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Family Loyalties Part 5

Once they arrived on Olympus Ares left Brianna in his chamber, he was angry at both Zeus and Hera for sending her ahead in time to live among mortals. He knew long ago that it was a mistake, and this attack on Brianna had proved him right. He walked into the throne room of the great hall, Hera spoke first "Ares, where is your sister ? You said you were bringing her for a visit." Ares looked at the king and queen and spoke, " Oh she's here but she's not in any shape to see anyone mother." Ares spat vehemently. Zeus then spoke up "Where is she ? What has happened ? " Ares approached his father and mother "she's here in my chamber,dad. Mom, she was attacked shortly before I got back to my temple, apparently she had gone to the villiage nearby, I warned her about going alone, but she went anyway. She was on her way back when a soldier attacked her, she fought him, but the more she fought the more he beat her, this mortal raped her. I told you both long ago that sending her ahead in time to live among mortals was a mistake and it took this to prove me right." Ares then disappeared in a flash of light. Hera and Zeus looked at one another silence between them, each keeping their thoughts to themselves. Then all at once Hera spoke "This your fault, if you would have l listened to Ares before none of this would have happened." Zeus began to argue back "My fault ? It was your idea to bring her back from the future. She was safe there." Hera yelled back "Safe is that what you call sending her to live among mortals, teaching her to believe that she was their equal and that all mortals were kind creatures. It was wrong and you knew it." Zeus began to yell back "You're blaming me for a decision that we both made. Oh, that's rich Hera. Why don't you try sharing your part of the blame this time." Hera disappeared in a flash before Zeus could say anymore. Her thoughts were turbulent this was her daughter who had been attacked. Zeus as usual paid it no mind his only concern was his precious son Hercules who had always been Zeus' favorite child. Hercules hadn't spoke to his father in years as much as she hated her stepson she understood his contempt for his father, something she was sure Hercules never was able to understand himself. Brianna was her main concern now. Yes Ares had been teaching her but she was still a half god and now she was back where she belonged. Hera wanted this mortal dead for perpatrating such a violent crime against her own daughter, she knew her son Ares felt the same way. Brianna sat in Ares' chamber was unaware when Hera had appeared. Hera approached her daughter who sat impassively on the chair. Ares walked in and spoke "She hasn't uttered a word since we left my temple mother. I can promise you when I find that solider he's a dead man." Hera looked at Brianna then back to Ares and spoke "No, Ares. Brianna must kill her attacker if she is to be free of this and it's something that you and I are going to have to convince her to do when she is ready. I have a plan but first we have to gain her trust and then her loyalty will follow." Ares and Hera discussed what needed to be done as Brianna sat un moving, she stared blankly into space unware of her mothers presence it was only when Zeus appeared that she was startled. Ares spoke as Zeus walked toward the daughter he hadn't seen since her age of 6 months. "Dad, this really isn't a good time for you to see her, she's used to me." Ares said as he went to calm his young sister down. Once he was sure she was settled, he joined Hera and Zeus. Hera had been talking with Zeus when Ares approached. "Is she alright ?" Hera asked. Ares looked at his parents and shook his head "No, Mother she's not alright. She's scared and confused. The only way she is going to be free of this is to do what you suggested and that is she is going to have to kill the mortal responsible, convincing her to do that is not going to be an easy task." Zeus peaked around Ares to see his daughter and this one time he had been in agreement with his oldest son and his wife." While Zeus and Ares were talking Hera went to check on her daughter. She grabbed a brush and began to brush Brianna's beautiful black hair. "My you've gotten more beautiful since I last saw you. Brianna you are safe now, no one I mean no one under any circumstances is going to harm you" Hera spoke soothingly. Somewhere in the fog of her thoughts she heard Hera and touched her mothers hand then spoke "Mother, help me please ?" she cried. Ares and Zeus looked up as Brianna spoke to her mother. Hera looked at Brianna then over to Ares and Zeus and motioned for them to leave, for the first time Brianna was aware of her surroundings. This was not Ares' temple, she looked at Hera and spoke "Mother, where am I ?" Hera smiled at her then spoke "You are in Ares' chamber here on Mt. Olympus, you're home Brianna and you are safe." Brianna looked at her mother the replied "I thought only gods were allowed on Olympus ?" Hera lifted Brianna chin with her hand and faced her "Ares brought you here, after you were attacked, it was the right thing for him to do." Brianna looked at Hera once again with sadness "I guess I'm not the protege that you and Ares were expecting me to be huh ? Mother, I've lived among mortals most of my life. I've even read of stories about these kind of attacks, how can they be so cruel ? I don't understand, please help me mother ?" Hera once again looked at her daughter and spoke "Brianna, you were doing so well under your brothers guidence and I know that you will continue to well. What happened to you was horrible, your father and I are angry about