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Family Loyalties

This a HTLJ -Xena:WP crossover with a touch of present day. The characters in this story belong to MCA Universal pictures and are not mine except for Brianna Harris she however is mine. The Past 5000yrs ago ancient greece in a town of Cornith Many years following the birth of his son Hercules Zeus had once again been unfaithful to his wife Hera. Hera had found about it and in a sense took over the body of the mortal woman one night when Zeus was to come to her. When he did he soon discovered later that it was Hera he had been with instead of Aurora. Shortly after that Aurora soon found that she was child. Zeus came to her and told her that the child was not hers but his and Hera's and that the child would be born half god. Soon afterwards Aurora had given birth to Zeus and Hera's youngest daughter this child was like his son Hercules in respect that she was half god,half mortal. In strange twist of fate Aurora was killed by soliders from another village in what was a very brief war an uprising that Hercules,Ioulas,Jason were able to stop in the nick of time. Hera, Ares,Apollo, Discord watched as the events unfolded Hera saw her daughter crying and quickly came up with a plan to use the child to their advantage one day. Hera ordered Ares to bring the baby to Olympus, without Zeus knowing it. Once the child was there she was certain that the child could once again bond her and Zeus Ares brought the child to Olympus as his mother requested once there she began to do what she had planned. When Zeus arrived he saw Hera holding his daughter and began to the think Hera might actually have a guenine concern for this child, he was still cautious and he had every right to be Hera had tormented his son Hercules for years and never forgave him for choosing Alcmene to have his child. He wondered if Hera would do the same with his daughter once she was older, time would tell. 6 months went by and Hera was as attached to this liitle girl as she had been with her other childern. Brianna was the name she was given and Ares was the one who had helped Hera and Zeus come up with the name for her. The name he came up with had been a good choice and the reason for that was she was a bright for a half mortal,half god baby argo Brianna was the name that all the gods decided on and it stayed. One day while Hera was in throne room with Brianna the child had crawled into where the tapestry of time was woven above the Abyss of Tataurus Hera watched as Ares was trying to convince Xena that Dahok was dangerous and he was a threat to not only the mortals but also to the olympian gods it was then she realized that if there was going to be a battle this child was not safe on Olympus nor was she safe on earth with those mortals particularly those that were following this Dahok. She had very special plans for this child where Zeus was concerned and the only way to ensure that she would still be around to help her was to send her forward into the future. Hera called on Apollo to take the child into the future, Hera quickly put the baby in the basket and said her goodbyes "My Brianna you will remember all of us one day, there will come a time when you will seek out just who you are and when that day comes you will join forces with me and I will bring you home." Apollo took his half sister and disappeared vowing that he would always watch over her to make sure that one day she would return to help overthrow Zeus. Apollo left his sister on the doorstep of a couple in Southern Calfornia in the year of 1968. A note was attached to the basket telling them that the baby's name was Brianna. Present Day North America Southern California University of Los Angeles Archeology Dept Dr. Brianna Harris had had just finished her lecture on Greek Mythology and ancient civilizations she was considered to be one of the top experts on greek mythology it was a passion of hers ever since she was a child she knew all the legends of Zeus & Hera and the other gods and was convinced that these were not just myths but had no way of proving it although there was one report of a archeology find in greece that was an apprent temple that was found in a remote area that was very hard to get to. She had been asked to check it out and verify if it was an authentic greek temple devoted to the ancient gods. Brianna had anxiously accepted the offer to go to Greece and work on the project but under the terms that she was in complete control and that she worked alone at the site. That was they way she had worked in the past and that was they way she was going to continue to work. The greek government agreed to her terms and Brianna had a fax to a friend of hers in athens who had been working on another project there to see if he would meet her at the airport and get her necessary supplies that she would need. Brianna walked into her office just as her secertary was was leaving a message on her desk. "Oh Dr. Harris, I didn't realize you were back, This fax just came for you it's from your friend David Castor in Athens. I have your TWA Ticket for your flight tormorrow. We are sure going to miss you around here." Brianna smiled before replying " Thanks Sharon the feeling is quite mutual I assure you I'm just glad that the University gave me an indefinite leave of absence I have a feeling that this project is going to be a long drawn out affair and it's a challenge I'm looking forward too," Sharon left the office as Brianna started to gather the various things from office that she would need, about hour later she was in her car driving over to her parents house to say goodbye and to tell them not to worry. They had had dinner and talked for awhile before she had to say goodnight. She got into her car and drove towards her apartment but decided to take a drive along the beach to a remote spot where she liked to sit and think. Brianna felt that she was being watched but