nick moved to her side instantly to calm her fear that he was sure that she must be feeling. Natalie looked around and realized that her surroundings were very familar, she was in Nick's bed, in his bedroom and at the loft. The last thing she remembered was being at The Raven and confronting Lacroix. She had no idea how she got here but she was determinded to find out. Then she saw him leaning over her protectively and looking at her with love in his eyes. " Nick, is that you ? Is that really you ?" She cried out as she reached for him. Nick looked at her lovingly as he spoke soothing words to her " It's me Nat, it's really me. You're safe everything is going to be ok I'm here and I'm not going to leave you again." he leaned down to kiss her and smiled. Nat kissed him back and then spoke " What happened, how did I get here ? she asked. Nick looked at here then replied " Nat, listion to me you were at the Raven, do you remember that ? " Natalie shook her head yes then responded " Nick, I went there because I was sure that Lacroix knew exactly where you were, I had to find you. Nick, strange things have been happening to me ever since I woke up in the hospital to find you gone and that I was all alone. I need to know what is happening to me. Please Nick, please tell me." Nick sat down on the bed and proceeded to explain to Nat what Lacroix had told him last night. When he was through Natalie sat there stunned for a minute, then spoke " So, what happens now do I stay on this threshhold between life and death, caught somewhere between the day and the night or do I join you in the darkness for all eternity ? " Nick looked at her lovingly but with sadness and replied " Nat, the vampire element is in your blood we have to finish what we started on that night. I'm not going to force this on you, it's your call my love on how you want to deal with this. Whatever you decide I'll be behind you no matter what." Nick kissed her then added " I love you, Natalie Lambert. I always have from the first moment I saw you and I always will."

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