it. I know you will overcome this fear that you are feeling now, but you have to let us help you." Brianna stared at Hera then spoke softly "Mother, please help me, I don't want to go back. I want to stay here with you." Hera smiled as she gathered Brianna in her arms to hold her as the young woman cried. Ares appeared a short time later, he noticed that Brianna seemed much more alert. "Feeling better ?" he asked. Brianna got up from where she had been sitting and approached her brother. "A little, I still feel like everything is gone, like this has changed me in some way. That probably sounds kind of stupid coming from me doesn't it ?" she said calmly. Ares thought carefully before he spoke "No, that's not stupid Brianna it's how you feel." Brianna then looked at Ares again and spoke "Ares, you were right about mortals, If I had just listened to you this wouldn't have happened." Ares walked towards is sister and spoke "Brianna, if you want to be free of this then punish your attacker, he's only a mortal, it's within your power to make him suffer for what he has done to you." Brianna looked at her bother as she spoke "How can I punish him Ares ? I'm not a full god like you are. What would you have me do ? " Ares stared at Brianna then spoke up "No Brianna you're not a full god but you could be if you would just talk to mom and dad." Brianna shook her head the spoke "Do you really believe that they would grant me full godhood just so I could kill my attacker ? Ares I seriously doubt that they would besides I don't deserve it anyway." Ares looked at his sister squarely in the face and replied "Brianna, you deserve it. I wouldn't be so quick to judge mom and dad on this issue if I were you little sister, you never know they just may surprise you." Brianna looked at Ares and spoke calmy "Ares, what do you mean ?" Ares turned to leave but before he disappeared he replied "I think you know little sister, you think about what I've said ok ? I'l be back soon. Ares disppeared in a bright flash leaving Brianna alone to think things through. Brianna began to think about everything that had happened, as she thought about things the more she began to feel that Ares had indeed been right and she began to see her brother in a whole new light he was her ally not her adversery and if she asked for his help, Brianna was sure he would give it. Her thoughts were interupted when Hera appeared. Brianna turned to speak "Mother, how long have you been watching me ?" Hera smiled at Brianna and replied "Long enough. Tell me my dear, what is troubling you ?" Brianna walked toward Hera and let out a long sigh as she began to tell her mother about her talk with Ares. Hera listened to her daughter but could already feel that Brianna was starting to solidify her loyalty to Ares and at the same time was bonding with her they way a child should bond with ones parents. Hera turned her attention back on her daughter and spoke "Brianna , listen to me Ares is right if you want to be free of this fear that you have of those pathetic creatures and take your life back, then all you have to do is ask for our help and we will give it to you." Brianna sighed then spoke softly "Mother, I want my life back I'm asking for your help please?" Hera looked at Brianna then turned to see that Ares had appeared. Hera turned her attention back on her daughter "Brianna, you're my daughter and the best way I know to help you is to give you the power to punish your attacker." Hera and Ares locked eyes in understanding as Ares began to speak "Brianna, here is your chance take it." Brianna nodded her head yes and suddenly she felt as if she was immersed in warm glowing heat then instantly released. Brianna felt as if something inside of her had changed in a dramatic way but she couldn't put it into terms, her thoughts were interupted when she noticed that Ares was staring at her "Ares, What is it ?" she asked. Ares said nothing but motioned for her to look at herself, it was then Brianna noticed that the clothes she had on were different in texture and look. It dawned on her that she was now a full god an Ares' equal. Hera saw the reaction of her daughter and replied "No more half god, half mortal Brianna you are a god now full and complete" Ares then spoke up "Now little sister, you have the power to make this mortal suffer any way you see fit and if you want to prove yourself to be a real god that is exactly what you are going to have to do. Naturally I'll be there to help you in any way that I can untill you fully understand how to use your powers." Brianna looked at Ares and responded, "Why doesn't that surprise me big brother ? Unless, you don't think I can handle this myself ? Ares walked over to her and responded "Brianna, it's not you that I am concerned about; This is only one mortal, something you should not have any problem handling but if our brother Hercules and his pal Iolaus interfer it could get complicated and believe me Hercules is such a do-gooder, a protector of these pathetic mortals that he will try to stop you from doing the right thing." Brianna looked at her brother then replied "Ares, surely Hercules would understand he's half god himself, right?" Ares and Brianna stared at one another then he spoke "Brianna, listen to me Hercules is and always has been a fool when it comes to these pathetic creatures he cares more for his beloved mortals then he does is own family. A prime example would be his contempt for his own father Zeus and his hatred of our mother, never forget that little sister." Hera looked at Ares and nodded her head as if she were saying keep up the good work then disappeared.

Links To My Fan Fiction

Family Loyalties Part 6
Family Loyalties Part 4