couldn't quite understand who or what was watching her She gazed into the sky and she began to have a memory of a womans voice and a great hall and a man on what appeared to be a throne; As quickly as the memory came it was gone just as quick. She knew she had to have answers about where she was from but never once asked her parents anything, the only thing they had ever said was that she was found on their doorstep in basket with a note that was written in ancient greek. They had someone translate the note and thus later adopted her without any problems. Brianna was beginning to feel that the very answers she was seeking was going to be found in Greece why she couldn't be certain but it was gut instinct that she had come to trust. She drove home and once there packed a her bags and got the boxes that she was taking with her ready to ship she had put sheet covers over everything execpt her bed and she would do that tomorrow morning before she left. Brianna took one look around then went to bed. Brianna woke up at 4:00am her flight was at 6:00am from LAX with several layovers before arriving in Athens that night or early morning. She was got up and took a shower and dressed then made sure that she had everything that she needed passport and all, after making sure that she had everything she made her bed then put a sheet over her bed. Brianna took one last look around then walked out and locked her apartment up before getting into the taxi that was waiting to take her to the airport. Brianna had stepped up to the desk of the TWA reperesentative shown her passport and got her bags and boxes cleared to board it wasn't long before she had boared the plane and was on her way. After several layovers she finally arrived in Athens it was 4pm Athens time when she stepped off the plane. Her friend David was there to meet her as she had requested "Brianna, you look great " he said as he gave her a hug. " Gee thanks David you don't look so bad yourself. Did you get everything that I requested ?"Brianna said as she hugged her old friend right back. David couldn't help but smile " But of course you know me Bri I have my talents." Brianna smiled as she replied " Yes you certainly do, now I understand where I am going is in a remote area that is very hard to get to. Do you know anything about it ?" David smiled " only that here is ancient city in that area where the people still believe in the greek gods the name of the city is called Cornith." When David mentioned Cornith Brianna had a vision of woman in black and a man in a multicolored robe with golden undertones The womans eyes where a clear opeque green almost like crystal and once again as quickly as the memory came it was gone. David noticed that Brianna got a far away look in her eyes when he mentioned Cornith " Hey Bri you with you me ?" he asked. Brianna looked at David then replied "Yeah, sorry I was just thinking about something, so the town is called Cornith I think I'm going to enjoy this project." she smiled David dropped her at off at the outskirts of that rugged territory Brianna had a huge back pack within it contained several weeks supply of food and clothes as well as a tent and lanterns and torches. Since this area was not mapped she started to walk in the general direction of the where she was told the site was. It wasn't long before she came to a town there people were selling fruit and clothes and other things but it had a distinct type of money that was being used that she quickly reconized as dinars she surmised that she had indeed reached Cornith and by the looks of it nothing had changed in thousands of years. She stopped and asked where the temples to the gods were and people in town pointed her in the direction of what they said was Ares's temple the god of war. She heaeded off in the direction that was pointed it out to her. Once she arrived she setup camp and began to proceed to start her project. Brianna walked into the temple with a lantern and carried several torches. She noticed a pit that seemed to be sealed and walked over to it. She began to wipe of the writing on the top of the stone seal and read it allowed " This Abyss of Tartarus a was moved from Mount Olympus to this temple it is here where Kronos and the The Queen Of The Gods Hera are sealed for all time never to escape." As Brianna continued to read she sensed she wasn't alone. Apollo and Ares had both appeared but they had chosen not to let her see them just yet. Brianna had yet another memory; This time it was of a man with dark hair and a beard dressed in black leather and of another man with blond hair and dressed in a gold outfit, with the same woman dressed in black with those eyes that to her seemed to stare right into a person as if she was staring through you. Ares was the first to make his presence known to her by allowing Brianna to see him. "Welcome Home Brianna" was all he said. Then Apollo allowed her to see him.he didn't speak but simply watched her reaction. Brianna stunned that she had visitors replied "Who are you ? How do you know my name ?" Ares responed first "It hurts that you don't remember me,Brianna. I am Ares God of War and this is our brother Apollo they call him the shinning one." Brianna replied "You seriously want me to believe that you both are gods ? If you are gods how is it that I can see you ? and why did you say that he was our brother, I'm not a god." Apollo took the initative and spoke "We are gods Zeus is our father as he is yours and Hera is our mother. The memory is locked deep inside of you Brianna let it come." Ares was the next to speak "Well you're half god which gives you certain abilities you'll learn those in time." Brianna stood at the sealed pit and started to think then she suddenly remembered Hera and Zeus her head began to hurt and then she fainted With a flash of light Ares and Apollo had appeared in the Temple where Hera was waiting they had 'Brianna in tow who was unconscience