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Family Loyalties Part 4

'Xena how many times do we have to have this conversation huh... I don't like horses!'. Argo shifted slightly forward jerking Gabrielle backwards in the saddle. ' With the exception of you of course Argo...', Gabrielle laughed nervously. 'I mean if it absolutely essential for me to get on a horse, well yeah I can do it then, but given the choice I'd prefer keeping these two feet of mine planted firmly on the ground thankyou very much.' Xena grinned and turned to talk over her shoulder , 'Unlike the rest of you which is forever in the clouds right'. Gabrielle smiled and mused ,yeah well maybe that was true enough I suppose. 'So why are we in a such an all fired rush Huh?' Gabrielle clutched Xena's waist as they moved off from the watering hole. Xena urged Argo into a trot. Stocking up with supplies at the last village , Gabrielle had half hoped that they would stay for a few days. They hadn't been anywhere near what past as civilization for almost a week , and well Xena wasn't the greatest conversationalist that ever was; that was a given. Xena had gone to the livery to have Argo reshod, Gabrielle had spent a couple of dinars buying some blank scrolls, a new quill and some meat ,bread and fruit for their lunch; as usual she was starving. She sat on a bench facing the village square, and watched as the villagers went about their daily routines. Gabrielle felt a pang of homesickness , Lila would no doubt be doing much the same thing in Potidæa , but the thought was quickly followed by another, of how boring and humdrum the life would be. The same routine day after day after day. That is what had made her so eager to leave in the first place; she wanted to experience the world and what it had to offer, and she couldn't do that from that little village. A man on horseback galloped into town and straight to the livery were he alighted from his horse, and strode straight towards Xena. The conversation looked animated at least on the part of the young man, Xena stood with hands on hips conversing then extended her hand in a gesture of thanks towards the man. She then paid the blacksmith and mounted Argo. Gabrielle jumped to her feet, 'What the..' Xena motioned to Gabrielle to join her, she grabbed her things and hurriedly made her way through the square. Xena lent down and proffered an arm to Gabrielle to mount the horse, Gabrielle was a bit hesitant , but knew that xena must have a reason, flung herself upwards and onto Argo's back. 'No time , we have to get to Corinth as soon as possible' Xena nudged Argo with the heel of her boot; Argo broke into a gallop; faltering slightly adjusting to the extra weight of an extra rider. 'Hercules has sent word that he need's our help at once'. Laughter filled the air as Ares sat back deeply on his throne, 'Well if that doesn't bring Xena and her irritating blonde nothing will!' Ares had put his plan into effect, after teaching Brianna the way's of the God's she was now ready for her final test. He was still unsure of her alliance with the gods; and this would prove it one way or another. Brianna had learnt rapidly , yes she was quite the prodigy Hera had been hoping for , and then some; which Ares had kept to himself. She was a God even if only a half-God now, that, no one could deny, not even Brianna herself. But Ares had learnt from past judgement's, that there was an element of deception and surpise in all, even the God's themselves. Xena his own daughter had turned from him with the help of his half god brother Hercules to right the injustices that she had wrought on the world through his influence over her. That mistake he would not make a second time. The half-mortal influence upon Brianna could still be her undoing. He knew that Brianna trusted mortals completely after having been raised by them in the 20th century, how many times did he try to tell Hera that sending his little sister to the future to live among mortals was a mistake,that eventually Brianna would ultimately end up paying the price emotionally and possibly physically for this critical mistake made by both Zeus and Hera. Ares throught about it and came to the conculsion that in order to ensure her hatred of mortals and to solidify her alliegence to not only himself and Hera but to the others gods as well, he was going to have to arrange it where a mortal would betray his little sisters trust and faith in the pathetic fools and she would eventually plead for full godhood. Brianna entered the room in a fluent flow of material, she was adorned in the most skyblue gown ever to grace a god or mortal. It hung from her shoulders in perfect symmetry, her hair was held back with and ornate comb made of paua shell, which caught and reflected a rainbow of light loose ringlets not caught up in the comb, rested upon her neck. She was hardly recognisable as the woman that Apollo and himself had retrieved from the future Corinth. Brianna approached Ares and spoke "I hope this meets with your approval big brother ?" Ares stepped down from his throne and stood face to face with her "Ah little sister you are beginning to meet my approval with each passing day, you've done well " Ares stroked Brianna's arm and then spoke again "Yes I do good work." Brianna looked at her brother and spoke " I'm glad you're pleased. Any chance of me getting out of the temple today ?" Ares smiled and then spoke "Perhaps Brianna if I'm feeling generous enough and you prove yourself worthy." Having said that Ares laughed then disappeared leaving Brianna alone once again. Brianna then spoke knowing full well that Ares could hear her "What's that supposed to mean ? I've done everything