after passing out when they had had made their presence known to her inside the ruins of Ares's temple in the future. Hera saw the daughter that she sent ahead in time laying there with her eyes shut and so still void of any type of movement even though she had not had any contact with Brianna the feelings that she had tried so hard to forget came racing back. Even though she had not given birth to Brianna she was in all actuallity her child. She was looking forward to questioning her about the path her life had taken in the future. Ares and Apollo both could tell that Hera had softened briefly when it came to their sister. Ares was looking forward to training her as was Apollo. .Ares also began to feel something else that he couldn't put into words he began to see Brianna as taking his place in his mothers affections and it was something that angered him to no end. Brianna was starting to awaken as Hera sat before her on the throne. Brianna stirred then awoke she was startled this was not the temple that she had just collapsed in just moments before she looked around and saw Ares and Apollo standing on both sides of what appeared to be a throne. Sitting on the throne was a woman dressed in black with the the clear greenish opeque color eyes that seemed to not only haunt her dreams but the memories that now seemed to be coming forth they were at the very least unstoppable. She felt as if she had a connection to this woman but was afraid to voice it, because to voice meant she would have to acknowledge that somehow she knew that this woman before her was indeed her mother. It was as if the missing part of herself had finally come face to face and it scared her to no end. Deep inside of her she knew just who and what this woman was. Hera looked at Brianna and smiled then spoke "Welcome home my beautiful Brianna" was all she said. Brianna looked at her then eyed Ares and Apollo before she spoke "Who are you ? How do you know my name ? Where am I ? What is the place ?" She asked. Hera and Ares eyed one another then Ares spoke "You know perfectly well who we are, but let me refresh your memory My name is Ares I'm the God Of War I'm your brother,at your service. This is Apollo" Ares and Hera watched Brianna's reaction closely. Brianna thought back to what she had learned then spoke " The God that the people call The Shinning One." Ares and Hera smiled as Ares spoke once again " very good, and I think you know who this woman is but let me introduce you. This is our Mother Brianna Hera The queen of the gods. Your mother." Brianna thought about it what Ares was telling her then spoke "That's impossible you're wrong" she yelled. Hera stood before her and put her hand on Brianna's and said " Search your heart my daughter you know what he says to be true." As Brianna is thinking about what Hera had just said her gut is telling her that yes she is her mother. Ares once again spoke "as to the question of where you are my little sister you're in greece but you're back in the time from which you originally belong." Brianna looked at him as if she was confused then spoke " Are you telling me that I'm back in the time when the centaurs existed ? " Apollo couldn't help but laugh "Oh yes Brianna they exist and you have finally come home." Ares then spoke again " This temple belongs to our mother." Hera watched Briannna's reaction carefully,she knew that Brianna was scared and confused and most likely try to escape. Hera had made sure that the only way in or out of the temple was by the way that the Gods moved to get around. Brianna eyed the temple and saw an opening to what appeared to be an exit, she quickly got to her feet and ran Ares witnessing this had expected that she would try something and he instantly appeared right in front of her then spoke "Are you leaving this family reunion so soon Brianna ? You just got here " he said smugly. " I just want to go back, I want to go home." Brianna cried. Ares looked her then spoke "You are home this is where you came from." he said with a hint of anger in his voice. "Get out of my way Ares,just leave me alone." Brianna replied. Hera was watching as the two of them continued to argue."You know you are really starting to annoy me little sister" Ares said. " The feeling is quite mutal I can assure you Ares." Brianna stated. Hera continued to watch both of them closely they were still arguing Brianna was getting angry and so was Ares it amazed her just how alike the two of them really were. Then trouble erupted Brianna had managed to go to the entrance way into the throne room Ares had appeared infront of her and grabbed her by the arm. Brianna screamed " Let me go Ares , " Ares had drug her back into plain view of Hera and Apollo just as Brianna raised her leg and kicked Ares in the gut knocking him a good 3 or 4 feet back, this stunned Ares as well as Hera and Apollo. Brianna stood there then challenged Ares to retaliate "Well come on ! Mr. Big, Bad God Of War" When Ares regained his balance he was angry, and before Hera could stop him he had shot a power bolt directly at Brianna hitting her and knocking her down clear across the room. Hera who had been watching had stayed out of it until now decided to firmly speak "Ares, that's Enough out of you !" Ares stopped as Hera then spoke again "Brianna here is our main concern she's scared, confused she needs to learn what means to be one of us." Brianna looked Hera as she spoke, " I'm not anything like any of you. if what you say is true you all are God's, I'm a mortal." She stated. Ares eyed Hera and Apollo then proceeded to speak. " You know I hate to burst your bubble,baby sister but you are very much like us whether you admit to yourself or not it's true." He said. "You're lying, that's impossible."Brianna yelled as she she began to cry. Then she ran off towards the indoor garden within Hera's temple. VFV ufnɬؐEUظ VW3FFv &v F t~

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