you've asked of me so far. When do I get a reprieve big brother ?" she yelled. Ares reappeared "When you prove to me that you no longer care for mortals, is when I will grant you a reprieve little sister." Ares replied saracastically. Brianna turned away from her brother and spoke "Ares, all I want is to see other people other gods if you will, all I ever see is you as much as I enjoy the company that you give me dear brother I'm lonely, I feel so isolated like none of the other gods want to have anything to do with me. I keep asking myself where do I fit in ? Am I ever going to ? Brianna began to sob. I have to admit I've enjoyed learning what I can do it's so different then how I lived before and for that I thank you But Ares I'm so confused. I'm asking you to help me, please ? She pleaded. Ares looked her then thought about his plan everything was working just as he was expecting. Ares then spoke "Oh little sister I am helping you. Perhaps your right maybe seeing other gods and our day to day routines and how we deal with mortals would most defintely help you, Brianna you have done exceptionally well I think a trip to Olympus would be just the thing for you I'll be back I think a meeting with the other gods is in order. You may leave the temple for a little while to get some fresh air but a word of caution if you go into the village be very carefull you will be completely on your own if you run into trouble I won't be there to protect you; If they find out that you are the daughter of Zeus and Hera it could get very tricky" Brianna looked at her brother and replied "What do you mean by tricky ? Why would the villagers want to hurt me? Because I'm the daughter of two Olympian Gods that hardly makes sense." Ares looked at Brianna and smiled as he spoke "Brianna the truth is mortals resent us they will deny it of course but it's true. They bring us occassional baskets of fruit or other offerings to stay on our good side but it's a fact a realization that you will eventually come to on your own espescially if those villiagers find out who you are. I'll be back, I expect you to be here when I return." having said that Ares disappeared in bright flash of light. Brianna thought about what Ares had said and decided to take advantage of his absence to get some fresh air. Brianna left the temple and walked outside she was happy just to be breathing fresh air, she began to walk along a path that looked to her like a trail to the nearby village. When Brianna arrived at this simple village she saw various merchants on street with stands setup selling trinkets, swords, fruit, grains,etc. She continued to walk looking at the various stands it then dawned on her that Ares would be returning soon and she should return to the temple, she decided to head back it was on the way that she noticed that someone was behind her. Brianna turned around and noticed that the person was a solider. She was alone and virtualy defenseless Ares was not here to help her, Brianna prepared to fight this solder. The solider advanced he grabbed at Brianna and she fought him off but that only angered him. It wasn't long that solider was able to over power her, Brianna laid on the ground trembling as the solider violated her. She was beaten,bloody and scared. Brianna had no idea how long she laid there alone after the solider had gone. She then remembered Ares and knew she had to get to the safety of his temple. She kept asking herself why mortals were like this, how could creatures like that be so cruel. Brianna finally made back to the temple and thankfully Ares was not there. She went inside and headed directly to her room it was there she broke down and cried. Her trust in mortals had been broken and now she was trying to figure out what to do next. Her thoughts were interupted when Ares appeared. "I've got everything arranged mom and dad and the other gods are expecting us, shall we go ?" Brianna who had been facing the window looking out so that Ares would not see did not answer. Ares noticed that Brianna was way to quiet and something seemed wrong. "What is it little sister ?" It was then Brianna turned around she was bloody and bruised the site made Ares extremely angry "Who did this to you ?, What happened ?" Brianna looked at her brother and began to cry "It was a mortal solider Ares he attacked me from behind at first I managed to fight him off but it only made him madder I continued to fight but it didn't matter the more I fought the rougher and more brutal he was." Brianna continued to sob and Ares began to fully understand the depth of the crime that this mortal had perpertrated against his young sister, He knew that that if he was angry the other gods would be as well. Brianna continued to cry as Ares began to heal her wounds, She had been betrayed in the worst possible the way. She had lived among mortals for most of her life, now suddenly she was back with the gods who were her family she kept asking herself why had this happened but she had no answers she only felt fear. Brianna's thoughts were interupted when Ares started to leave her sight. "Ares, don't leave me, Please ?" Ares looked at Brianna and spoke "I'm not leaving you but I am taking you back with me to Mt. Olympus, you will be safe from mortals there." Holding Brianna they disppeared in a flash of light, almost instantly they were on the highway to Olympus. Brianna looked at the stars whizzing by them but she showed no emotion. Ares watched her closely she was afraid and he knew that. Brianna had not uttered a word since they left his temple it was as if his little sister was paralyzed with fear and anger.

Links To My Fan Fiction

Family Loyalties Part 5
Family Loyalties Part 3